The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures. Лаймен Фрэнк Баум
object of a mixed feeling of curiosity and terror. His favourite place of exercise, therefore, was the external aisles of the Cathedral of Saint Magnus, of which the eastern end alone is fitted up for public worship. This solemn old edifice, having escaped the ravage which attended the first convulsions of the Reformation, still retains some appearance of episcopal dignity. This place of worship is separated by a screen from the nave and western limb of the cross, and the whole is preserved in a state of cleanliness and decency, which might be well proposed as an example to the proud piles of Westminster and St. Paul’s.
It was in this exterior part of the Cathedral that Cleveland was permitted to walk, the rather that his guards, by watching the single open entrance, had the means, with very little inconvenience to themselves, of preventing any possible attempt at escape. The place itself was well suited to his melancholy circumstances. The lofty and vaulted roof rises upon ranges of Saxon pillars, of massive size, four of which, still larger than the rest, once supported the lofty spire, which, long since destroyed by accident, has been rebuilt upon a disproportioned and truncated plan. The light is admitted at the eastern end through a lofty, well-proportioned, and richly-ornamented Gothic window; and the pavement is covered with inscrip tions, in different languages, distinguishing the graves of noble Orcadians, who have at different times been deposited within the sacred precincts.
Here walked Cleveland, musing over the events of a misspent life, which, it seemed probable, might be brought to a violent and shameful close, while he was yet in the prime of youth. — ” With these dead,” he said, looking on the pavement, “ shall I soon be numbered — but no holy man will speak a blessing: no friendly hand register an inscription; no proud descendant sculpture armorial bearings over the grave of the pirate Cleveland. My whitening bones will swing in the gibbetirons, on some wild beach or lonely cape, that will be esteemed fatal and accursed for my sake. The old mariner, as he passes the Sound, will shake his head, and tell of my name and actions, as a warning to his younger comrades. — But, Minna! Minna! — what will be thy thoughts when the news reaches thee? — Would to God the tidings were drowned in the deepest whirlpool betwixt Kirkwall and Burgh-Westra, ere they came to her ear! — and oh! would to Heaven that we had never met, since we never can meet again!”
He lifted up his eyes as he spoke, and Minna Troil stood before him. Her face was pale, and her hair dishevelled; but her look was composed and firm, with its usual expression of high-minded melancholy. She was still shrouded in the large mantle which she had assumed on leaving the vessel. Cleveland’s first emotion was astonishment; his next was joy, not unmixed with awe. He would have exclaimed — he would have thrown himself at her feet — but she imposed at once silence and composure on him, by raising her finger, and saying, in a low but commanding accent, — ”Be cautious — we are observed — there are men without — they let me enter with difficulty. I dare not remain long — they would think — they might believe — oh, Cleveland! I have hazarded every thing to save you!”
“To save me? — Alas! poor Minna! “ answered Cleveland, “to me is impossible. — Enough that I have seen you once more, were it but to say, for ever farewell!”
“We must indeed say farewell,” said Minna; “for fate, and your guilt, have divided us for ever. — Cleveland, I have seen your associates — need I tell you more — need I say, that I know now what a pirate is?”
“You have been in the ruffians’ power!” said Cleveland, with a start of agony — ” Did they presume”
“Cleveland,” replied Minna, “they presumed nothing — your name was a spell over them. By the power of that spell over these ferocious banditti, and by that alone, I was reminded of the qualities I once thought my Cleveland’s!”
“Yes,” said Cleveland proudly, “ my name has and shall have power over them, when they are at the wildest; and, had they harmed you by one rude word, they should have found — Yet what do I rave about — I am a prisoner.”
“You shall be so no longer,” said Minna — ” Your safety — the safety of my dear father — all demand your instant freedom. I have formed a scheme for your liberty, which, boldly exe-1 cuted, cannot fail. The light is fading without — muffle yourself in my cloak, and you will easily pass the guards — I have given them the means of carousing, and they are deeply engaged. Haste to the Loch of Stennis, and hide yourself till day dawns; then make a smoke on the point, where the land, stretching into the lake on each side, divides it nearly in two at the Bridge of Broisgar. Your vessel, which lies not far distant, will send a boat ashore. — Do not hesitate an instant!”
“But you, Minna! — Should this wild scheme succeed,” said Cleveland, “what is to become of you?”
“For my share in your escape,” answered the maiden, “ the honesty of my own intention will vindicate me in the sight of Heaven; and the safety of my father, whose fate depends on yours, will be my excuse to man.”
In a few words, she gave him the history of their capture, and its consequences. Cleveland cast up his eyes and raised his hands to Heaven, in thankfulness for the escape of the sisters from his evil companions, and then hastily added — ”But you are right, Minna; I must fly at all rates — for your father’s sake I must fly. — Here, then, we part — yet not, I trust, for ever.”
“For ever!” answered a voice, that sounded as from a sepulchral vault.
They started, looked around them, and then gazed on each other. It seemed as if the echoes of the building had returned Cleveland’s last words, but the pronunciation was too emphatically accented.
“Yes, for ever!” said Norna of the Fitful Head, stepping forward from behind one of the massive Saxon pillars which support the roof of the Cathedral. “ Here meet the crimson foot and the crimson hand. Well for both that the wound is healed whence that crimson was derived — well for both, but best for him who shed it. — Here, then, you meet — and meet for the last time!”
“Not so,” said Cleveland, as if about to take Minna’s hand; “ to separate me from Minna, while I have life, must be the work of herself alone.”
“Away! “ said Norna, stepping betwixt them, — ” away with such idle folly! — Nourish no vain dreams of future meetings — you part here, and you part for ever. The hawk pairs not with the dove; guilt matches not with innocence. — Minna Troil, you look for the last time on this bold and criminal man — Cleveland, you behold Minna for the last time!”
“And dream you,” said Cleveland indignantly, “ that your mummery imposes on me, and that I am among the fools who see more than trick in your pretended art?”
“Forbear, Cleveland, forbear!” said Minna, her hereditary awe of Norna augmented by the circumstance of her sudden appearance. “ Oh, forbear! — she is powerful — she is but too powerful. — And do you, O Norna, remember my father’s safety is linked with Cleveland’s.”
“And it is well for Cleveland that I do remember it,” replied the Pythoness — ” and that, for the sake of one, I am here to aid both. You, with your childish purpose, of passing one of his bulk and stature under the disguise of a few paltry folds of wadmaal — what would your device have procured him but instant restraint with bolt and shackle? — I will save him — I will place him in security on board his bark. But let him renounce these shores for ever, and carry elsewhere the terrors of his sable flag, and his yet blacker name; for if the sun rises twice, and finds him still at anchor, his blood be on his own head. — Ay, look to each other — look the last look that I permit to frail affection, — and say, if ye can say it. Farewell for ever!”
“Obey her,” stammered Minna; “remonstrate not, but obey her.”
Cleveland, grasping her hand, and kissing it ardently, said, but so low that she only could hear it, “ Farewell, Minna, but not for ever.”
“And now, maiden, begone,” said Norna, “and leave the rest to the Reimkennar.”
“One word more,” said Minna, “ and I obey you. Tell me but if I have caught aright your meaning — Is Mordaunt Mertoun safe and recovered?”