The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures. Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures - Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

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“ they were even of less importance,” he said, “ for they had broken off their friendship with him, without assigning any cause.”

      “And you go to seek the renewal of it,” answered his father. “ Silly moth, that hast once escaped the taper without singeing thy wings, you are not contented with the safe obscurity of these wilds, but must hasten back to the flame, which is sure at length to consume thee. Why should I waste arguments in deterring thee from thy inevitable fate? — Go where thy destiny calls thee.”

      On the succeeding day, which was the eve of the great festival, Mordaunt set forth on his road to Burgh Westra, pondering alternately on the injunctions of Norna — on the ominous words of his father — on the inauspicious auguries of Swertha and the Ranzelar of Jarlshof — and not without experiencing that gloom with which so many concurring circumstances of ill omen combined to oppress his mind.

      “It bodes me but a cold reception at Burgh Westra,” said he; “ but my stay shall be the shorter. I will but find out whether they have been deceived by this seafaring stranger, or whether they have acted out of pure caprice of temper, and love of change of company. If the first be the case, I will vindicate my character, and let Captain Cleveland look to himself; — if the latter, why then, goodnight to Burgh Westra and all its inmates.”

      As he mentally meditated this last alternative, hurt pride, and a return of fondness for those to whom he supposed he was bidding farewell for ever, brought a tear into his eye, which he dashed off hastily and indignantly, as, mending his pace, he continued on his journey.

      The weather being now serene and undisturbed, Mordaunt made his way with an ease that formed a striking contrast to the difficulties which he had encountered when he last travelled: the same route; yet there was a less pleasing subject for comparison, within his own mind.

      “My breast,” he said to himself, “ was then against the wind, but my heart within was serene and happy. I would I had now the same careless feelings, were they to be bought by battling with the severest storm that ever blew across these lonely hills.”

      With such thoughts, he arrived about noon at Harfra, the habitation, as the reader may remember, of the ingenious Mr Yellowley. Our traveller had^ upon the present occasion, taken care to be quite independent of the niggardly hospitality of this mansion, which was now become infamous on that account through the whole island, by bringing with him, in his small knapsack, such provisions as might have sufficed for a longer journey. In courtesy, however, or rather, perhaps, to get rid of his own disquieting thoughts, Mordaunt did not fail to call at the mansion, which lie found in singular commotion. Triptolemus himself, invested with a pair of large jackboots, went clattering, up and down stairs, screaming out questions to his sister and his serving-woman Trbnda, who replied with shriller and more complicated screeches. At length, Mrs Baby herself made her appearance, with her venerable person invested in what was then called a Joseph, an ample garment, which had once been green, but now, betwixt stains and patches, had become like the vesture of the patriarch whose name it bore — a garment of divers colours. A steeple-crowned hat, the purchase of some long past moment, in which vanity had got the better of avarice, with a feather which had stood as much wind and rain as if it had been part of a sea-mew’s wing, made up her equipment, save that in her hand she held a silver-mounted whip of antique fashion. This attire, as well as an air of determined bustle in the gait and appearance of Mrs Barbara Yellowley, seemed to bespeak that she was prepared to take a journey, and cared not, as the saying goes, who knew that such was her determination.

      She was the first that observed Mordaunt on his arrival, and she greeted him with a degree of mingled emotion. “ Be good to us!” she exclaimed, “if here is not the canty callant that wears yon thing about his neck, and that snapped up our goose as light as if it had been a sandie-lavrock!” The admiration of the gold chain, which had formerly made so deep an impression on her mind, was marked in the first part of her spcech, the recollection of the untimely fate of the smoked goose was commemorated in the second clause.. “ I will lay the burthen of my life,” she instantly added, “ that he is ganging our gate.”

      “I am bound for Burgh Westra, Mrs Yellowley,” said Mordaunt.

      “And blithe will we be of your company,” she added — ” it’s early day to eat; but if you liked a barley scone and a drink of bland — natheless, it is ill travelling on a full stomach, besides quelling your appetite for the feast that is biding you this day; for all sort of prodigality there will doubtless be.”

      Mordaunt produced his own stores, and, explaining that he did not love to be burthensome to them on this second occasion, invited them to partake of the provisions he had to offer. Poor Triptolemus, who seldom saw half so good a dinner as his guest’s luncheon, threwhimself upon the good cheer, like Sancho on the scum of Camacho’s kettle, and even the lady herself could not resist the temptation, though she gave way to it with more moderation, and with something like a sense of shame. “ She had let the fire out,” she said, “for it was a pity wasting fuel in so cold a country, and so she had not thought of getting any tiling ready, as they were to set out so soon; and so she could not but say, that the young gentleman’s nacket looked very good; and besides, she had some curiosity to see whether the folks in this country cured their beef in the same way they did in the north of Scotland.” Under which combined considerations, Dame Baby made a hearty experiment on the refreshments which thus unexpectedly presented themselves.

      When their extemporary repast was finished, the factor became solicitous to take the road; and now Mordaunt discovered, that the alacrity with which he had been received by Mistress Baby was not altogether disinterested. Neither she nor the learned Triptolemus felt much disposed to commit themselves to the wilds of Zetland, without the assistance of a guide; and although they could have commanded the assistance of one of their own labouring folks, yet the cautious agriculturist observed, that it would be losing at least one day’s work; and his sister multiplied his apprehensions by echoing back, “One day’s work? — ye may weel say twenty — .for, set ane of their noses within the smell of a kail-pot, and their lugs within the sound of a fiddle, and whistle them back if ye can.”

      Now the fortunate arrival of Mordaunt, in the very nick of time, not to mention the good cheer which he brought with him, made him as welcome as any one could possibly be to a thresh-hold, which, on all ordinary occasions, abhorred the passage of a guest; nor was Mr Yellowley altogether insensible of the pleasure he promised himself in detailing his plans of improvement to his young companion, and enjoying what his fate seldom assigned him — the company of a patient and admiring listener.

      As the factor and his sister were to prosecute their journey on horseback, it only remained to mount their guide and companion — a thing easily accomplished, where there are such numbers of shaggy, long-backed, short-legged ponies running wild upon the extensive moors, which are the common pasturage for the cattle of every township, where shelties, geese, swine, goats, sheep, and little Zetland cows, are turned out promiscuously, and often in numbers which can obtain but precarious subsistence from the niggard vegetation. There is, indeed, a right of individual property in all these animalsj which are branded or tattooed by each owner with his own peculiar mark; but when any passenger has occasional use for a poney, he never scruples to lay hold of the first which he can catch, puts on a halter, and, having rode him as far as he finds convenient, turns the animal loose to find his way back again as he best can — -a matter in which the ponies are sufficiently sagaciousi Although this general exercise of property was one of the enormities which in due time the factor intended to abolish, yet, like a wise man, he scrupled not, in the meantime, to avail himself of so general a practice, which, he condcscended to allow was particularly convenient for those who, (as chanced to be his own present case,) had no ponies of their own on which their neighbours could retaliate. Three shelties, therefore, were procured from the hill — little shagged animals, more resembling wild bears than any thing of the horse tribe, yet possessed of no small degree of strength and spirit, and able to endure as much fatigue and indifferent usage as any creatures in the world.

      . Two of these horses were already provided and fully accoutred for the journey. One of them, destined to bear the fair person of Mistress Baby, was decorated with a huge side-saddle of venerable antiquity — a mass, as it were, of cushion and padding, from which

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