The American Crisis. Thomas Paine

The American Crisis - Thomas Paine

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An illicit trade, under any shape it can be placed, cannot be carried on without a violation of truth. America is now sovereign and independent, and ought to conduct her affairs in a regular style of character. She has the same right to say that no British vessel shall enter ports, or that no British manufactures shall be imported, but in American bottoms, the property of, and navigated by American subjects, as Britain has to say the same thing respecting the West Indies. Or she may lay a duty of ten, fifteen, or twenty shillings per ton (exclusive of other duties) on every British vessel coming from any port of the West Indies, where she is not admitted to trade, the said tonnage to continue as long on her side as the prohibition continues on the other.

      But it is only by acting in union, that the usurpations of foreign nations on the freedom of trade can be counteracted, and security extended to the commerce of America. And when we view a flag, which to the eye is beautiful, and to contemplate its rise and origin inspires a sensation of sublime delight, our national honor must unite with our interest to prevent injury to the one, or insult to the other.

       Common Sense.

      NEW YORK, December 9, 1783.

      The Life Of Thomas Paine

      by Moncure D. Conway

       Table of Contents

       VOLUME I.

       VOLUME II.

      The Life of Thomas Paine

      VOLUME I.

       Table of Contents


       Chapter I. Early Influences

       Chapter II. Early Struggles

       Chapter III. Domestic Trouble


       Chapter IV. The New World


       Chapter V. Liberty And Equality


       Chapter VI. "Common Sense"

       Chapter VII. Under The Banner Of Independence


       Chapter VIII. Soldier And Secretary


       Chapter IX. French Aid, And The Paine-deane Controversy.


       Chapter X. A Story By Gouverneur Morris

       CHAPTER XI. Cause, Country, Self


       Chapter XII. A Journey To France


       Chapter XIII. The Muzzled Ox Treading Out The Grain.



       CHAPTER XIV. Great Washington And Poor Paine



       Chapter XV. Pontifical And Political Inventions



       Chapter XVI. Returning To The Old Home


       Chapter XVII. A British Lion With An American Heart


       Chapter XVIII. Paine's Letters To Jefferson In Paris

       Chapter XIX. The Key Of The Bastille


       Chapter XX. "the Rights Of Man"


       Part I. of "The Rights of Man" was printed by Johnson in time for the

       Chapter XXI. Founding The European Republic


       Chapter XXII. The Right Of Evolution

       Chapter XXIII. The Deputy For Calais In The Convention

       Chapter XXIV. Outlawed In England

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