Elements of Chemistry, In a New Systematic Order, Containing all the Modern Discoveries. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Sect. II. — Observations upon the Table of Compound Radicals.
Sect. III. — Observations upon the Combinations of Light and Caloric with different Substances.
TABLE of the binary Combinations of Oxygen with simple Substances
Sect. IV. — Observations upon the Combinations of Oxygen with the simple Substances.
Table of the combinations of Oxygen with the compound radicals.
Sect. V. — Observations upon the Combinations of Oxygen with the Compound Radicals.
Table of the Binary Combinations of Azote with the Simple Substances.
Sect. VI.— Observations upon the Combinations of Azote with the Simple Substances.
Table of the Binary Combinations of Hydrogen with Simple Substances.
Sect. VII. — Observations upon Hydrogen, and its Combinations with Simple Substances.
Table of the Binary Combinations of Sulphur with Simple Substances.
Sect. VIII. — Observations on Sulphur, and its Combinations.
Table of the Binary Combinations of Phosphorus with the Simple Substances.
Sect. IX. — Observations upon Phosphorus, and its Combinations.
Table of the Binary Combinations of Charcoal.
Sect. X. — Observations upon Charcoal, and its Combinations with Simple Substances.
Sect. XI. — Observations upon the Muriatic, Fluoric, and Boracic Radicals, and their Combinations.
Sect. XII. — Observations upon the Combinations of Metals with each other.
Sect. XIII. — Observations upon the Nitrous and Nitric Acids, and their Combinations.
Table of the Combinations of Sulphuric Acid with the Salifiable Bases, in the order of affinity.
Sect. XIV. — Observations upon Sulphuric Acid and its Combinations.
Sect. XV. — Observations upon Sulphurous Acid, and its Combinations.
Sect . XVI.— Observations upon Phosphorous and Phosphoric Acids, and their Combinations.
Table of the Combinations of Carbonic Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, in the Order of Affinity.
Sect . XVII.— Observations upon Carbonic Acid, and its Combinations.
Table of the Combinations of Muriatic Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, in the Order of Affinity.
Sect . XIX.— Observations upon Muriatic and Oxygenated Muriatic Acids, and their Combinations.
Sect. XX. — Observations upon the Nitro-Muriatic Acid, and its Combinations.
Table of the Combinations of Fluoric Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, in the Order of Affinity.
Sect. XXI.— Observations upon the Fluoric Acid, and its Combinations.
Table of the Combinations of Boracic Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, in the Order of Affinity.
Sect. XXII.— Observations upon Boracic Add and its Combinations.
Table of the Combinations of Arseniac Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, in the Order of Affinity.
Sect. XXIII.— Observations upon Arseniac Acid, and its Combinations.
Sect. XXIV. — Observations upon Molybdic Acid, and its Combinations with Acidifiable Bases [43] .
Table of the Combinations of Tungstic Acid with the Salifiable Bases.