The Fables of Phædrus. Phaedrus

The Fables of Phædrus - Phaedrus

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372 480 XIV. The Cobbler turned Physician 373 480 XV. The Ass and the Old Shepherd 373 481 XVI. The Stag, the Sheep, and the Wolf 374 481 XVII. The Sheep, the Dog, and the Wolf 374 482 XVIII. The Woman in Labour 375 — XIX. The Bitch and her Whelps 375 482 XX. The hungry Dogs 376 483 XXI. The aged Lion, the Wild Boar, the Bull, and the Ass 376 483 XXII. The Man and the Weasel 376 483 XXIII. The Faithful Dog 377 484 XXIV. The Frog and the Ox 378 484 XXV. The Dog and the Crocodile 377 485 XXVI. The Fox and the Stork 378 485 XXVII. The Dog, the Treasure, and the Vulture 379 486 XXVIII. The Fox and the Eagle 380 486 XXIX. The Ass deriding the Boar 380 — XXX. The Frogs frightened at the Battle of the Bulls 380 487 XXXI. The Kite and the Pigeons 381 487 Book II. Prologue 382 488 Fable I. The Lion, the Robber, and the Traveller 383 488 II. Two Women of different Ages beloved by the Middle-aged Man 383 489 III. The Man and the Dog 384 489 IV. The Eagle, the Cat, and the Sow 384 490
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