A Field Book of the Stars. William Tyler Olcott
TAURUS (tâ´-rus) —THE BULL. (Face Southwest.)
ORION (ŏ -r ī ´-on) —THE GIANT HUNTER. (Face South.)
LEPUS (l ē ´-pus) —THE HARE. (Face South.)
COLUMBA NOACHI (co-lum´-bä n ō -ä´-ki) —NOAH'S DOVE. (Face South.)
CANIS MAJOR (k ā ´-nis m ā -jor) —THE GREATER DOG. (Face South.)
ARGO NAVIS (är´-go n ā ´-vis) —THE SHIP ARGO. (Face South.)
MONOCEROS (m ō -nos´-e-ros) —THE UNICORN. (Face South.)
ERIDANUS (ē -rid´-a-nus) —OR THE RIVER PO. (Face Southwest.)
In Starland with a Three-Inch Telescope
Things Every One Should Know About the Sun, Moon and Stars
A Collection of Myths and Legends Concerning the Sun and its Worship
The Chief Facts and Principles Explained in Popular Language for General Readers and for Schools
By George Forbes, M.A., F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E.
An Easy Guide to the Constellations
With a Miniature Atlas of the Stars
Considering the ease with which a knowledge of the constellations can be acquired, it seems a remarkable fact that so few are conversant with these time-honored configurations of the heavens. Aside from a knowledge of "the Dipper" and "the Pleiades," the constellations to the vast majority, are utterly unknown.
To facilitate and popularize if possible this fascinating recreation of star-gazing the author has designed this field-book. It is limited in scope solely to that purpose, and all matter of a technical or theoretical nature has been omitted.
The endeavor has been to include in these pages only such matter as the reader can observe with the naked eye, or an opera-glass. Simplicity and brevity have been aimed at, the main idea being that whatever is bulky or verbose is a hindrance rather than a help when actually engaged in the observation of the heavens.
The constellations embraced in this manual are only those visible from the average latitude of the New England and Middle States, and owe their place in the particular season in which they are found to the fact that in that season they are favorably situated for observation.