A FOOL'S ERRAND & Its Sequel, Bricks Without Straw. Albion Winegar Tourgée

A FOOL'S ERRAND & Its Sequel, Bricks Without Straw - Albion Winegar Tourgée

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the officer.

      A soldier entered the room, and, saluting his chief, stood waiting for orders.

      "Take that man to the guard-house!"

      "But — Colonel, — I," —

      "Go on!"said the officer.

      "But — I protest, Colonel, — I," —

      "Not a word, sir! Take him out!"

      The soldier took a gun which stood in the corner of the room, and motioned towards the door.

      Colonel Ezekiel Vaughn took his way through it without more ado, and was marched to the guard-house at the point of the bayonet, and in constant apprehension lest the orderly's gun might explode.



       Table of Contents

      IN a little time another party was ushered into the colonel's quarters. He was a tall, lank countryman, clad in a suit of country jeans, which was at that time almost the exclusive wear. He had a long, scraggly beard, of a dull, sandy color, with streaks of gray; and, as he took off his hat and bowed deferentially, his head appeared quite bald. There was a shrewd look in his small gray eyes, and he seemed to approach the officer as one who had a right to speak freely with him. He coughed slightly, and put a hand to his gray beard with a pathetic gesture as he said, —

      Colonel Servosse, I reckon."

      Yes, sir. What can I do for you?" was the answer.

      Wal, I don't know ez any thin'. I jes' thought I'd drop in an' chat a little." He coughed again, and added apologetically, "I'll set down, ef you'll allow."

      Oh, certainly!" said the officer; but the stranger had seated himself without waiting for a reply.

      I reckon you don't know me, Colonel. No? Wal! my name's Brown, — Jayhu Brown."

      Jehu Brown! Not the man who piloted the boys that escaped from Salisbury prison through the mountains in eighteen sixty-four?"

      Yes," with another cough, "I'm that man. You weren't in the crowd; were ye, Colonel?"

      No; but I had a friend who was, and he gave me an explicit injunction, if ever I came into this section to find you out, remember him to you, and, if I could serve you in any manner, to do so for his sake."

      Thank ye. What might be his name?"

      Edgarton — Captain Edgarton — of the Michigan Battery!"

      Oh, yes! I mind him well now. A big-shouldered, likely man, with long hair curlin' in his neck. I cut it off, so that it shouldn't be a mark to foller us by. He's well, I hope." And the old man coughed again.

      In excellent health. Is a colonel of artillery now, and chief of that arm, on the staff of General Davis of the Fourteenth Corps. He would be overjoyed to see you."

      Thank ye, thank ye! So you'd heard of ole Jayhu before?" said he with another apologetic cough. "I thought I'd never seed ye. It's not often Jayhu Brown forgits a man he's once sot his eyes on, or his name either; an' I couldn't make out that I'd ever run across yours, though them prisoners was that thin an' wasted that the best man might forget to make 'em out arter they'd hed a few months of full feed." He coughed again, a sort of chuckling hack, which seemed to take the place of laughter with him.

      You seem to be in bad health, Mr. Brown," remarked the colonel, alluding to his cough.

      Wal, not partickelar," answered Brown. "[Hack, hack.] I never was very stout, though I've managed to pull through as many close places as most men. That was a monstrous close time going with them ar fellows from Salisbury. [Hack, hack.]"

      Won't you have a little whiskey?" asked the colonel, mindful of what constituted hospitality in the region where he was.

      Wal, now, Colonel, it's mighty kind of you to think on't I don't keer ef I du just drink the health of an old friend with ye [Hack, hack.]"

      The orderly was called, glasses set out, and liquor, sugar, and water placed before the old man.

      No, I thank ye!" said he: "none of them fixin's fer me. I allers did like my liquor clar, — clar an' straight." And he poured out a brimming goblet of the fiery liquid. "I never drinks liquor, as some folks does, just for the fun of the thing; but I takes a full charge, an' means business. A man at my day hain't got no time to fool away mixin' drinks. [Hack, hack, hack.]"

      He placed his hand over his mouth, as he coughed, with a pathetic expression of countenance that suggested visions of the churchyard.

      I don't often drink, — never, unless I need it, or feel a hankerin' fer it. Never was drunk in my life, and don't 'llow to be; but I've allers hearn that what was wuth doin' at all was wuth doin' well."

      Again he pressed his hand to his breast with that peculiar, hacking cough, which seemed to be an apology, chuckle, or explanation, as served. His tall, slender form and solemnity of manner gave it a strange, almost ghastly, effect.

      You seem to have a very troublesome cough, Mr. Brown," said the colonel.

      Wal [Hack, hack], I reckon, now, it mout seem so to ye. [Hack, hack.] But do you know, Colonel, it's jest about the handiest thing I ever hed? I've seen the time I wouldn't take no money fer that cough, — no money! [Hack, hack.]"

      How is that? I don't understand you," said the colonel.

      No, I 'spect not. Wal, that ar cough's my exemption-papers. [Hack, hack, hack.]"

      Your 'exemption papers!' I am still in the dark."

      Wal, you see [Hack, hack, hack, apologetically], the Confederates used to git a notion every now and then that nigh about everybody was fit fer duty in the army, ye know [Hack, hack]; an', among the rest, ole Jayhu. [Hack, hack.] An' them on us that couldn't handily leave home, or, leastways, them that thought they couldn't, was mighty hard put up for excuses. [Hack, hack.] An' I, — wal, you see, they couldn't never find a Board, no matter who they put on it, that wouldn't say 'twas jest a waste of transportation tu send a man tu the front in my con-di-di-tion. [Hack, hack, hack.]"

      And the old man coughed and groaned, and rolled his eyes as if the moment of dissolution could not be far off.

      I never made no complaint, ye see; but they never wanted to hear my cough, when it was right holler, more'n once or twice, before they sent me home. [Hack, hack.] 'Twas a wonder, they said frequently, how I lived: an' so 'twas: but I've managed to pull through thus fer, tollable peart-like. [Hack, hack, hack, chucklingly.]"

      The colonel laughed heartily at this recital; and the old man hacked approvingly at his mirth, but did not show a smile.

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