The Way To Geometry. Petrus Ramus

The Way To Geometry - Petrus Ramus

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here thou seest a, e, i this ariseth out of the definition of the diameter. For because the diameter is inscribed into the figure by the center: Therefore the Center of the figure must needes be in the diameter thereof: This is by Archimedes assumed especially at the 9, 10, 11, and 13 Theoreme of his Isorropicks, or Æquiponderants.

      This consectary, saith the learned Rod. Snellius, is as it were a kinde of invention of the center. For where the diameters doe meete and cutt one another, there must the center needes bee. The cause of this is for that in every figure there is but one center only: And all the diameters, as before was said, must needes passe by that center.


       8. It is in the meeting of the diameters.

      As in the examples following. This also followeth out of the same definition of the diameter. For seeing that every diameter passeth by the center: The center must needes be common to all the diameters: and therefore it must also needs be in the meeting of them: Otherwise there should be divers centers of one and the same figure. This also doth the same Archimedes propound in the same words in the 8. and 12 theoremes of the same booke, speaking of Parallelogrammes and Triangles.

       9. The Altitude is a perpendicular line falling from the toppe of the figure to the base.

      Altitudo, the altitude, or heigth, or the depth: [For that, as hereafter shall bee taught, is but Altitudo versa, an heighth with the heeles upward.] As in the figures following are ae, io, uy, or sr. Neither is it any matter whether the base be the same with the figure, or be continued or drawne out longer, as in a blunt angled triangle, when the base is at the blunt corner, as here in the triangle, aei, is ao.

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