The Warren Commission (Complete Edition). President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

The Warren Commission (Complete Edition) - President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy -  U.S. Government

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Oswald. Fine.

      Mr. Rankin. Mrs. Oswald, I hand you back the 28-page reported interview that I just referred to that has just been marked Exhibit 270 and ask you if that is the document that you were referring to in your testimony?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir; this is the document I am referring to.

      Mr. Rankin. That you just said you did not give that interview?

      Mrs. Oswald. That is correct. And I will finish something, too, Mr. Mark R. Lane called and I told Mr. Mark Lane about the Secret Service man. He knows about this, many know about this, I have witnesses by this.

      Mr. Rankin. What do you mean by this?

      Mrs. Oswald. About this man, Mr. Howard.

      Mr. Rankin. I see. But not that you said that you did not give this interview.

      Mrs. Oswald. Pardon?

      Mr. Rankin. When you say this, you didn't mean that they know that you did not give this interview?

      Mrs. Oswald. No. They knew that I didn't testify, I am sorry. But Mr. Mark Lane called me the morning that I was to—the day I was supposed to leave Fort Worth to come to Washington, sir, and I said to Mr. Mark Lane, "I am not going in the car with Mr. Mike Howard." and there was another Mr. Howard by the way who came there that day. I don't know whether he was his brother or not, we will have to find out, sir, the day I was going to leave for Washington, and I said, "Lane, I am scared to death." He says "Don't worry. I will call Mr. Walden, who is the Star Telegram reporter and ask him to accompany you." and Mr. Mark Lane called Mr. Walden of the Star Telegram and asked him to accompany me and Mr. Walden did accompany me with these two Secret Service men to the airport and when Mr. Walden entered my home I told him I am so glad you are here because I didn't want to go with this agent by myself.

      And this is the same agent now—Chief Justice are you interested enough for me to tell you a little more?

      The Chairman. About this?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes.

      The Chairman. Tell what you wish about it.

      Mrs. Oswald. We are going to go back now a little bit and then you will see the pattern. At the end of the Six Flags; I will make it as short as possible and when everything was Mama and we were going to live together and I told you they took her from me and I didn't see her, then Marina's testimony started to change, sir. Marina's testimony was not this testimony the first 3 days.

      I have testified, and she has testified differently than me. I don't know of all of her testimony but the first 3 days, this was not her husband's rifle, at the police station and she admitted but it wasn't her husband's rifle. She was going to live with her Mama and everything was fine and then when I told you the way they did, then Marina turned against her Mama, you no have work, and from that time Marina has been changed to a different personality, let's admit it, sir, Marina has been changing to a different personality.

      Her statements, her way of life, she smokes, as I said today. I am not saying it now, she stopped nursing her baby. This is a Russian girl, I know she lived with me 1 month, how untouched of worldly things she was, and I mentioned before there was a lot of rumors that I didn't feel like I wanted to go into but that I couldn't overlook.

      Sir, if you would know the rumors, then you would put two and two together what I have been trying to say. This man, along with the other one that I have identified, are definitely in this pattern, and Marina Oswald, yes, Marina Oswald has changed completely.

      She made a statement on television now she is happy that she has ever been and people have written, her husband is only gone 2 months.

      Mr. Rankin. Mrs. Oswald, this Exhibit 270, you understand, is a transcription, that is the writing out of what was on the tape, you understand that?

      Mrs. Oswald. But I was never taped, sir.

      Mr. Rankin. We have asked, Mr. Chairman, that the tape be sent over so that it can be heard, if you wish.

      The Chairman. Now, you mean.

      Mr. Rankin. Yes. It is on its way over.

      The Chairman. Oh, yes.

      Mrs. Oswald. I have stated previously, if I was taped it was during a conversation going on that they taped me. I have never sat down and been taped, sir. I don't think I am out of my mind, I wonder why.

      The Chairman. May I see this.

      Mrs. Oswald. Mr. Max Phillips, who is a Secret Service agent brought a dictaphone into my home, on Thomas Place, when I left Six Flags, and I saw it connected and Mr. Jim Cox of the Star Telegram can prove that I disconnected it. When I was telling Mr. Jim Cox my story about putting my children into a Lutheran home and I thought it was a personal story that had nothing to do with this particular case I disconnected the tape recorder.

      Mr. Max Phillips brought a tape recorder into my home and as you know I do a lot of talking. And I never did sit down.

      Mr. Rankin. This was a tape recording at the Six Flags.

      Mrs. Oswald. No, sir.

      Mr. Rankin. It purports to be. You understand that?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, I understand that thoroughly.

      I would like to produce some other evidence that I have also to this Commission. I have, as Mr. Doyle knows, a tape recorder with a few recordings on it, and there are several, two, I believe. Mr. Sorrels' recordings on that. I found it necessary, because my mail was being opened, my mail, I have reported to the Postal Inspections, I have stated in the beginning that all of my rights were taken away from me, and, sir, believe me they were, and when I was a lone woman I would say something I was supposed to be out of my mind and didn't know what I was talking about I started to decide I needed some evidence too and Mr. Sorrels kept pushing me off about seeing my daughter-in-law, I have him on tape, and I have Mr. Thorne on tape about my mail being opened. I have some other evidence.

      Mr. Rankin. Have you ever transcribed that?

      Mrs. Oswald. No sir.

      Mr. Rankin. Would you transcribe that and send us copies of it?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir. That is a very long document. I was never questioned and answered.

      The Chairman. It would hardly seem possible, Mrs. Oswald, that unless this is a complete fabrication that anyone could have given these answers but you, it is—so many of these questions and answers are exactly what you have told us.

      Mrs. Oswald. Exactly what I have told you, sir, I have been in the news continuously, I have made the same statements over and over in magazines and newspapers and press conferences, yes, sir, that is not news to anybody.

      And as a matter of fact, I was taped, oh, this might be a point, I was taped at my first press conference which was at the Fort Worth Press Club which I talked approximately 2 hours, and there was a tape recorder there. I talked over 2 hours at that press conference.

      Mr. Rankin. This is question and answer?

      For instance, and I am looking at page 18, there are different questions and answers.

      Mrs. Oswald. That is a condensed version of my whole testimony, as I say, because I have been in the public eye and I have all of these things public.

      These things have been made public.

      Mr. Rankin. This purports to be following the tape recording as to your son Robert, you remember his giving a tape recording interview?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, Robert gave a tape recording, I told you, and so did Marina and I was not asked to be tape recorded.

      I myself asked to give testimony and I did give about 5- or 10-minutes testimony that I say again that I ended up with now all my thoughts are gone, I see my son crying, a very short, and if I remember correctly, I started with the defection. I do know because I said "Robert doesn't know anything about my trip to Washington. He wasn't interested and maybe he should listen to my testimony." And I got not far from it when Robert cried and that ended

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