The Warren Commission (Complete Edition). President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government
Oswald. No, sir; it is my opinion that that was the only time that I felt like possibly he did want publicity. At later dates, at my home, in Fort Worth, Tex., where they stayed, on quite a few occasions, either by telephone call or the newspaper reporter actually coming to my home, he stated he did not want to speak to him, and he did not want to see them, and they did not, sir, while he was in the presence of my home.
Mr. Dulles. Thank you very much.
Mr. Jenner. May I ask one further thing?
What is your religion?
Mr. Oswald. I was raised in the Lutheran religion, sir.
Mr. Jenner. And were all three of you boys so reared?
Mr. Oswald. That is correct, sir.
Mr. Jenner. Were you steady churchgoers? Or were you churchgoers at all?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, we were.
Mr. Jenner. All three of you?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; we were.
Mr. Jenner. I have nothing further.
Mr. Dulles. I want to join Mr. Jenner in expressing to you and your counsel, Mr. McKenzie, our thanks for your full and I believe frank testimony. I think you have been very helpful to us. I wish to thank you for it.
Mr. Oswald. Thank you, sir. And we hope that we have been of some help.
Mr. Jenner. You have.
Mr. McKenzie. I thank you, Mr. Chairman, for that statement, and likewise, Mr. Jenner, I appreciate on behalf of myself and Mr. Oswald your statement for the record.
I only have a few brief questions, Mr. Chairman, if I may, sir.
Mr. Dulles. These are to be put to your client?
Mr. McKenzie. Yes, sir. Although I will say this at this time—that the Chair has very generously, and Mr. Jenner likewise, granted me the opportunity to question or ask Mr. Oswald questions as we proceeded along.
Robert, there is a contract which has been introduced into the record, and I believe it is Commission Exhibit No. 277, which contract is dated December 9, 1963, and it is signed by Marina N. Oswald and yourself, and approved as to form by John M. Thorne, Attorney, and James H. Martin. In this contract, it provides that Marina Oswald has appointed you as an assistant business manager to Mr. Martin. And in the last paragraph of the contract there is a statement to the effect that she has employed the firm of Thorne and Leach, attorneys-at-law, and further agreed that their services will be available at all times to yourself and that you will use same as required by you.
Now, my question to you is this: Have you ever at any time employed Mr. John M. Thorne to represent you?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I have not.
Mr. McKenzie. Has Mr. Thorne ever represented you in any capacity?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; he has not.
Mr. McKenzie. All right, sir.
Mr. Dulles. May I just ask one question?
Mr. McKenzie now is your appointed lawyer?
Mr. Oswald. He is my selected lawyer.
Mr. McKenzie. Did Lee Harvey Oswald ever tell you or advise you, or has Marina N. Oswald told you of any trips that Lee took, or cities that he visited in Russia, other than Moscow, Minsk, or the hunting trip he took while he was in Russia reported in your diary? Or reported not in your diary, but reported in the letters to you?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; he did not.
Mr. McKenzie. Do you know of any cities or any places that he might have gone in Russia, other than the two cities that I have named, and the hunting trip that he took as reported in the letter to you, which has been introduced into evidence?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I am not aware of any other cities.
Mr. McKenzie. Did Marina N. Oswald have either June Oswald, her two-year-old child, or Rachel, her infant child, baptized, to your knowledge?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; she has.
Mr. McKenzie. And where was that, sir?
Mr. Oswald. It is my understanding that this took place in Dallas, Tex., some time in the year of 1963, sir.
Mr. Dulles. You are speaking now of June?
Mr. Oswald. I am speaking now of June.
Mr. McKenzie. Has the baby Rachel been baptized as of this time?
Mr. Oswald. Not to my knowledge, sir.
Mr. McKenzie. Do you know what faith June was baptized in? By faith I refer to what particular church or denomination.
Mr. Oswald. I believe, sir, this was the Greek Orthodox Church.
Mr. McKenzie. From your acquaintance with Marina Oswald, and based on your discussions with her, both in your home and elsewhere, including cemetery visits which you have made with her, do you now consider and believe that Marina N. Oswald is a Christian and believes in the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
Mr. Oswald. I do, sir.
Mr. McKenzie. Has she professed such faith to you?
Mr. Oswald. Not directly, sir—only by implication, sir.
Mr. McKenzie. Do you believe or have you formed an opinion now, based on your discussions and observations of Marina Oswald, as to whether or not Marina N. Oswald is a Communist or a Soviet agent, either now or at any time since you met her at Dallas, Love Field, in June of 1962?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I do not believe that she is any of those things.
Mr. McKenzie. Now, do you think she is a Communist?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I do not.
Mr. McKenzie. Do you have any opinion as to whether or not she is at this time or since she arrived in this country?
Mr. Oswald. I am of the opinion that she is not, based on my observations of her reactions and her conversations with me.
Mr. McKenzie. Mr. Oswald, have I or has anyone at any time coached or briefed you—and if you don't understand what I mean by the word "coached" please tell me so—as to what you should testify here before this Commission, other than my cautioning you not to speculate or use conjecture?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; you have not.
Mr. McKenzie. Has anyone?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; they have not.
Mr. McKenzie. Have you told the Commission——
Mr. Jenner. Excuse me—that anyone includes any member of the staff of this Commission?
Mr. Oswald. That is correct.
Mr. McKenzie. And likewise it includes, does it not, any member of the FBI, or the Secret Service or any other Federal agency?
Mr. Oswald. That is correct.
Mr. McKenzie. And the same would apply to any State agency of Texas?
Mr. Oswald. Sir, that would apply to anybody, no matter what his position with any government agency or individual.
Mr. McKenzie. Now, have you told the Commission during the hearings here, since you have been testifying, only the facts as you knew them, or the facts as you know them now?
Mr. Oswald. That is correct.
Mr. McKenzie. And have you expressed opinions or speculated only when the Commission or Mr. Jenner or myself have asked you to do so?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, I have.
Mr. McKenzie. Have you testified, Mr. Oswald, truthfully to the best of your recollection in each instance?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, I have.
Mr. McKenzie. And in the event you have inadvertently made any mistake on dates, addresses, or facts, do you