The Warren Commission (Complete Edition). President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

The Warren Commission (Complete Edition) - President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy -  U.S. Government

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      Mrs. Oswald. This is a residence permit, passport—a passport for abroad. This is a foreign passport for Russians who go abroad.

      Mr. Rankin. Did you understand that you had six months in which to leave under that passport?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes. This all has to be filled out before you are allowed to go abroad.

      Mr. Rankin. Whose handwriting is in Exhibit 29?

      Mrs. Oswald. I don't know who wrote that. It is not I. Officials who issue the passport.

      Mr. Rankin. I offer in evidence Exhibit 29.

      The Chairman. It may be admitted.

      (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 29, and received in evidence.)

      Mr. Rankin. Do you know any reason why the passport was made valid until January 11, 1964?

      Mrs. Oswald. Because the passport which I turned in and for which I received this one in exchange was valid until 1964.

      Mr. Rankin. You had a passport prior to this one, then?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes.

      Mr. Rankin. Had you obtained that before you were married?

      Mrs. Oswald. All citizens of the U.S.S.R. 16 and over must have a passport. It would be good if everyone had a passport here. It would help the Government more.

      Mr. Rankin. Mrs. Oswald, you have told us considerably about your husband's unhappiness with the United States and his idea that things would be much better in Cuba, if he could get there. Do you recall that?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes.

      Mr. Rankin. Do you recall what he said about what he didn't like about the United States?

      Mrs. Oswald. The problem of unemployment.

      Mr. Rankin. Anything else?

      Mrs. Oswald. I already said what he didn't like—that it was hard to get an education, that medical care is very expensive. About his political dissatisfaction, he didn't speak to me.

      Mr. Rankin. Did he ever say anything against the leaders of the government here?

      Mrs. Oswald. No.

      Mr. Rankin. Mr. Chairman, that is all we have now except the physical exhibits, and I think we could do that at 2 o'clock.

      The Chairman. Mrs. Oswald, we are going to recess now until 2 o'clock. You must be quite tired by now. And this afternoon we are going to introduce some of the physical objects that are essential to make up our record.

      When we finish with those, I think your testimony will be completed.

      And I think we should finish today.

      You won't be unhappy about that, will you?

      Mrs. Oswald. No. Thank you.

      The Chairman. 2 o'clock this afternoon.

      (Whereupon, at 11:35 a.m., the President's Commission recessed.)

      Afternoon Session


       Table of Contents

      The President's Commission reconvened at 2 p.m.

      The Chairman. The Commission will be in order. Mr. Rankin, you may continue.

      Mr. Rankin. Mr. Chairman, I understand that Mrs. Oswald has examined a considerable volume of correspondence during the recess. In order to be helpful, she has identified it, and she is able to tell, through her counsel, by a number for each exhibit, who the letter was to or from as the case may be.

      And, after I offer the exhibits, or as part of the offer, I will ask Mr. Thorne if he will tell the description of the recipient and the writer of the letter in the various cases. These exhibits are Exhibits 30 through 65, inclusive.

      Mr. Thorne. Exhibit No. 30 is a telegram from a former fiance's mother.

      Exhibit No. 31 is a letter from her friend who studied with her, by the name of Ella Soboleva.

      Exhibit No. 32 is a letter from the Ziger family, who are friends.

      Exhibit No. 33 is another letter from Alexander Ziger. A friend of the family's.

      Exhibit No. 34 is a letter concerning departure to the United States by Marina and her husband. She doesn't know who sent the letter or who received it. It is merely some material that she has.

      Exhibit No. 35 is an envelope from a friend which contained a letter which is not shown.

      Exhibit No. 36 is a letter from a former fiance's mother, the same one that sent the telegram, and Exhibit No. 30.

      Exhibit No. 37 is a letter from Marina to Lee while she was in the hospital, during the birth of June Lee.

      Exhibit No. 38 is a letter from Olga Dmovskaya, a friend.

      Mr. Rankin. When you say fiance, do you mean she was engaged to someone else?

      Mr. Thorne. This is what I understand—prior to her relationship to Lee.

      Exhibit No. 39 is another letter from Ella Soboleva.

      Exhibit No. 40 is a letter from Lee Harvey to Marina while she was in the hospital with June Lee, during the birth of the baby.

      Exhibit No. 41 is a letter from her Aunt Valya.

      Exhibit No. 42 is a letter from their friend Pavel.

      Exhibit No. 43 is the start of a letter by Marina which was never finished.

      Exhibit No. 44 is the start of a letter by Marina which was never finished.

      Exhibit No. 45 is a letter from Olga Dmovskaya, the same person who sent a letter in Exhibit No. 38.

      Exhibit No. 46 is a letter—is another letter from Aunt Valya.

      Exhibit No. 47 is a letter from a friend by the name of Tolya.

      Exhibit No. 48 is an address of one of Marina's friends.

      Exhibit No. 49 is Marina's draft of a letter to the consulate.

      May I see Exhibit 49? I am trying to clear up a point.

      Mr. Dulles. What is the date of that?

      Mrs. Oswald. That is not a letter. That is an autobiography.

      Mr. Thorne. Yes, that is correct. It is the draft of an autobiography for the Russian Consulate.

      Exhibit No. 50 is a letter from a friend Erick Titovetz.

      Exhibit No. 51 is another letter from Aunt Valya.

      Exhibit No. 52 is a letter received by Marina while she was in the hospital with June Lee.

      Exhibit No. 53 is Lee Harvey Oswald's writing.

      Exhibit No. 54 is a letter from a friend, Laliya.

      Exhibit No. 55 is a letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marina while she was in Kharkov.

      Exhibit No. 56 is the same.

      Exhibit No. 57 is a letter from Aunt Valya.

      Exhibit No. 58 is a letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marina while she was in the hospital with June Lee.

      Exhibit No. 59 is the same.

      Exhibit No. 60 is the same.

      Exhibit No. 61 is the same.

      Exhibit No. 62 is a letter from Anna Meller, who lives in Dallas, to Marina.

      Exhibit No. 63 is a letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marina while she was in the hospital, giving birth to June Lee.

      Exhibit No. 64 is a letter from Lee Harvey Oswald—is a letter to Lee from Erick Titovetz.


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