The Elements of Geology; Adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges. Justin R. Loomis

The Elements of Geology; Adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges - Justin R. Loomis

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rocks have been subjected to great changes by heat from the igneous rocks below them. On this account Mr. Lyell proposes to call them metamorphic rocks. The other portions of the stratified rocks are fossiliferous, containing the remains of organic beings which lived at the period when the rocks were deposited. They are represented at D. The division of the last-named rocks info groups will be given hereafter.


      We have then four principal classes of rocks: Plutonic Rocks, Volcanic Rocks, Non-fossiliferous Stratified Rocks and Fossiliferous Rocks.


      Granite is by far the most important of this class of rocks. Of its thickness no estimate can be made, as no mining operations have ever penetrated through it, and none of the most extensive displacements of rocks by natural causes has brought to the surface any other rock on which it rests. It may, therefore, be considered the foundation rock, the skeleton of the earth, upon which all the other formations are supported. The whole amount of granite in the earth’s crust may be greater than that of all other rocks, but it comes up through the other formations so as to be exposed over only a comparatively small portion of the surface, and this is generally the central portion of mountain ranges, or the highest parts of broken, hill country. Still, it is not unfrequently found in the more level regions, in the form of slightly elevated ridges, with the stratified rocks reclining against it.

      The structure of granite seems frequently to be a confused mixture of the minerals which compose it, without any approach to order in their arrangement; but in many cases it is found to split freely in certain directions, and to work with difficulty in any other. This may result from an arrangement of the integrant crystals, so that their cleavage planes approach more or less nearly to parallelism. When this is the case with the mica or felspar, it must diminish the cohesion in a direction perpendicular to these planes, and thus facilitate the cleavage of the mass.


      Granite is found to penetrate the stratified rocks in the form of veins. The following section (Fig. 3) will show the relation of granite veins to the granitic mass below. The granite which is quarried for architectural purposes is often in comparatively small quantities, disappearing at the distance of a few hundred yards beneath the stratified rock; or else it exists in the form of isolated dome-shaped masses. It is probable that, if they could be followed sufficiently far, they would be found to be portions of dikes coming from the general mass of granite below. Even the granite nuclei of the great mountain ranges may be considered as injected dikes of enormous magnitude.

      Granite is itself intersected with granite veins more frequently, perhaps, than any other rocks; but the vein is a coarser granite than the rock which it divides. It is not uncommon to find one set of dikes intercepted and cut off by a second set, and the second by a third. The substance of the dikes was, of course, in a liquid state when it was injected, and the first must have become solid before the second was thrown in; hence the dikes are of different ages. The dikes a b c, represented in Fig. 4, must have been injected in the order in which they are lettered.

      It is probable that, by the process of cooling, the liquid mass from which these dikes have proceeded has been gradually solidifying from the surface downwards. If so, it would follow that the granite nearest the surface (1, Fig. 2) is the oldest, and the newest is that which is at the greatest distance below (4). It is possible that at great depths granite may be still forming, that is, taking the solid form, though of this there can be no direct proof. There is, however, proof that it has been liquid at periods of time very distant from each other; for the dikes sometimes reach to the top of the coal formation (for example), and then spread themselves out horizontally, as at a, showing that the rock above the coal had not then been deposited. Another dike will extend through the new red sandstone, as at b, and spread itself out horizontally as before. These horizontal layers of granite, by their position in strata whose ages are known, indicate the periods when granite has existed in a liquid state. Granite veins have been discovered in the Pyrenees as recent as the close of the cretaceous period, and in the Andes they have been found among the tertiary rocks.

      There are several other rocks, of minor importance, often found in connection with granite. Hypersthene rock, in a few cases, forms the principal part of mountain masses. Greenstone is more frequently associated with the trappean rocks, but it sometimes passes imperceptibly into syenite and common granite. Limestone is found in considerable abundance, and serpentine in small quantities, as primary rocks, and have evidently been formed like granite, by solidifying from a state of fusion.


      The volcanic rocks consist of materials ejected from volcanoes. They are, however, ejected in very different states; sometimes as dust, sand, angular fragments of rock, cinders, &c., and sometimes as lava streams. In some instances, the lava has so little fluidity that it accumulates in a dome-shaped mass over the orifice of eruption, and perhaps in a few instances it has been thrust upward in a solid state.

      There are two principal varieties of lava, the trachytic, consisting mostly of felspar, and the basaltic, consisting of hornblende. When both kinds are products of the same eruption, the trachytic lava is thrown out first, and the basaltic last. The reason of this is, that felspar is lighter than hornblende, and probably rises to the surface of the lava mass at the volcanic focus, and the basaltic lava is therefore reserved till the trachytic has been thrown off.

      These, like other rocks, have been produced at different epochs. There is, however, great difficulty in determining their age; There are some differences of structure and composition observed, in comparing the older and newer lavas; but the only method that can be relied on to determine their age is their relation to other rocks. When they occur between strata whose age is determined by imbedded fossils, they must be of intermediate age between the inferior and superior strata.

      1. Modern Volcanic Rocks.—Some of the volcanic rocks are of modern origin, and are produced by volcanoes now active. The total amount of these, and of all the other volcanic rocks, is probably less than that of either of the other principal divisions of rocks; yet they form no inconsiderable part of the earth’s crust. The number of active volcanoes is not far from three hundred, and the number of eruptions annually is estimated at about twenty. In some cases, the lava consists of only a single stream, of but a few hundred yards in extent. It extends, however, not unfrequently twenty miles in length, and two or three hundred yards in breadth. The eruption of Mount Loa, on the island of Hawaii, in 1840, from the crater of Kilauea, covered an area of fifteen square miles to the depth of twelve feet; and another eruption of the same mountain, in 1843, covered an area of at least fifty square miles. The eruption in Iceland, in 1783, continued in almost incessant activity for a year, and sent off two streams in opposite directions, which reached a distance of fifty miles in one case, and of forty in the other, with a width varying from three to fifteen miles, and with an average depth of more than a hundred feet. The size of some of the volcanic mountains will also assist in forming an idea of the amount of volcanic rocks. Monte Nuovo, near Naples, which is a mile and a half in circumference and four hundred and forty feet high, was thrown up in a single day. Ætna, which is eleven thousand feet high, and eighty-seven miles in circumference at its base, has probably been produced wholly by its own eruptions. A large part of the chain of the Andes consists of volcanic rock, but the proportion we have not the means of estimating.

      2. Tertiary

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