The Little Clay Cart. Sudraka
target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_446b26b4-0a36-5026-9897-78be08b1dbb5">[9] Prakaraṇa.
[10] Dhūrtasaṁkula: Daçarūpa, iii. 38.
[11] Sāhityadarpaṇa, 428.
[12] As in Mālatī-mādhava.
[13] Daçarūpa, iii. 33.
[14] In Kālidāsa's Shakuntalā.
[15] In Bhavabhūti's Latter Acts of Rāma.
[16] See page 128.
[17] Aryaka, Darduraka, Chandanaka, Sharvilaka, and the courtier.
[18] See x. 27.
[19] See v. 46 and the following stage-direction.
[20] In Kālidāsa's play of that name.
[21] In Bhavabhūti's Latter Acts of Rāma.
[22] See viii. 43.
[23] See pages 65–66 and page 174.
[24] See viii. 38 and compare the words, "Yet love bids me prattle," on page 86.
[25] Page 87.
[26] Stanzas of the latter sort in The Little Clay Cart are vii. 2 and viii. 5.
[27] This statement requires a slight limitation; compare, for example, the footnote to page 82.
[28] But the combination th should be pronounced as in ant-hill, not as in thin or this; similarly dh as in mad-house; bh as in abhor.
[29] Except in the names Āryaka and Āhīnta, where typographical considerations have led to the omission of the macron over the initial letter; and except also in head-lines.
Chārudatta, a Brahman merchant
Rohasena, his son
Maitreya, his friend
Vardhamānaka, a servant in his house
Sansthānaka, brother-in-law of King Pālaka
Sthāvaraka, his servant
Another Servant of Sansthānaka
A Courtier
Aryaka, a herdsman who becomes king
Sharvilaka, a Brahman, in love with Madanikā
A Shampooer, who becomes a Buddhist monk
Māthura, a gambling-master
Darduraka, a gambler
Another Gambler
Karnapūraka }
Kumbhīlaka } servants of Vasantasenā Vīraka } Chandanaka } policemen Goha } Ahīnta } headsmen
Bastard pages, in Vasantasenā's house
A Judge, a Gild-warden, a Clerk, and a Beadle
Vasantasenā, a courtezan
Her Mother
Madanikā, maid to Vasantasenā
Another Maid to Vasantasenā
The Wife of Chārudatta
Radanikā, a maid in Chārudatta's house
Ujjayinī (called also Avanti) and its Environs
Benediction upon the audience
His bended knees the knotted girdle holds,
Fashioned by doubling of a serpent's folds;
His sensive organs, so he checks his breath,
Are numbed, till consciousness seems sunk in death;
Within himself, with eye of truth, he sees
The All-soul, free from all activities.
May His, may Shiva's meditation be
Your strong defense; on the Great Self thinks he,
Knowing full well the world's vacuity. 1
And again:
May Shiva's neck shield you from every harm,
That seems a threatening thunder-cloud, whereon,
Bright as the lightning-flash, lies Gaurī's arm.2
Stage-director. Enough of this tedious work, which fritters away the interest of the audience! Let me then most reverently salute the honorable gentlemen, and announce our intention to produce a drama called "The Little Clay Cart." Its author was a man
Who vied with elephants in lordly grace;
Whose eyes were those of the chakora bird
That feeds on moonbeams; glorious his face