The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto: Grammar & Commentary. George Cox

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto: Grammar & Commentary - George Cox

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colo tso-lo inch. paco pah-tso peace. pacienco pah-tsee-ehn-tso patience. oficiro o-fee-tsee-ro officer. proceso pro-tseh-so lawsuit. Ĉ ĉar chahr because, for. ĉielo chee-eh-lo heaven, sky. senĉesa sehn-cheh-sah incessant, ceaseless. eĉ ehch even. E elemento eh-leh-mehn-to element. e-a oceano o-tseh-ah-no ocean. e-e treege treh-eh-geh exceedingly. e-i feino feh-ee-no fairy. perei peh-reh-ee to perish. ej plej plehy (sound "y" short, as ye) (monosyllable) most. malplej mahl-plehy (sound "y" short, as ye) (dissyllable) least. hejmo hehy-mo (sound "y" short, as ye) (dissyllable) home. e-o neo neh-o negative. teorio teh-o-ree-o theory. e-u pereu peh-reh-oo perish (imperative). Eŭropo ehw-ro-po Europe. G gento gehn-to tribe. gv gvidi gvee-dee to guide. lingvo leen-gvo language. g-u guano goo-ah-no guano. Ĝ ĝui djoo-ee to enjoy. ĝojo djo-yo joy. paĝo pah-djo page. H haro hah-ro hair. senhara
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