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Mead E. D. Stepniak. A Reminiscence // Free Russia. English Edition. 1899. May. P. 59; Wyman L. B. C. American Chivalry. Boston, 1913; Wald L. D. The House on Henry Street. N. Y., 1915; Foulke W. D. A Hoosier Autobiography. N. Y., 1922; Кеннан Дж. Как велось просвещение русских солдат в Японии // Каторга и ссылка. 1927. № 2 (31). С. 158–165; Goldman E. Living My Life. Vol. I. N. Y., 1931; Wald L. D. Windows on Henry Street. Boston, 1934; AddamsJ. Twenty Years at Hull House. N. Y., 1960; Уаймен Л. Сергей Степняк в Америке // Степняк-Кравчинский C. М. В лондонской эмиграции. М., 1968. С. 351–362.
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The Miscellaneous Documents of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the 53rd Congress. Vol. 5. № 131, № 198. Washington, 1895. Р. 1–9; Congressional Records. 53rd Congress. 2nd Session. Vol. 26. Pt. 4. P. 3385; 3rd Session. Pt. 5. P. 5498–5499, 5666.
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Grant R. British Radicals and Socialists and Their Attitudes to Russia, c. 1890–1917 (A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow), 1984. P. 11–12
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