Jump Start Your Marketing Brain. Doug Hall
“This is a blockbuster work which skillfully blends research and practice. It is NOT another Marketing book to leave on a shelf. Jump Start Your MARKETING Brain instead, should sit on your desk, engines revving, until you pick it up and rocket down the road toward profit! The competition will eat your dust.”
“Doug Hall builds on his legacy as the hardest working, most passionate author touring America today. Jump Start Your MARKETING Brain features the richest research and deepest thinking on marketing ever found in a business book. Doug’s tireless commitment to helping independent booksellers survive and thrive is unmatched by any business author.”
“This is the most complete and comprehensive book on what it takes to market your business. It’s insightful about human behavior, pragmatic, and powerful. The concepts are simple yet provide the answers to the many brain-torquing questions challenging managers today. This work is provocative; one reading is hardly enough. I view it as a handbook I will be walking around with for many years to come with many pages dogeared and scribbled on.”
“For those of us with a short attention span, Jump Start Your MARKETING Brain is a tremendous resource. You can pick it up for a few minutes and read a couple of pages. However, what I have found is that once I pick it up, I end up reading for an hour. Great stuff! I’m planning on using a couple of pages as an icebreaker and conversation starter for our weekly marketing meetings.”
“Jump Start Your MARKETING Brain is the new and ultimate marketing reference book on how to create, develop, market, and manage brands strategically for the twenty-first century. It details how to make a real difference in the marketplace and how to actively nurture brands for permanent growth. It’s a masterpiece!”
“Eureka! Ranch’s unconventional approach has won raves from some of the biggest corporations in the country.”
“America’s #1 Idea Guru.”
“Eureka! Ranch … has developed more new products (or offshoots of existing ones) than any other organization in America.”
“Eureka! Ranch goes to any length to encourage a fresh perspective … clients say it works.”
“An entrepreneur who just might have what we’ve all been looking for … the happy secret to success.”
“When Doug meets Disney, creativity ne’er wanes; Our team explodes when he jump starts our brains!”
“America’s Top New Product Idea Man.”
“Doug Hall has a method to his madness, a rigorous, quantifiable process for inventing breakthrough ideas for clients. Unlike many creative gurus hustling ideation wares in the corporate marketplace, Doug makes it imperative that his Eureka! Inventing processes are quantified every step of the way.”
“Hall has a habit of thinking big. His credentials are impeccable.”
The materials in this book are provided for the personal use of the purchaser of this book. Doug Hall and or the Eureka! Institute maintains full and exclusive rights to these materials through all applicable copyright laws. No redesign, editing, reproduction, or creation of a derivative work from these materials is permitted without written permission from the Eureka! Institute. If you wish to adapt these materials for your organization or wish to hire Doug or the Eureka! Ranch to present or teach these materials, please contact the Eureka! Institute at the address below.
Eureka! Institute
3849 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 USA
(513) 271-9911
The following are trademarks of the Eureka! Institute, Inc.: Meaningful Marketing, Eureka!, Eureka! Ranch, Brain Brew, Brain Brew Books, Measurably Smarter, The Three Dimensions of Creativity, Jump Start Your Business, Merwyn, Marketing Physics, and Capitalist Creativity
Tom Peters’s Re-imagine Manifesto is © 2004, Tom Peters. All Rights Reserved.
To contact Doug Hall:
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.DougHall.com
Call: (513) 271-9911
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005923091
ISBN 9781578602056
Cover Design: Stephen Sullivan
Interior Design: Matthew DeRhodes
Editor: Jack Heffron
This book is dedicated
to the Revolutionaries!
To Dr. W. Edwards Deming
to Tom Peters—who JOLTED my thinking
—and sparked this edition.
The spirit of adventure is the fuel that drives the creative engine. It awakens the imagination, fires up the adrenaline, and ignites the willingness to learn!