The Melting-Pot. Israel Zangwill

The Melting-Pot - Israel  Zangwill

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might have put on the other candlestick.

      [He goes to mantel and takes it. A rat-tat-tat at street-door.]

      Who can that be?

      [Running to Kathleen's door, holding candlestick forgetfully low.]

      Kathleen! There's a visitor!

      KATHLEEN [Angrily from within]

      I'm not here!


      So long as you're in this house, you must do your work.

      [Kathleen's head emerges sulkily.]


      I tould ye I was lavin' at wanst. Let you open the door yerself.


      I'm not dressed to receive visitors—it may be a new pupil.

      [He goes toward staircase, automatically carrying off the candlestick which Kathleen has not caught sight of. Exit on the left.]

      KATHLEEN [Moving toward the street-door]

      The divil fly away wid me if ivir from this 'our I set foot again among haythen furriners——

      [She throws open the door angrily and then the outer door. Vera Revendal, a beautiful girl in furs and muff, with a touch of the exotic in her appearance, steps into the little vestibule.]


      Is Mr. Quixano at home?

      KATHLEEN [Sulkily]

      Which Mr. Quixano?

      VERA [Surprised]

      Are there two Mr. Quixanos?

      KATHLEEN [Tartly]

      Didn't I say there was?


      Then I want the one who plays.


      There isn't a one who plays.


      Oh, surely!


      Ye're wrong entirely. They both plays.

      VERA [Smiling]

      Oh, dear! And I suppose they both play the violin.


      Ye're wrong again. One plays the piano—ounly the young ginthleman plays the fiddle—Mr. David!

      VERA [Eagerly]

      Ah, Mr. David—that's the one I want to see.


      He's out.

      [She abruptly shuts the door.]

      VERA [Stopping its closing]

      Don't shut the door!

      KATHLEEN [Snappily]

      More chanst of seeing him out there than in here!


      But I want to leave a message.


      Then why don't ye come inside? It's freezin' me to the bone.

      [She sneezes.]



      I'm sorry.

      [She comes in and closes the door]

      Will you please say Miss Revendal called from the Settlement, and we are anxiously awaiting his answer to the letter asking him to play for us on——


      What way will I be tellin' him all that? I'm not here.




      I'm lavin'—just as soon as I've me thrunk packed.


      Then I must write the message—can I write at this desk?


      If the ould woman don't come in and shpy you.


      What old woman?


      Ould Mr. Quixano's mother—she wears a black wig, she's that houly.

      VERA [Bewildered]

      What? … But why should she mind my writing?


      Look at the clock.

      [Vera looks at the clock, more puzzled than ever.]

      If ye're not quick, it'll be Shabbos.


      Be what?

      KATHLEEN [Holds up hands of horror]

      Ye don't know what Shabbos is! A Jewess not know her own Sunday!

      VERA [Outraged]

      I, a Jewess! How dare you?

      KATHLEEN [Flustered]

      Axin' your pardon, miss, but ye looked a bit furrin and I——

      VERA [Frozen]

      I am a Russian.

      [Slowly and dazedly]

      Do I understand that Mr. Quixano is a Jew?


      Two Jews, miss. Both of 'em.


      Oh, but it is impossible.

      [Dazedly to herself]

      He had such charming manners.

      [Aloud again]

      You seem to think everybody Jewish. Are you sure Mr. Quixano is not Spanish?—the name sounds Spanish.



      [She picks up the old Hebrew book on the armchair.]

      Look at the ould lady's book. Is that Shpanish?

      [She points to the Mizrach.]

      And that houly picture the ould lady says her pater-noster to! Is that Shpanish? And that houly table-cloth with the houly silver candle——

      [Cry of sudden astonishment]

      Why, I've ounly put——

      [She looks toward mantel and utters a great cry of alarm as she drops the Hebrew book on the floor.]

      Why, where's the other candleshtick! Mother in hivin, they'll say I shtole the candleshtick!

      [Perceiving that Vera is dazedly moving toward door]

      Beggin' your pardon, miss——

      [She is about to move a chair toward the desk.]


      Thank you, I've changed my mind.


      That's more than I'll do.

      VERA [Hand on door]

      Don't say I called at all.


      Plaze yerself. What name did ye say?


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