She. HC Warner

She - HC Warner

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She swallowed hard and closed her eyes momentarily to steady herself, before spinning around to face them. Ben was staring at her in shock but Bella looked triumphant, a tiny smirk on her lips. ‘Wow, thanks for that, Jo. It’s a good job we’re leaving – I certainly know where I’m not wanted.’

      ‘Bella, I …’ Jo fumbled for words as she reached out to take Bella’s arm.

      Bella shook her off roughly. ‘Let go of me! Come on, Ben. We’re going.’

      Ben looked like he might cry. ‘I’m really sorry but we have to go. Em, I hope you’re OK?’

      Emma nodded and raised her glass. ‘Thanks, I’ll be fine,’ she slurred. ‘Happy Christmas.’

      Ben hesitated and for a moment, Jo thought he might hug her but another yell from Bella sent him scurrying after her.

      Jo slumped down beside Emma at the island and burst into tears. She had had such a lovely day planned and now it was all ruined. But as she drained her glass of whisky, she somehow knew that it was more than just Christmas Day that was ruined.

      Charlotte scanned the busy, dimly lit bar, her eyes hunting out Matt and Freya. Finally, she spotted them at a table in the corner, deep in conversation. ‘Hey, guys!’ she said, dumping her huge grey leather tote bag down on the floor and slumping into the seat they were zealously guarding for her. ‘Matt, be a love and get me an enormous glass of white wine, will you?’

      Matt beamed at her fondly and stood up. ‘Your wish is my command, Lady Charlotte!’ He planted a kiss on top of her head as he squeezed past her and disappeared into the crowd towards the bar.

      Charlotte smiled at Freya, holding her gaze as she acknowledged the familiar tug of longing that she felt every time she saw her old friends. She missed them so much. Missed the closeness and the laughter they used to share as a foursome, before she made the biggest mistake of her life by breaking up with Ben and blowing it all apart. ‘So … how are you, my love?’

      Freya stood slightly and reached across the small wooden table to hug her, holding on for just slightly longer than normal. ‘I miss you.’ There was a slight tremble in her voice as she spoke.

      Charlotte tilted her head and examined Freya’s face. She looked strained and tired. ‘What’s wrong? Is it work?’ Her job at St Thomas’ hospital was enormously stressful.

      Freya shook her head and pushed back her blonde hair nervously. ‘No, work’s OK. It’s … well, it’s Ben, actually.’

      Charlotte’s stomach plummeted with fear. ‘Ben? Why, what’s happened? Is he all right?’

      Freya’s grey-blue eyes locked onto Charlotte’s. ‘Yes, as far as we know, he’s fine. It’s just that Bella’s had the baby. A girl.’

      Charlotte’s mouth dried instantly. She nodded, trying to digest the news, wondering why it was such a shock when she had known it was coming for months. ‘Well, that’s good, isn’t it?’ she managed.

      ‘Yes, I suppose it is.’ Freya shrugged.

      ‘What have they called her?’


      Charlotte nodded again and attempted a smile. ‘Elodie. That’s a pretty name. And is everything OK? How are they managing?’

      Freya made a ‘pfff’ sound and rolled her eyes. ‘That’s the thing …’ She picked up her glass and took a large sip of wine. ‘We don’t know. We haven’t seen them.’

      At that moment, Matt arrived back at their table and put a large glass of chilled white wine down in front of Charlotte. She gave him a quick smile, before turning her attention back to Freya. ‘Thanks, Matt. Why haven’t you seen them?’

      Matt looked at Freya and threw his hands up helplessly. ‘We’ve got no idea. She just doesn’t seem that keen on us.’

      ‘Have you spoken to Ben?’

      ‘Yup, briefly, when he called to tell me about the baby being born.’ Matt looked slightly crestfallen as he spoke. ‘But I think she might screen his calls. I rang once and obviously my number was displayed, so they didn’t answer. But when I blocked my number and rang back, she picked up.’

      ‘Well, call his mobile then?’

      Matt scratched his cheek. ‘Nope. Tried that. He must have changed his number.’

      Charlotte frowned. ‘How weird. Why would he change his number and not let his friends know?’

      ‘Because his fucking bitch of a wife told him to?’ Freya cut in, shaking her head in disgust.

      Charlotte’s stomach churned with a dozen different emotions. Knowing that she no longer had Ben’s mobile number unnerved her hugely. Made her feel as though she had been cut adrift from her anchor. And hearing Bella described as his wife was like a punch to her kidneys. It was ridiculous, of course, but she couldn’t stop the feelings that were coursing unstoppably through her. She gave herself a shake. She needed to get a grip.

      ‘And how was she? Bella, I mean, when you spoke to her on the phone?’

      Again, Matt glanced at Freya and gave a resigned sigh. ‘Frosty, I suppose, is the best way to describe it. Very offhand. Made it clear she didn’t want me calling.’

      ‘I hate her,’ Freya said suddenly.

      ‘Freya!’ Matt shot her an appalled look. ‘That’s a bit strong. We don’t even really know her.’

      Freya shrugged apologetically. ‘I know, I know …’ She turned towards Charlotte. ‘But it feels a bit like a bereavement, except that he’s still alive and well and living just a mile or so away.’ She bit her lip and glanced at Matt. ‘And he wouldn’t say so but I know how hurt Matt is. Ben is his oldest, closest friend and yet he doesn’t even hear from him anymore.’

      Matt’s eyes clouded slightly and he picked up his bottle of beer. ‘That’s not strictly true. He calls sometimes when she’s out.’

      Charlotte tutted, infuriated and unnerved by what she was hearing. ‘But why would she not want him to speak to you guys?’

      Matt and Freya both shook their heads. ‘No idea. Control, maybe?’ Freya said at last. ‘She does seem very possessive and domineering.’

      Charlotte nodded, feeling guilty. This was all her fault. If she hadn’t broken up with Ben, he would never have met Bella and maybe it would be the two of them celebrating the birth of their first child. There was no way she’d have allowed Ben to shut out his oldest friends. They would have been with them every step of the way. ‘What would happen if you ignored the way she’s been behaving and just acted the way you always did? Why don’t you just go round with some flowers and a present for the baby? You used to pop by all the time, so it wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary.’

      Matt recoiled in horror. ‘It would now! Honestly, Charlie, you have no idea how different things are to when you two were together. She’s so cold towards us. She would make it clear we weren’t welcome.’

      ‘So what?’ Charlotte looked from Matt to Freya defiantly. ‘You aren’t there to see her, you’re there to see your friend and his new baby daughter. If she doesn’t want to see you, she can always go out.’ She could feel the anger bubbling up inside her and knew it was borne out of guilt. But on the other hand, they couldn’t just accept that a lifelong friendship was over because Bella wanted him all to herself. ‘And I’m sure she’s not that bad?’

      ‘She is!’ Freya shot back. ‘Matt’s not exaggerating when he says she’s really off with us. She just has this way of making you feel so unwelcome, even when we’re not at their flat.’

      Charlotte tried not to feel hurt at

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