Женщины Девятой улицы. Том 3. Мэри Габриэль

Женщины Девятой улицы. Том 3 - Мэри Габриэль

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and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 779.


      Dorfman, Out of the Picture, 61; oral history interview with Dorothy C. Miller, AAA-SI.


      Potter, To a Violent Grave, 230–231.


      Friedman, Energy Made Visible, 232–233.


      Hobbs, Lee Krasner (1999), 14; Rubenfeld, Clement Greenberg, 200.


      Potter, To a Violent Grave, 232.


      Ernestine Lassaw, interview by author.


      Kligman, Love Affair, 72, 79.


      Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 778–779.


      Dorfman, Out of the Picture, 61.


      Potter, To a Violent Grave, 223.


      Kligman, Love Affair, 83; Potter, To a Violent Grave, 230–232; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 780.


      Kligman, Love Affair, 90; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 780.


      Oral history interview with Lee Krasner, November 2, 1964 April 11, 1968, AAA-SI; Levin, Lee Krasner, 305.


      Oral history interview with Lee Krasner, November 2, 1964 April 11, 1968, AAA-SI; Levin, Lee Krasner, 305; Lee Krasner, interview by Robert Coe, videotape courtesy PKHSC.


      Kligman, Love Affair, 89–90, 92.


      Kligman, Love Affair, 95–96.


      Kligman, Love Affair, 96.


      Van Horne, A Complicated Marriage, 76; Rubenfeld, Clement Greenberg, 200.


      Solomon, Jackson Pollock, 247; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 782.


      Potter, To a Violent Grave, 233; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 782.


      Potter, To a Violent Grave, 250; Kligman, Love Affair, 98.


      Friedman, Give My Regards to Eighth Street, 103.


      Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, Saturday July 21, 1956, Paris to Springs, Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner Papers, AAA-SI. В этом письме Ли благодарит Джексона за розы и дает ему свой актуальный адрес, что означает, что он посылал цветы не в ее гостиничный номер, как часто описывают биографы, а, по всей вероятности, отправил их на адрес Дженкинсов, у которых Ли остановилась, когда приехала в Париж.


      Wallach, “Lee Krasner’s Triumph”, 501; Rose, Lee Krasner: The Long View, videotape courtesy PKHSC.


      Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, 1956, from Paris to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI; Hôtel du Quai Voltaire (en.parisinfo.com/paris-hotel-accommodation/69360/hôtel-du-quai-voltaire).


      Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, Saturday July 21, 1956, from Paris to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI.


      Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, Saturday July 21, 1956, from Paris to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI.


      Helen Frankenthaler to Barbara Guest, n.d. 1956, Venice, Italy, to New York, Uncat ZA MS 271, Box 16, Barbara Guest Papers, Yale.


      Larry Rivers to Frank O’Hara, June 25, 1956, Larry Rivers Papers, MSS 293, Series I, Subseries A, Box 11, Folder 9, NYU.


      Helen Frankenthaler to Barbara Guest, n.d. 1956, Venice, Italy, to New York, Uncat ZA MS 271, Box 16, Barbara Guest Papers, Yale.


      Helen Frankenthaler to Barbara Guest, July 23, 1956, Paris to Long Island, Uncat ZA MS 271, Box 16, Barbara Guest Papers, Yale.


      Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, 1956, postcard from Paris to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Series 1, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI.


      Lee Krasner to Mr & Mrs Jenkins, July 30, 1956, Menerbes to Paris, Paul Jenkins Papers, 1932–2009, AAA-SI; Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, n.d. [1956], postcard from Menerbes to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Series 1, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI; Postcard from Lee Pollock to Mr. and Mrs. Clement Greenberg, n.d. [1956], Menerbes to East Hampton, Clement Greenberg Papers, 1937–1983, AAA-SI.


      Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, n.d. [1956], postcard Menerbes to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Series 1, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI.


      Lee Pollock to Mr. and Mrs. Clement Greenberg, n.d. [1956], postcard Menerbes to East Hampton, Clement Greenberg Papers, 1937–1983, AAA-SI.


      Guggenheim, Out of This Century, 336, 346–347.


      Diamonstein-Spielvogel, Inside New York’s Art World, 208; Lee Krasner to Jackson Pollock, 1956, from Menerbes to East Hampton, Jackson Pollock Papers, Box 1, Folder 46, AAA-SI.


      Rose, Lee Krasner, 98.

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