History of the Conquest of Mexico (Vol. 1-4). William Hickling Prescott

History of the Conquest of Mexico (Vol. 1-4) - William Hickling Prescott

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      {*} [“Über die Etymologie lässt sich nichts sicheres sagen,” says Buschmann, “so zuversichtlich auch Prescott, wohl nach Ixtlilxochitl, den Namen durch place of detention übersetzt.” Uber die aztekischen Ortsnamen, S. 697.—K.]

      {*} [Humboldt, strictly speaking, has not confounded the Colhuans with the Acolhuans, but has written, in the places cited, the latter name for the former. “Letzterer Name,” says Buschmann, “ist der erstere mit dem Zusatz von atl Wasser,—Wasser Colhuer.” (Uber die aztekischen Ortsnamen, S. 690.) Yet the two tribes, according to the same authority, were entirely distinct, one alone—though which, he is unable to determine—being of the Nahuatlac race. Orozco y Berra, however, makes them both of this stock, the Acolhuans being one of the main branches, the Colhuans merely the descendants of the Toltec remnant in Anahuac.—K.]

A. D.
The Toltecs arrived in Anahuac 648
They abandoned the country 1051
The Chichimecs arrived 1170
The Acolhuans arrived about 1200
The Mexicans reached Tula 1196
They founded Mexico 1325

      See his dissert. 2, sec. 12. In the last date, the one of most importance, he is confirmed by the learned Veytia, who differs from him in all the others. Hist. antig., lib. 2, cap. 15.

      “solo se acordarán en las Naciones

       lo bien que gobernáron

       las tres Cabezas que el Imperio honráron.” Cantares del Emperador