Spirit is Talking to You: True Stories of Signs, Wonders, Inspiration, Love and Connection. Joan Doyle
Signposts from Spirit or your Higher Self take many and varied forms. Pennies that say, “In God We Trust” are symbols for many, even if it just means good luck. White feathers for some symbolize an angel visitation, meaning they are being protected or comforted; they are not alone. Playing cards found on the street each have a meaning in Tarot, and are messages for some who believe in it. Your symbols are unique to you.
If you wish guidance in this way and you don’t have a symbol that you have recognized or decided to believe is yours yet, I encourage you to ask for one. Stay open and watchful to the events of your day and your responses to them. Watch how you feel when you see what you think is your sign. It will break your train of thought so you can either shift your thinking or affirm that you are on the right track. You attribute meaning to your sign depending on the events and thoughts surrounding it. Don’t over think it. Take a playful attitude and let yourself be guided by a feeling of peace and comfort. You will see your signs when you least expect it.
See A Penny
By Justin Elledge
“See a penny, pick it up,
All the day, you’ll have good luck!”
We have often heard this about pennies found on the sidewalk - that it’s good luck, a sign of the abundance of the universe or gifts from angels.
I developed a slightly different twist on the found penny after a friend told me how empowered he felt whenever he found a coin on the path.
Larry was like a mentor to me. A former navy pilot in WWII, parent, grandfather and “uncle” to many, he was a man of few words. When he spoke he always seemed to be able to bring life into focus and explain what was really important; what really mattered in our day to day lives.
One day, we were walking towards a restaurant, when we both spotted a shiny penny on the sidewalk that someone had dropped. He turned to me and said, “This must be my lucky day, my prayer answered!”
“You are lucky,” I said “but it is only a penny.”
“Only a penny? Only a penny?” he exclaimed and over lunch he went on to explain to me how much more than a penny it was.
At that time in my own life, I was working really hard and try as I might, I never quite felt like I was getting ahead. No matter what I did it always seemed like something would come along and upset the apple cart. I told this to Larry and he asked me, “Do you pray Justin?”
And I said “Every Sunday” And we both laughed. Then he asked another question, “How often do you listen?”
“What do you mean?” I replied inquisitively. He went on. “You say you pray one day a week, but how many days a week do you listen?”
“I don’t understand.”
“You know what it is to pray, you are asking for help from the almighty. My question is, how often does the Almighty reply?”
Somewhat sheepishly I answered, “I don’t know that I ever listened, I figured if God was listening and answered my prayer, he would definitely let me know.”
“You mean like the heaven’s parting or a big rainbow?”
“Something like that,” I said.
“When you see nature Justin, do you see the clouds moving sometimes slowly, sometimes swiftly across the sky? Or a single blade of grass growing? Or perhaps the fading sunset? These all are part of a divine plan and order, moving at their own speed, in their own fashion. Our prayers are like that. We give them up to our Creator and then we need to wait for an answer. Sometimes it comes in a few moments, sometimes within weeks and sometimes once in a lifetime. Larry spoke enthusiastically.
“Yes I understand, but what does this have to do with the penny?”
Larry then pulled out the penny he had just picked up outside the restaurant. “Do you see what it says?”
“Yes, of course I do, In God We Trust”
“Exactly. Not in government, not in the money upon which it is printed. Not in love, family, or nations, but in God. The one thing we will always have. It cannot be taken away, nor can we be separate from it, and especially, most especially when we listen.”
“OK, I think I am beginning to understand.” I mused and he continued, “What you didn’t know Justin was that I had been trying to make a decision about selling my old Karmann Ghia, you know the one that I have had since the 60’s?”
“Yes I do, you love that car and I can see how it would be hard to part with.”
“Well I have been going back and forth on the decision to sell it, and to let it go. I don’t use a stick shift and clutch as well as I did at your age. Just before I arrived at the restaurant I was thinking about selling the Ghia again and I decided it was time. And then within a few moments, we look down and find this penny. To me this is a prayer answered in the affirmative - yes, it is a good idea to sell the car.”
Larry gave me the penny with this admonition, “When you are having trouble with a decision, turn it over and see how your prayers are answered. I think you will be very much surprised”
And with that, I silently sent a prayer to God saying, “OK God, I will listen and I appreciate any guideposts, or penny’s along my path that you care to send me. Thank You.”
It wasn’t very long after making my affirmation that I began to find wherever I went, not only pennies, but also nickels, dimes, quarters, and even Euros too! As a seeker on the spiritual Path, always desiring to know God’s will for my life, it struck me as a wonderful, yet so simple reminder of my alignment with a higher power. It is said, “It is done unto you as you believe,” and so it is with me now as I believe that the found penny is an affirmation that I am on my perfect path. I have been amazed by the ways in which such a simple signpost has helped.
I have shared my penny stories with friends who, similarly inspired, have taken up this idea and now have their own stories of affirmation to tell. My wife Joan took on this concept with enthusiasm as you will see from the stories she shares. We hope when you read our stories they inspire you to play with these ideas and find you are not alone. There is guidance and connection available at your feet if you decide to see it. In this on-going conversation with God, thankfully pennies are plentiful and God is patient.....
Spirit is Talking to Me
By Joan Doyle
A book of stories about found pennies, I think, as I get out of bed. I have my doubts. My husband raves about his found pennies, as he feels they are an affirmation that he is on the right Path! They each say, “In God we Trust,” and he is very trusting in God. I’ve rarely met anyone who believes God takes such a personal interest in what happens to him. I totally love his idea that God leaves us signs and I find my own pennies, but people can be so skeptical when we tell our stories. Even if they believe in God or Spirit, they don’t believe God came out of his or her heaven and placed that penny there as a message for insignificant little me or Justin. They smile, indulging their kooky friends, and I can’t help imagining they are thinking “These two have bats in the belfry; someone simply dropped it and didn’t pick it up!”
So yeah, I have written several of our stories out, but I’m not convinced a book of them would be riveting reading. I love to read inspirational material myself. I think it’s a must, actually, if we are to keep guard of our thoughts, and stay in a place of possibility and openness to God or Good or the Universe–whatever you have decided to call it. And yes, we do more than occasionally find a person who has a penny story of their own or a story of how they felt they got a sign of some kind. People on the Path do ask for guidance and even pray for a sign so they can know they are moving in alignment with Spirit and doing what is in the greater good. I remember a woman who found white feathers and believed they were a sign an angel was