Edgar Cayce's Atlantis. John Van Auken

Edgar Cayce's Atlantis - John Van Auken

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five reasons, five spheres, and five developments, but the readings do not explain these further.

      The final key date in Atlantis’ long history is 10,000 B.C. This is the approximate date that Cayce gives for Atlantis’ final and complete destruction.

       The Glory Days of Atlantis

      According to Cayce’s readings, the glorious period for Atlantis depends on what one considers to be the highest good: high-technology, physical comforts, and power or celestial attunement, psychic abilities, harmony with Nature, and consideration of others. He breaks these glory days into two periods, but does not give exact dates. We can surmise from his many comments that the high-attunement, relatively low-tech period was from it’s beginnings in 210,000 B.C., through the period in which Amilius ruled, beginning in 106,000 B.C. and ending with the rise of warrior energies and a leader named Esai.

      Esai and his kind sought personal pleasure, high technology, and physical power. They devoted the Atlantean resources to the development of high-tech devices and weaponry. They introduced blood sacrifice and sought guidance from discarnates, mostly ancestors who had passed on. They developed hierarchies and formed armies and slaves to do their unpleasant work. Though it is not clear when Esai began his reign, it was before the first destruction, in 50,722 B.C., because one of the causes for this destruction was a result of Esai’s edicts that allowed the Temple crystals to be recalibrated for warfare.

      Cayce said that the Atlanteans were originally a “peaceful peoples” whose development in physical form and physical power grew rapidly. He explained that this was because: “They recognized themselves to be a part of that about them. Hence, as to the supplying of that as necessary to sustain physical life as known today, in apparel, or supplying of the bodily needs, these were supplied through the natural elements.”

      Due to their oneness with the Natural Forces, the Atlanteans quickly developed those abilities that “would be termed the aerial age, or the electrical age, and supplying then the modes and manners of ‘transposition’ by that ability lying within each to be transposed in thought as in body.” They could travel in their minds as well as travel in their bodies. Amazingly, this was not simply in the earth realms! Cayce said that they were able “to transpose them bodily from one portion of the universe to the other”! However, as time passed and materiality took greater hold on the Atlanteans, many lost these psychic abilities. They therefore began developing the famous high-tech Atlantean devices for air, water, and space flight.

      Initially, their technology was not motivated by desires for power but by need. For example, the need arose for particular individuals to travel fairly quickly over vast distances. This led to the development of lighter-than-air ships. When asked to describe Atlantean airships, Cayce gave different answers depending upon which period in Atlantis’ history was being discussed. In a reading for the early periods of Atlantis, he described a flying ship that used low-tech pachyderm skins that were sewn together. The airship was filled with gases for lifting the device and simple panels were used to convert the sun’s rays into heat or electricity for impelling the device to move by turning a propeller.

      However, he said that the metals used were a result of a lost art for making very light metals that could be used as both conductors and nonconductors. The nonconductors were used to construct the framing and the conductive metals were used to harness and direct the electricity. These metals, he said, were made through a lost method for “tempering brass, aluminum and uranium, with the fluxes from those of combined elements of the iron carbonized with those other fluxes.” This process made for the lightest metals and they could be used as nonconductors or conductors of electricity.

      Later in Atlantis’ history, Cayce describes powerful, high-tech flying devices that were run from a centralized crystal or cluster of crystals, which were refocusing the rays from the Sun and the star Arcturus. Crystals became powerful tools in Atlantis sometime after 106,000 B.C. and were in full force by the first destruction, 50,722 B.C. Prior to the 106,000 B.C. date Cayce mentioned a specific crystal used as a tool to make contact with divine forces. The crystal was initially called the “White Stone” and gradually became known as the “Tuaoi Stone.” The crystal was used in a group ceremonial ritual where meditation was employed. A priestess who devoted herself to attunement to the divine would receive messages from the stone and interpret the messages. In addition, the stone was employed as a healing tool.

      During the early golden age, the Sons of God, also identified by Cayce as the Children of the Law of One, lived and worked in harmony with the forces of Nature and the Cosmic Forces. They used innate psychic powers rather than high-tech machines. But after 106,000 B.C., the crystal began to be utilized for power and then for destruction.

       Original Location and Modern Remnants

      According to Cayce, the landmass of the continent of Atlantis was enormous. The continent was “between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other.” In these discourses he identified the great Sargasso Sea in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean as a significant portion of Atlantis and the very location into which Poseidia—“the Eden of the World” and one of the five great regions of Atlantis—sank beneath the sea (E.C. 1159-1). The Sargasso Sea is still part of the North Atlantic Ocean today, lying roughly between the islands of the Caribbean and the Azores islands, 900 miles off Portugal’s coast. The Sargasso Sea is so named because there is a kind of seaweed, which lazily floats over its entire expanse called sargassum. Catching sight of these huge mats of seaweed has always marked the perimeter of this peculiar sea. Columbus himself made note of it. Thinking land was nearby, he fathomed the sea, only to find no bottom. In fact, the bottom is over 3 miles below on the Nares Abyssal Plain. The Sargasso Sea occupies that part of the Atlantic between 20 to 35 degrees North and 30 to 70 West (known as the Horse Latitudes). It is in complete contrast to the ocean around it. Its surface is usually calm yet the area is surrounded by some of the strongest sea currents in the world.

      Cayce said that there are some “protruding portions” that “must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies or the Bahamas, and a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these, especially, or notably, in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined.”

      However, when pointing to where one may find evidence of the Atlantean culture, Cayce directed us to look at areas where the migrating civilization went to escape destruction and death as their homeland sank. Cayce said that on the one hand “evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees [the mountains between Spain and France] and Morocco [northern Africa—roughly 9 miles across the Mediterranean Sea from Gibraltar and Spain],” and on the other hand, in “British Honduras, Yucatan, and America.” One reading (E.C. 1159-1) mentions the Canary Islands relating that Phoenicians ventured there and to the Sargasso Sea into the heart of the Atlantean land. Other islands in the Atlantic, such as the Azores, are not mentioned.

      Cayce also pointed to North America when speaking of the royal Iroquois (E.C. 1219-1): “The entity then was among the people, the Indians, of the Iroquois; those of noble birth, those that were of the pure descendants of the Atlanteans, those that held to the ritualistic influences from Nature itself.” The original Iroquois were comprised of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes. These peoples comprise one of the oldest living participatory democracies on earth. Governance was truly based on the consent of the governed. On June 11, 1776, while the question of colonial independence was being debated, visiting Iroquois chiefs were formally invited into the meeting hall of the Continental Congress. Both Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson borrowed from the Iroquois Constitution in developing the U.S. Constitution.

      Interestingly, the Iroquois were matriarchal. Women held powerful positions. They owned the longhouses, controlled the land, and chose the chief. Children belonged to their mother’s clan. When a man married, he lived with his wife’s clan. This is interesting because Cayce said that prior to the legendary global Great Flood, the feminine was dominant throughout the ancient world. “Naturally so,” he said. After the destructions in those ancient times, masculine became dominant. Soon, these two aspects of humanity’s duality (Yin and Yang) will

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