Multisensory Human. Kathy L. Callahan

Multisensory Human - Kathy L. Callahan

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- Diminishing God Consciousness - Soul-memory still alive Thought Form or Thought Body - Physical manifestation - Imaged in the soul mind - Able to enter and exit at will - Gradually hardened as mind dwelt on carnal thoughts - Third Root Race - Losing awareness of God Consciousness - Soul-memory still alive - Beginnings of individualized conscious mind Thought Projection - Projection of an aspect of the soul into physical form - No individual will - Used as servants/laborers - “Automatons” - No individual consciousness Human Body - Flesh and blood - Birth and death cycle - Density increased with time - Created as the perfect vehicle for the soul to use on earth - Fourth Root Race - Division of mind into three levels: - conscious - subconscious - superconscious

      NOTE: This table does not include a reference to the animal forms which the soul experimented with as they are not considered a natural expression of man’s development.

      According to the Cayce readings, the first soul group projected into animal, plant, and even mineral forms of life on earth! The creatures which resulted from these projections were not creations of God, but the result of the soul’s misapplication of its own creative abilities. At first, the soul was able to project into and withdraw from these forms at will. With each successive projection into matter, however, the soul began to stay in the body for longer and longer periods of time. The denser vibrations of the earth began to interfere with the soul’s vibration and made it more difficult for the soul to enter and exit at will. Eventually, many souls lost this ability completely and became entrapped in the world, unable to return to their spiritual form.

       A Desire to Help

      Thousands, if not millions, of souls were now trapped in the earth plane. As they descended into matter and its limited consciousness, they lost sight of their divine nature and were unable to return to the celestial sphere. Even the death of the organism was no guarantee that the soul would be freed from its earthly bounds, for some were so confused as to their true identity that they lingered in the earth plane, unable to “return to the light” from which they came. Disoriented and trapped in the earth plane, they often sought another form into which they could project.

      These developments on the earth plane were being watched with great concern by the millions of souls still in unity with the God-Force, some of whom had not yet chosen to manifest in materiality. There were also others who had taken the opportunity to experience materiality in other solar systems and had not become entangled in matter as happened on this planet. From both these groups, many souls unselfishly made the choice to go and help their brethren, even though they knew that they too would run the risk of becoming entrapped. “… there were then—from the other sources (worlds) the continuing entering of those that would make for the keeping of the balance, as of the first purpose of the Creative Forces …” (364-7) The purpose for which the “second soul group”9 incarnated was a noble one, for they entered the earth plane in an attempt to help the lost souls regain their identity, an endeavor born out of unselfish love for their brethren.

      Initially, many of these souls remained in spirit form and did not enter the flesh, knowing that to do so meant dimming spiritual awareness. Others manifested in a “light body,” appearing as luminescent beings of tall stature with slightly elongated limbs. Although not a physical body, this light body was of a denser vibration than pure spirit form, light being a material manifestation of the energy of spirit. They could enter and exit the light body at will, and “morph” its form into varied expressions. These souls had a strong affinity with nature and honored and respected the animal species and plant life that existed on earth. Unfortunately, many in this second soul group also succumbed to the temptations of the physical sensations of this world and lost sight of their divine nature as they repeated the mistakes of the first soul group. Although some of these souls had experienced materiality in other systems, there was something different about the earth plane. Perhaps it was its intense gravitational pull or the heavy density of the flesh of earth’s life forms. Perhaps it was a combination of these and other conditions unique to the earth that hindered their attempts to help their brethren, resulting in many of the second soul group becoming trapped in flesh as well.

      Memories of this Second Root Race live on in the stories of the mythical land of Lemuria. Lemurians are also the true source for the legends of “shape-shifters” that are found in many cultures, particularly among Native Americans.

      With the failure of the second soul group, it was clear that the sensory experiences of this planet were too much for most souls to resist. It seemed that any soul, no matter how noble its intentions, ran a great risk of becoming entrapped in matter upon entry into the earth. Yet even knowing this, there were still those who were willing to try again. One such soul was Amilius, also known as the First Son and Elder Brother.

       A Plan for Redemption

      Amilius belonged to and in fact led the group of souls who had never rebelled against the Creator, who still existed in unity and harmony with the Creative Force. Amilius had closely observed the activities of the first two soul groups and knew the difficulties the soul faced in trying to resist the physical gratifications of the earth. Concerned for his brethren’s welfare, Amilius felt that some action must be taken to give these souls the direction needed to bring them out of the chaos into which they had fallen. He realized that somehow they must be shown a way to overcome the physical influences which were interfering with the spiritual forces of the soul. So great was Amilius’ love for his brethren, that he proposed he take these very conditions upon himself! He proposed that he become as one of them and experience materiality, for only by experiencing those conditions could he overcome them and show others the way it could be done.

      As a soul in perfect harmony with the Creative Spirit, Amilius spoke with the Father and proposed that he enter the earth for the purpose of leading his brethren back to a remembrance of their spiritual selves. God was at first reluctant to permit this, for He knew that once in matter, even Amilius might not be able to resist the physical temptations. Amilius persisted, however, certain that he would not lose sight of his divine nature, certain that he could overcome the entrapment of the flesh. God agreed, however, for He knew Amilius’ plan was the only hope for those that had become lost to His Presence.

      Yet God did not will that Amilius should undertake this mission alone. He would be accompanied by other souls who also desired to help those who had become lost. Amilius would lead a “third soul group,” numbering some 144,000 souls,10 into the earth plane. This was the time “when the morning stars sang together, and the whispering winds brought the news of the coming of man’s indwelling …” (294-8) This was the Third Root Race, remembered in myth and legend as the people of Atlantis. Together, they would undertake the task of showing their lost brethren the way back to God Consciousness.

       The Entry into Materiality

      Amilius thus led the third soul group into the earth plane, so that they might experience materiality and overcome it. “… the first begotten of the Father that came as Amilius in the Atlantean land and allowed himself to be led in ways of selfishness.” (364-8) This did not, however, imply entry into the dense, flesh bodies we inhabit today. For Amilius purposed to create a material body from his own soul-self through his creative abilities. These creations were projections from the soul mind, called thought-forms, or thought-bodies, which the soul could inhabit and withdraw from at will. This body was not created through physical means—it was “imaged” in the soul mind and brought into being. “As to their forms in the physical sense, these were much rather of the nature of thought forms, or able to push out of themselves … much in the way and manner as the amoeba would in the waters …” (364-3) The soul could enter the thought body for the purpose of learning certain lessons designed to awaken the memory

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