Validating Product Ideas. Tomer Sharon
STEP 1: Choose diary type and structure.
STEP 2: Set up a data collection tool.
STEP 3: Carefully recruit eight research participants.
STEP 4: Prepare instructions and brief participants.
STEP 5: Launch the pilot and then the full study.
STEP 6: Prompt participants for the right data.
Other Methods to Answer the Question
CHAPTER 5 Do People Want the Product?
Why Is This Question Important?
Answering the Question with a Concierge MVP and Fake Doors Experiment
Why Concierge MVP and Fake Doors Experiments Work
Other Questions Concierge MVP and Fake Doors Experiments Help Answer
STEP 1: Choose an experiment type.
STEP 2: Design a Concierge MVP.
STEP 3: Find customers and pitch Concierge MVP.
STEP 4: Serve the Concierge MVP to customers.
STEP 5: Design a Fake Doors experiment.
STEP 6: Determine a Fake Doors threshold.
STEP 7: Make a decision and move on.
Other Methods to Answer the Question
Concierge MVP and Fake Doors Experiments Checklist
CHAPTER 6 Can People Use the Product?
Why Is This Question Important?
When Should You Ask the Question?
Answering the Question with Online Usability Testing
Why Online Usability Testing Works
Other Questions Online Usability Testing Helps Answer
STEP 1: Write a one-page plan.
STEP 2: Find 5 or 500 participants.
STEP 3: Phrase instructions, tasks, and questions.
STEP 5: Prepare a rainbow analysis spreadsheet.
STEP 7: Collaboratively analyze results.
Other Methods to Answer the Question
Online Usability Testing Checklist
CHAPTER 7 Which Design Generates Better Results?
Why Is This Question Important?
When You Should Ask the Question
Answering the Question with A/B Testing
Other Questions A/B Testing Helps Answer
STEP 1: Decide what to compare.
STEP 2: Compare pages, tasks, features, or elements with an A/B test.
STEP 3: Find research participants.
STEP 4: Evaluate if it’s a good time to test.
STEP 5: Determine what would be an actionable result.