Public Health Information System A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition. Gerardus Blokdyk
problem should be solved?
<--- Score
51. Whom do you really need or want to serve?
<--- Score
52. How are training requirements identified?
<--- Score
53. Who should resolve the Public health information system issues?
<--- Score
54. How do you identify subcontractor relationships?
<--- Score
55. Do you need different information or graphics?
<--- Score
56. Are controls defined to recognize and contain problems?
<--- Score
57. Who needs what information?
<--- Score
58. What should be considered when identifying available resources, constraints, and deadlines?
<--- Score
59. Are there regulatory / compliance issues?
<--- Score
60. What situation(s) led to this Public health information system Self Assessment?
<--- Score
61. What creative shifts do you need to take?
<--- Score
62. Will new equipment/products be required to facilitate Public health information system delivery, for example is new software needed?
<--- Score
63. To what extent does each concerned units management team recognize Public health information system as an effective investment?
<--- Score
64. What do you need to start doing?
<--- Score
65. Why is this needed?
<--- Score
66. Do you know what you need to know about Public health information system?
<--- Score
67. Think about the people you identified for your Public health information system project and the project responsibilities you would assign to them, what kind of training do you think they would need to perform these responsibilities effectively?
<--- Score
68. Who needs to know?
<--- Score
69. What extra resources will you need?
<--- Score
70. Is the quality assurance team identified?
<--- Score
71. Does your organization need more Public health information system education?
<--- Score
72. What activities does the governance board need to consider?
<--- Score
73. As a sponsor, customer or management, how important is it to meet goals, objectives?
<--- Score
74. When a Public health information system manager recognizes a problem, what options are available?
<--- Score
75. What would happen if Public health information system weren’t done?
<--- Score
76. What is the extent or complexity of the Public health information system problem?
<--- Score
77. What information do users need?
<--- Score
78. What is the Public health information system problem definition? What do you need to resolve?
<--- Score
79. Is it needed?
<--- Score
80. Which needs are not included or involved?
<--- Score
81. Looking at each person individually – does every one have the qualities which are needed to work in this group?
<--- Score
82. How much are sponsors, customers, partners, stakeholders involved in Public health information system? In other words, what are the risks, if Public health information system does not deliver successfully?
<--- Score
83. What Public health information system events should you attend?
<--- Score
84. Who defines the rules in relation to any given issue?
<--- Score
85. What vendors make products that address the Public health information system needs?
<--- Score
86. To what extent would your organization benefit from being recognized as a award recipient?
<--- Score
87. How can auditing be a preventative security measure?
<--- Score
88. How are you going to measure success?
<--- Score
89. Who else hopes to benefit from it?
<--- Score
90. What are the Public health information system resources needed?
<--- Score
91. What problems are you facing and how do you consider Public health information system will circumvent those obstacles?
<--- Score
92. Are there any revenue recognition issues?
<--- Score
93. Who needs budgets?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Public health information system Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Formulate the stakeholder problem. Define the problem, needs and objectives.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. What is out of scope?
<--- Score
2. Is the Public health information system scope complete and appropriately sized?
<--- Score
3. What are the Public health information system tasks and definitions?
<--- Score
4. Are resources adequate for the scope?
<--- Score
5. What defines best in class?
<--- Score
6. How will variation in the actual durations of each activity be dealt with to ensure that the expected Public health information system results are met?
<--- Score