Veterinary Treatment of Pigs. Graham R Duncanson
Fig. 1.4. A cross-bred Bantu pig.
Chato Murciano
These medium-sized pigs originate from Spain. They are black, white or black and white.
Choctaw Hog
These very small black pigs originated in the USA.
Danish Protest Pig
These very large pigs, as the name suggests, were bred in Denmark. They are red with a white saddle. They have lop ears.
These large fecund pigs were bred in the USA. They are normally red but may be black.
Fig. 1.5. Beijing Black weaners.
They have lop ears. There is Duroc blood found in many hybrids.
Forest Mountain
This is a large white pig which originated in Armenia.
This is a large black pig with lop ears which originated in Gascony in France.
Gloucestershire Old Spot
This is a large, mainly white pig with large black spots. It has lop ears and originated in Gloucestershire in the UK. It was a rare breed but it has had resurgence in recent years (Fig. 1.6). It is much sought after by smallholders because of its quiet temperament. There is a niche market for its meat.
Guinea Hog
This medium-sized black pig has prick ears. It originated in the USA.
This is a medium-sized pig, with prick ears. It originated in Hampshire in the UK. It is normally a saddleback but some are all black. It is a quiet pig and is seen on smallholdings throughout the South of England.
This breed of pig, which can be very large, is normally red and white. It originated in the USA.
This medium-sized black pig originated in Spain. It has lop ears.
Fig. 1.6. Pure-bred Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs.
Jeju Black Pig
The name describes everything about this breed of pig. It is black and originated in Jeju-do in Korea. It is a small pig with lop ears.
This black pig is small with prick ears. Grey and reddish brown pigs are also seen. It originated in Europe and is now only found in Georgia. The piglets have stripes which disappear on maturity.
This is a small black pig with prick ears which originated in Kazakhstan.
Korea Native Pig
This is a medium-sized black pig with lop ears which is found in Korea.
These small pigs with long hair from New Zealand are very popular as pet pigs in the UK. They have several recognizable colours: red, black and white, cream, gold-tip, black, brown and tricoloured. They all have wattles called piri-piri (Fig. 1.7). They are friendly pigs and are ideal as a smallholder pig. As the gene pool in the UK is small, purchasers should beware of any inherited defects. They are often crossed with Vietnamese pigs to make ‘house-pigs’ (Fig. 1.8). They are also crossed with commercial hybrid pigs to make better carcasses for pig meat (Figure 1.9).
This is an old breed developed in Alberta in Canada from crossing Landrace and Berkshire pigs. It is a large breed, has lop ears and is normally black, but white animals are seen.
There are now many separate breeds of Landrace pig, e.g. American, British, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian and Swedish. They all originate from Scandinavia. They are a very important breed now used extensively in hybrids. They are a large white pig with lop ears, renowned for their length and limited back fat.
Large Black
This large English breed is all black with lop ears.
Large White
This large English breed is all white and has prick ears. It forms the basis of many hybrids used in commercial pig production. It is particularly useful when crossed with a Landrace-type pig.
Fig. 1.7. A Kunekune pig. Note the wattles.
Latvian White
As the name suggests, this large white pig was developed in Latvia. It has prick ears.
Lithuanian White
This all white, large pig with prick ears was developed in Lithuania by crossing English Large White pigs with Lithuanian native pigs. These native pigs were either black and white or red and white.
Lincolnshire Curly-Coated
This large white pig, as the name suggests, has an abundant curly coat. It has prick ears and was developed in Lincolnshire.
This medium-sized pig with a large girth has lop ears. It can be red or tan or even partly black. It was developed in Hungary.