Astrology for the New Age. Marc Allen
for the New Age
An Intuitive Approach
by Marcus Allen
Original edition © 1977 Mark Allen
This expanded edition © 1979 Mark Allen (Donicht)
All rights reserved
Published by Whatever Publishing
PO Box 3073, Berkeley CA 94703
Designed by Marcus Allen
Cover photo by Dean Campbell
Calligraphy by Stephanie Young
Artwork by Rainbow Canyon
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Donicht, Mark.
Astrology for the new age.
1. Astrology. I. Title.
BF1708.1.D66 1979 133.5 79-10433
ISBN 0-931432-03-0
Dedicated to the childrenof the New Age
Special thanks to
Mac Pierce for his three-day crash course in astrology when we first drove out to California;
Joel Schwartz for teaching me how to cast charts;
Lee Duvlea for showing me a simple method of casting charts;
David Lueck for his Aquarian interpretations;
Abraham for his planetary walks and his enthusiasm;
Lama Tarthang Tulku for his penetrating mind and interest in astrology;
Shakti Gawain for her support and encouragement – and for giving me space when I need it;
my spirit guide for his insight and clarity and presence.
I hope in this book to accomplish for astrology what I feel Eden Gray accomplished for the tarot in her beautiful book, The Tarot Revealed: I wish to provide even complete beginners with enough information and guidance so that they can skillfully use the tools of this ancient, deep teaching, and make them their own in a very short time.
And even more: I pray we can discover meaningful tools for not only transforming our own lives, but bringing about the transformation of the entire planet as well. I intend to keep revising this book, if necessary, until these goals are reached.
Your feedback is deeply appreciated. Write me in care of the publisher.
Be in peace
Divine Master, be my guide be my light be my voice May your words of truth flow thru this vessel May your words of truth speak thru me Divine Master, be my guide be my light be my voice
Astrology at the dawn of a New Age — an intuitive approach.
New discoveries are transforming our thinking, transforming our consciousness … Our rational, linear approach has finally discovered that there are other approaches to knowledge — other ways to learn and grow … A change of consciousness is taking place on a mass scale, in which intuitive channels are opening —
“Your old people will see visions,and your children will dream dreams.”
This book does not have to be used in a linear way.
Each section is in some ways complete in itself. Just absorb as much of any part of it as you wish. This is a different approach to astrology than most — an intuitive approach, which tries to involve rational mind information as little as possible, and open up direct, intuitive channels as much as possible…
Don’t try to absorb all of the information in this book at once. Just take part of it, and sit with it, letting it open up as much within you as possible … letting as many images, free associations, memories surface as possible…
This book presents several different keys — keys for understanding astrology as a whole. Sit with each of them. Relax. There is far more information within each of us — deep storehouses of intuitive information and understanding — than we can comprehend with our rational minds. And all we need to do to connect with this information is to relax and let it surface.
The truth is within you.