Astrology for the New Age. Marc Allen

Astrology for the New Age - Marc Allen

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      Aquarian energy can become unrealistic, spaced-out and dreamy, willing to visualize a million possibilities, but unwilling to focus on any of them long enough to accomplish anything.

      Pisces energy can also become spaced-out, not relating to people, aloof, distant, sometimes heavily emotional and even self-destructive…

      Again, I must stress that these weaknesses shouldn’t be taken too seriously or given too much power, in relation to yourself or other people. We are all vast, complex beings, with many different qualities — strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your weaknesses long enough to clearly see them, shine the light of your understanding on them, and let them go. Then focus on your strengths, and fulfill your vision.

       Prove it….

      I don‘t attempt to prove anything about the validity of astrology. Most of the attempts to prove its validity seem to me to be as ridiculous as the attempts by so-called ’scientists’ or anyone else to disprove its validity.

      I simply see that it exists, and has existed for thousands of years, and that it has cataloged a large number of different correspondences which many people of many different cultures have apparently found meaningful and even useful. I see that some of these correspondences simply relate to the seasons of the year — the month of Aries is the advent of spring, the month of Leo is the height of summer … But many of the other correspondences seem to relate to other cycles which are subtler, perhaps reflecting more archtypal levels of our experience.

      There’s no need to prove it, or disprove it. It is a tool, a tool to use as you wish.

      “No one should hold it to be incredible that out of the astrologer’s foolishness and blasphemies some useful and sacred knowledge may come.”

      —Johaness Kepler

       A Key to the Planets

      Maybe you’ll want to do this exercise with the planets that I recommend to people:

      Just think of each of the names of the planets, relax, and picture it — fantasize, free associate, meditate with it, sit with it for a little while … Whatever happens is all right … (The Sun and the Moon, too, are included among the ‘planets’.)

      Think of them as totally as you can — mythologically and/or scientifically and/or cosmically and/or whatever comes to mind…

       Mercury … Venus … Mars … Jupiter …Saturn … Uranus … Neptune … Pluto …Sun … Moon …

      Most of these words have a lot of associations for us … and these associations are a key to understanding the power of these planets.

      Within our mythological heritage — deep wellsprings of intuitive information — each of these planetary forces has been envisioned in human form, as energies we can comprehend, feel, and summon…

       A Key to the Signs

      The 12 signs are the 12 faces of Godthe 12 states of perfect being – each with their unevolved, evolving, and evolved levels of being.

      Instead of ‘faces of God’ you may want to use the words ‘states of perfect being’ or ‘states of higher consciousness’ or ‘levels of divine being’ or whatever … The specific words aren’t important — choose whatever words resonate most deeply for you.

      Astrology is a ritual / a game / an intuitive science / a form of prayer / a connection with higher intelligence which involves identifying with symbols. These symbols gain deep meaning — intuitive meaning — when and only when we look deeply into the symbols, when we observe their inner (or esoteric) meanings and resonances.

      If we’re going to identify with a symbol, like a Sun Sign, it might as well be a high one … a deep one … a powerful one — a face of God.

      Many of the current popular conceptions of astrology are still suffering from Victorian and even Puritan hangovers. Most of the understanding of the signs relates only to the lower, unevolved side of the symbols … and the evolution of the symbol, the power of the symbol, is lost, forgotten.

       Each sign is a sign of transformation… The unevolved is the ‘ground’, or starting point… The evolving is the ‘path’, or direction of growth… The evolved is the ‘goal’, or the fruit of the search.

       Unevolved, Evolving, and Evolved….

      This is one of the most beautiful discoveries of New Age astrology: each and every sign has its unevolved, evolving, and evolved characteristics. Each and every sign is a path to perfection. Each sign has its own unique power and insight.

      The symbols associated with Scorpio contain this key very clearly. Scorpio is the sign of transfiguration, transformation:

      Unevolved Scorpio energy is symbolized by the Scorpion — stinging, poisonous.

      Evolving Scorpio energy is symbolized by the Snake, winding up the cadeusus of the spine — a powerful healing force … energy rising up the energy centers of the spine…

      Evolved Scorpio has undergone a complete, magical transformation, into the Eagle (or the Phoenix). The Eagle’s vision, it is said, is so keen that it can spot a mouse from half a mile in the air… and it flies closer to the Sun than any other creature…

      The Eagle is a symbol of spiritual flight … complete freedom…

      The Phoenix destroys itself to be reborn anew from its old ashes — a symbol of Autumn, the time of Scorpio, of death … and beyond death thru transformation into new life…

      Focus on the evolving qualities of each sign, and you are given deep tools of growth. The basic key at this level is this:

       The evolving qualities use the same energies as the unevolved qualities of each sign – but they are used in conscious, creative, useful ways which lead to growth, to health, and to the dissolving of limitations.

      Focus upon the evolved aspects of each sign, and you unlock deep intuitive resources of knowledge.

       A Deep, Ancient Truth

      There is a deep, ancient truth which surfaces here:

       The very ‘negative’ emotions themselves provide the energy which causes transformation into a higher state of being…

      The unevolved qualities of each sign are the same thing as the evolved qualities — it is all energy … the only difference is the level of vibration.

      Our very weaknesses give us the strength for growth.

      In the brilliant teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, this key (to inner growth, to light, to whatever you wish) is expressed very clearly: They teach that there are basically five different general categories of ‘negative’ — or separating, alienating, contracting — emotions. (In Tibetan, the word for these emotions is the same word as ‘poisons’ — for they can indeed poison us, so that we do not experience the true purity of our being.)

      Each of these ‘negative’ emotions, when confronted, clearly looked at, and by doing so, understood, becomes changed, transmuted into one of the five wisdoms:

      When we look

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