Abnormal Psychology. William J. Ray

Abnormal Psychology - William J. Ray

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Incognito: The secret lives of the brain. New York, NY: Pantheon.

      Ramachandran, V. S. (1998). Consciousness and body image: Lesions from phantom limbs, Capgras syndrome and pain asymbolia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 353, 1851–1859.

      Ramachandran, V. S., & Blakeslee, S. (1998). Phantoms in the brain. New York, NY: William Morrow.

      Seung, S. (2012). Connectome: How the brain’s wiring makes us who we are. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

      Key Terms and Concepts

       allele 67

       central executive network 62

       chromosomes 66

       connectivity 64

       default or intrinsic network 63

       deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 68

       diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) 55

       electroencephalography (EEG) 49

       encode 67

       endophenotypes 72

       epigenetic inheritance 69

       epigenetic marks or tags 70

       epigenetics 66

       event-related potentials (ERPs) 51

       evoked potentials (EP) 51

       executive functions 63

       functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 54

       genes 67

       genotype 68

       heterozygotes or heterozygous 67

       homozygotes or homozygous 67

       magnetoencephalography (MEG) 52

       Mendel’s first law or the law of segregation 66

       Mendel’s second law or the law of independent assortment 66

       mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 71

       mitochondrial inheritance 71

       modularity 64

       neuroethics 59

       neurotransmitters 46

       phenotype 68

       positron emission tomography (PET) 53

       proteins 67

       ribonucleic acid (RNA) 68

       salience network 62

       small world framework 61


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      3 Research Methods

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      Chapter Outline

        What Is Science?

        Nonexperimental Methods of Psychological Research

       Case Study

       Naturalistic Observation: Just Looking

       Correlational Approach: What Goes With What

        The Experimental Method: Making It Happen

       Definitions in the Experimental Method

       Does Playing Music Change the Brain?

       Logic and Inference: The Detective Work of Science


       What Do I Expect to Happen?

        Designing an Experimental Study

       Participants in the Study

       Putting Participants in Groups

       Designing and Structuring the Experimental Study

       Is the Dependent Variable Related to the Independent Variable?

        Null Hypothesis and Inferential Statistics

        Confound Hypothesis

        Research Hypothesis

        CULTURAL LENS: Randomized Controlled Trials of Global Mental Health Treatments in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

        Other Types of Experimental Designs and Research Considerations

       Single-Subject Designs

       Longitudinal Research

       Epidemiological Research

       Research Involving Genetics

        Behavioral Genetics

       Clinical and Statistical Significance

       Replication and Meta-Analysis

        LENS: Treatment and Clinical Perspectives—Failure to Publish the Results of All Clinical Trials Is Hurting Medical Science

        Ethics and the Scientific Experiment

       The Experiment as an Ethical Problem

       Ingredients of the Initial Scientist–Participant Dialogue

        Voluntary Participation

        Informed Consent

       The Rights of the Research Participant and the Responsibilities of the Experimenter

       What Is Harmful to a Research Participant?

       The Institutional Review Board

       The Ethical Relationship


        Study Resources

       Review Questions

       For Further Reading

       Key Terms and Concepts

       SAGE edge

      Learning Objectives

       3.1 Describe the characteristics of the scientific approach.

       3.2 Describe the characteristics of the nonexperimental methods of psychological research.

       3.3 Explain why the experimental research

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