Exercises for the Jaw to Shoulder - Release Your Kinetic Chain. Dr. Brian James Abelson DC.
Rehabilitating an Injury...do this first!
Increasing Your Performance...wait to do this!
Chapter 1: Rehabilitation vs. Athletic Training
About Rehabilitative Exercise Routines
Principle 1: No Pain...All Gain!
Principle 2: Develop your Power
Principle 3: Build your Aerobic Base
Athletic or Performance Care Routines
Principle 1: Athletic Development is Not the Same as Body-Building!
Principle 2: Good Tissue Quality = Good Performance
Principle 3: Some Muscle Pain is Okay
Principle 4: Develop Your Aerobic Zone Before Working on Your Anaerobic Zone
Comparing the Benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic Training
Chapter 2: Understanding Your Kinetic Chain
A Kinetic Chain – Jaw to Shoulder
Exercise Routines and Your Kinetic Chain
Your Jaw-to-Shoulder Kinetic Chain
Neurological Impact of the Neck’s Kinetic Chain
Case Study - Shoulder Kinetic Chain
Benefits of Body Awareness Exercises
Benefits of Stretching Exercises
Benefits of Strengthening Exercises
Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercises
Aerobic Warm-Ups...how they helped resolve my injury!
Working within your Aerobic Zone
Benefits of Proprioceptive Exercises
What’s Special About Our Exercises
Exercise Accessories and Tools
Chapter 4: What’s Special About These Exercises
Progressing Through Our Program
Use the Beginner Routines in this book if:
Use the Intermediate Routines in this book if:
Use the Advanced Routines in this book if:
Use the Performance Routines in this book if:
How are our routines organized?
Understanding Repetitions and Sets
How long should I rest between sets?
Applying the Inverted Pyramid Structure to your sets
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Chapter 5: What’s your problem... Jaw and TMJ?