Green Nanomaterials. Siddharth Patwardhan
S Staniland
Sarah is currently a Reader of Bionanomaterials in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Sheffield. She obtained an integrated undergraduate master’s degree in Chemistry followed by a doctorate in Materials Chemistry (2001, 2005) both at the University of Edinburgh (UK).
After her PhD she won a prestigious independent EPSRC Life Science Interface Fellowship (2005–8) at the University of Edinburgh, where she initiated the research in which she is currently active. This helped her transition from chemical material sciences to interdisciplinary work at the interface with biology. She took this opportunity to live and work in various places globally, from Cape Town to Tokyo, forming lasting collaborations. She then took up a Lectureship in Bionanoscience in the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds in 2008, where she was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013. She moved to Sheffield in 2013 and was promoted to Reader of Bionanoscience in 2016.
Sarah leads the Bionanomagnetic Research Group which studies the biomimetic synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials, particularly inspired from how magnetite nanoparticles are produced within magnetic bacteria. From a basis of material chemistry and PhD in magnetic materials, Sarah has moved into a multidisciplinary approach of using biology to control material synthesis. She has been invited to speak at and organised national and international conferences to promote this research area and been a board member of the Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Chemistry Division. This multidisciplinary research field requires a highly skilled, open-minded and diverse research team, which she is passionate about training, developing and mentoring and is very grateful to them all. Sarah is committed to teaching, in particular multidisciplinary science which falls at the interface between several standard degree subjects, and is always experimenting with novel methods and techniques to improve her teaching in this area. She has taught a course on bionanoscience (covering much of the material in this book) for ten years. Sarah has won three prestigious awards recently, including two for her research: the acclaimed RSC Harrison Meldola Award in 2016 and the Wain Award in 2017, as well as the Suffrage Science Award in 2017 for her work on the promotion of gender equality.
Section I
Green chemistry principles
Image courtesy of bluebay/Shutterstock.
This short section consists of a chapter on green chemistry and engineering. It introduces the 12 principles of green chemistry and various drivers for making a given process or product greener. Further, ways to improve sustainability are discussed mainly in terms of the cost of the waste produced. A brief introduction is provided on how to evaluate the sustainability or green credentials of a given process or product leading to a discussion on ways to improve sustainability. These concepts will be used in other chapters in the book in order to explore potential (un)sustainable aspects of a given method for nanomaterials synthesis. This section aims to set the scene for the book and the principles explained will be revisited in later sections of the book, in order to put them in the context of nanomaterials synthesis and manufacturing.
IOP Publishing
Green Nanomaterials
From bioinspired synthesis to sustainable manufacturing of inorganic nanomaterials
Siddharth V Patwardhan and Sarah S Staniland
Chapter 1
Green chemistry and engineering
1.1 Principles of green chemistry and engineering
1.1.1 Overview
At present, we are highly reliant on chemical processes because of the benefits they bring to us. Examples of sectors where chemical industry has impacted our lives include healthcare, transportation, communications and food, constituting total sales of around €1.5 trillion globally [1]. In recent times, society has become more aware and concerned about the negative environmental impact associated with chemical industry. As such, there have been wider legislative interventions in order to ensure greater control and monitoring of chemical processes. These changes have led to increasing pressure on the chemical industry to continue to deliver high value products in an economical fashion, while minimising or eliminating the adverse environmental burden. This new challenge has driven the development of green chemistry for sustainable chemical processing.
Sustainable development has been defined by the United Nations as ‘…meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ [2]. Further, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has extended this definition to give birth to green chemistry where the main goal is to ‘promote innovative chemical technologies that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and use of chemical products’ [3]. Related to this is green engineering, which pertains to the design, commercialisation and the use of processes and products in an economical fashion to minimise pollution and risks to health and the environment. Utilising these concepts, 12 principles of green chemistry have been formulated [4], which are shown in figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1. 12 principles of green chemistry, after [4]. Copyright of OUP 1998.
Applying these green and sustainable principles has the potential to address the challenges facing chemical industry, in balancing the high value of products against the environmental burden. A common perception is that green chemistry is costly and/or can lead to costly products, thus reducing the profit for industry. However, this is not always true. While there may be initial investment needed for the development of green technologies, which can replace existing processes, such changes can also lead to reduced costs of production and products. Besides, considering the long-term benefits of adopting green chemistry, initial costs can be offset. Some of these points and the 12 principles will be discussed further in chapters 4 and 5 with specific relevance to nanomaterials.
1.1.2 Drivers for green approaches
One of the main issues leading to adverse environmental impact is the generation of waste in a chemical process. Depending on the technological, economical and legislative frameworks, the quantities of waste produced, in particular, in relation to the amount of product produced, vary from sector to sector. For example, some industrial sectors are technologically very advanced, such that they have developed ways to minimise waste, e.g. petroleum refining. On the other hand, in some other sectors, the cost of the product is significantly higher than the loss of value from waste or cost of treating waste, and hence waste minimisation is not given due importance (e.g. pharmaceuticals). There are also examples where pro-active legislation has driven the chemical industry to find innovative ways to minimise waste. Waste relates to inefficiencies in a given process, which leads to loss of valuable resources (e.g. substances and energy) and it can cause risks to the environment and health, which ultimately increases the process costs. Figure 1.2 illustrates the financial, environmental and societal origins of the costs associated with waste.
Figure 1.2. Costs associated with waste. Reproduced with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry from [1].
If one considers the total costs for waste originating from all areas as shown in figure 1.2,