Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting. Boris Draznin
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DOI: 10.2337/9781580406086
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Draznin, Boris, editor. | American Diabetes Association, issuing body. Title: Managing diabetes and hyperglycemia in the hospital setting / Boris Draznin, editor. Description: Alexandria : The American Diabetes Association, [2016] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2015045525 | ISBN 9781580406086 (alk. paper) Subjects: | MESH: Hyperglycemia—therapy. | Diabetes Mellitus—therapy. | Hospitalization. | Hyperglycemia—prevention & control. Classification: LCC RC660.7 | NLM WK 880 | DDC 616.4/62—dc23 LC record available at
Chapter 1 The Evolution of Glycemic Control in the Hospital Setting E. Moghissi and S. Inzucchi
Chapter 2 The Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes in Nonpregnant Adults I.B. Hirsch and L.M. Gaudiani
Chapter 3 Perils of Glycemic Variability and Rapid Correction of Chronic Hyperglycemia S.S. Braithwaite and I.B. Hirsch
Chapter 4 Insulin Errors in the Inpatient Setting R. Hellman
Chapter 5 Food, Fasting, Insulin, and Glycemic Control in the Hospital M. Korytkowski, B. Draznin, and A. Drincic
Chapter 6 Glycemic Control in the Setting of Parenteral Nutrition or Enteral Nutrition via Tube Feeding C.C. Low Wang, R.M. Hawkins, R. Gianchandani, and K. Dungan
Chapter 7 Steroid-Associated Hyperglycemia N. Mathioudakis, K. Dungan, D. Baldwin, M. Korytkowski, and J. Reider
Chapter 8 Transitioning from Intravenous to Subcutaneous Insulin L.F. Lien, C.C. Low Wang, K. Evans Kreider, and D. Baldwin, Jr.
Chapter 9 Preoperative, Intraoperative, and Postoperative Glucose Management R. Gianchandani, E. Dubois, S. Alexanian, and R. Rushakoff
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hyperglycemia on Medical and Surgical Units R.J. Rushakoff, H. Windham MacMaster, M. Falciglia, and K. Kulasa
Chapter 11 Hospital Glucose Management of Post-Transplant Patients A. Sadhu, A. Kansara, U. Masharani, D. Baldwin, R. Rushakoff, and A. Wallia
Chapter 12 Hyperglycemia in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation S.J. Healy, B. Draznin, and K.M. Dungan
Chapter 13 Management of Hospitalized Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis–Related Diabetes B. Draznin and R. Gianchandani
Chapter 14 Improving the Safety and Effectiveness of Insulin Therapy in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes and Chronic Renal Failure J. Apel and D. Baldwin
Chapter 15 Insulin Resistance in Patients Treated with Therapeutic Hypothermia and in Patients with Severe Burns B. Draznin, K. Dungan, and S. Seggelke
Chapter 16 Inpatient Management of Patients with Extreme Insulin Resistance Receiving U-500 Insulin A. Diesburg-Stanwood, N. Rasouli, and B. Draznin
Chapter 17 Management of Patients Postpancreatectomy S. Kim, B. Draznin, and R.J. Rushakoff
Chapter 18 Inpatient Management of Patients with Diabetes after Bariatric Surgery S. Alexanian and I.Lingvay
Chapter 19 Emergency Department Management of Diabetes Patients with Non-crisis Hyperglycemia M.F. Magee, C.M. Nassar, J.J. Reyes-Castano, and M.E. McDonnell
Chapter 20 Diabetic Gastroparesis: Update with Emphasis on Inpatient Management J. Calles-Escandón, K.L. Koch, B. Draznin, and A. Drincic
Chapter 21 Inpatient Management of the Pregnant Woman with Diabetes E.O. Buschur, M.E. McDonnell, M.K. Figaro, and E.M. Eggleston
Chapter 22 Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State J.S. Haw, R. Rushkoff, and G.E. Umpierrez
Chapter 23 Hypoglycemia Prevention and Treatment J.L. Gilden, D.J. Rubin, K. Kulasa, and G. Maynard
Chapter 24 Use of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusions in the Inpatient Setting: A Guide to Management E. Faulds, R. Rushakoff, U. Masharani, and K. Dungan
Chapter 25 Continuous Glucose Monitoring in the Hospital P. Peter and S.E. Inzucchi
Chapter 26 Noninsulin Therapies C.E. Mendez, R.Y. Gianchandani, and G.E. Umpierrez
Chapter 27 Patient Education K. Rodriguez, L. Meneghini, J. Jeffrie Seley, and M.F. Magee
Chapter 28 Nursing Education J. Jeffrie Seley, M.F. Magee, and R.J. Rushakoff
Chapter 29 Resident Education R.J. Rushakoff, C. Low Wang, J. Jeffrie Seley, and A.L. Warnock
Chapter 30 Transition of Care: Discharge from the Hospital D.J. Rubin, L.F. Meneghini, J. Jeffrie Seley, E. Cagliero,