German Song Onstage. Laura Tunbridge

German Song Onstage - Laura Tunbridge

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And Marianne’s fourth stanza reads “Und mich soll sein leises Flüstern / Von dem Freunde lieblich grüßen; / Eh’ noch diese Hügel düstern, / Sitz’ ich still zu seinen Füßen” (“Before these hills grow dark, I will sit quietly at his feet”). She always stoutly maintained the superiority of her version over Goethe’s, with its more conventional “thousand kisses,” the number “thousand” being his preferred symbol for things that are infinite and uncountable. Her line was a statement of fact: she did, poetically speaking, “sit at his feet” and greet him lovingly.

      58.Davis, Faces of Love, 126 and 22.

      59.Davis, Faces of Love, 54 and 31.

      60.Davis, Faces of Love, 14.

      61.“Though longing for you scatters on the wind / All my life’s work, / Still, by the dust on your dear feet, I have kept faith with you” (Davis, Faces of Love, 26); “My cypress-slender love, by the dust on which you tread, / Don’t hesitate to visit my dust when I am dead” (108); “My body’s dust is as a veil spread out to hide / My soul—happy that moment when it’s drawn aside!” (124); and “Sit by my dust with wine and music: from my imprisonment / Beneath the ground, within my grave, Dancing, drawn by your scent, I will arise” (120).

      62.Davis, Faces of Love, 76–77 (beyts 1–2, 7, and 9).

      63.Engelbert Kaempfer, Amoenitatum exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum fasciculi v (Lemgo: H. W. Meyer, 1712), and Walther Hinz, ed., Am Hofe des persischen Großkönigs (1684–1685) (Thienemann: Tübingen, 1977).

      64.Ralph Locke, “Cutthroats and Casbah Dancers, Muezzins and Timeless Sands: Musical Images of the Middle East,” 19th-Century Music 22, no. 1 (Summer 1998): 20–53.

      65.Waidelich, Hilmar-Voit, and Mayer, Franz Schubert, 1: 248.

      66.Theodor Creizenach, Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Marianne von Willemer (Suleika); herausgeben mit Lebensnachrichten und Erläuterungen von Theodor Creizenach (Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1878), 325.

      67.Gustav Parthey, Jugenderinnerungen: Handschrift für Freunde (Berlin: Schade, 1871), 2: 325, has a long passage devoted to Anna Milder on 83–87. See, in particular, “In Mozarts Figaro sang die Milder die Susanne, zwar nicht mit der Leichtigkeit einer französischen Soubrette, aber mit jenem bezaubernden Schmelz der Stimme, der sogar den durch und durch frivolen Inhalt des Stückes adelte. In der Erkennungsscene des zweiten Aktes [sic!—Act III] zwischen Bartolo, Marzelline und Figaro waren ihr verwunderten Ausrufe: Seine Mutter! Sein Vater! Von so hinreißender Gewalt, daß sie niemals verfehlten, einen lauten Beifall hervorzurufen. Der alte Zelter sagte in seiner derben Art: dem Weibsbilde kömmt der Ton armsdick zur Kehle heraus!”

      68.Lili Parthey, Tagebücher aus der Berliner Biedermeierzeit, ed. Bernhard Lepsius (Berlin: Gebrüder Paetel, 1926), 269. How one would have liked to be at this soirée for some sixty people at Milder’s house, with Carl Friedrich Zelter, Caroline Seidler, the Reichardts, Rahel von Varnhagen, the beautiful Friederike Robert (Heine was captivated), the Mendelssohns, and more! See also David L. Montgomery’s marvelous introduction to this important source in “From Biedermeier Berlin: The Parthey Diaries; Excerpts in Translation, with Commentary and Annotation,” Musical Quarterly 74, no. 2 (1990): 197–216.

      69.Parthey, Tagebücher, 275. At an earlier rehearsal of Klein’s Dido, on January 29, Lily was deeply moved by Milder’s performance of the final scene. “And how she sang it! This is a unique woman and voice” (Parthey, Tagebücher, 265). Similar notices are a leitmotif of the diaries, as when she heard a performance of Spontini’s Olympe/Olympia on January 14, 1822: “Milder had wonderful numbers—and how marvelously she sings!” (207) and her praise for Milder in La Vestale (“superb,” 112).

      70.Parthey, Tagebücher, 277.


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