The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2). John Skelton
layne] So W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C. Other eds. “sayne.”
[300] scornfull] Marshe’s ed. “scorfull.”
[301] kyst] W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C., “kest.”
[302] checked] Marshe’s ed. “checkerd.”
[303] a] Not in Marshe’s ed.
[304] ony] Marshe’s ed. “any.”
[305] An] Marshe’s ed. “And.”
[306] hadde] Not in Marshe’s ed.
[307] auowe] So Marshe’s ed. Eds. of W. de Worde, “auwe.”
[308] placke] Marshe’s ed. “plucke,”—perhaps, the right reading.
[309] was neuer one] Marshe’s ed. “is here within.”
[310] I] Not in W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C.
[311] armes] So Marshe’s ed. Eds. of W. de Worde, “harmes.”
[312] thorugh] Marshe’s ed. “through.”
[313] curtel] So Marshe’s ed. Eds of W. de Worde, “curtet.”
[314] is] Not in Marshe’s ed.; but see notes.
[315] Vnthryftynes] So Marshe’s ed. Eds. of W. de Worde, “Vnthryftnes.”
[316] whome] So Marshe’s ed. Other eds. “home.”
[317] kyste] Marshe’s ed. “caste.”
[318] agryse] Eds. “aryse.” See notes.
[319] me haue] W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C., “haue me.”
[320] preue a dawe] So W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C. Other eds. “preye a dawe.”
[321] that] So Marshe’s ed. Not in other eds.
[322] hym] So W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C. Not in other eds.
[323] lytterature] So W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C. Other eds. “lytterkture.”
[324] you] So W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C. Other eds. “Iou.”
[325] a Jew] W. de Worde’s ed. A. L. E., “a yew.” W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C., and Marshe’s ed., “an yew.”
[326] to] So other eds. W. de Worde’s ed. A. L. E., “te.”
[327] tell] W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C., “not tell.”
[328] these] So W. de Worde’s ed. P. L. C. Other eds. “this.”
[329] In] Marshe’s ed. “To.”
[330] hode] Marshe’s ed. “body.”
[331] Parte] Qy. “Parde” (Par dieu—in sooth)?
[332] drede] So other eds. W. de Worde’s ed. A. L. E., “drde.”
[333] rounded] So other eds. W. de Worde’s ed. A. L. E., “roynded.”
[334] wrote] So other eds. W. de Worde’s ed. A. L. E., “wroth.”
Pla ce bo,
Who is there, who?
Di le xi,
Dame Margery;
Fa, re, my, my,
Wherfore and why, why?
For the sowle of Philip Sparowe,
That was late slayn at Carowe,
Among the Nones Blake,
For that swete soules sake, 10
And for all sparowes soules,
Set in our bederolles,
Pater noster qui,
With an Ave Mari,
And with the corner of a Crede,
The more shalbe your mede.
Whan I remembre agayn
How mi Philyp was slayn,
Neuer halfe the payne
Was betwene you twayne, 20
Pyramus and Thesbe,
As than befell to me:
I wept and I wayled,