Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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tables, and the tables of jasper. The air here is delicious. I will drink more wine with my guests. We must show all honours to the ambassadors of Cæsar.


      It is not because of them that you remain.

      ·28· herod

      Yes; the air is delicious. Come, Herodias, our guests await us. Ah! I have slipped! I have slipped in blood! It is an ill omen. It is a very evil omen. Wherefore is there blood here? … and this body, what does this body here? Think you I am like the King of Egypt, who gives no feast to his guests but that he shows them a corpse? Whose is it? I will not look on it.

      first soldier

      It is our captain, sire. He is the young Syrian whom you made captain only three days ago.


      I gave no order that he should be slain.

      second soldier

      He killed himself, sire.


      For what reason? I had made him captain.

      second soldier

      We do not know, sire. But he killed himself [E: himself.]


      That seems strange to me. I thought it was only the Roman philosophers who killed themselves. ·29· Is it not true, Tigellinus, that the philosophers at Rome kill themselves?


      There are some who kill themselves, sire. They are the Stoics. The Stoics are coarse people. They are ridiculous people. I myself regard them as being perfectly ridiculous.


      I also. It is ridiculous to kill oneself.


      Everybody at Rome laughs at them. The Emperor has written a satire against them. It is recited everywhere.


      Ah! he has written a satire against them? Cæsar is wonderful. He can do everything…. It is strange that the young Syrian has killed himself. I am sorry he has killed himself. I am very sorry; for he was fair to look upon. He was even very fair. He had very languorous eyes. I remember that I saw that he looked languorously at Salomé. Truly, I thought he looked too much at her.


      There are others who look at her too much.

      ·30· herod

      His father was a king. I drove him from his kingdom. And you made a slave of his mother, who was a queen, Herodias. So he was here as my guest, as it were, and for that reason I made him my captain. I am sorry he is dead. Ho! why have you left the body here? I will not look at it—away with it! [They take a/ray the body.] It is cold here. There is a wind blowing. Is there not a wind blowing?


      No; there is no wind.


      I tell you there is a wind that blows…. And I hear in the air something that is like the beating of wings, like the beating of vast wings. Do you not hear it?


      I hear nothing.


      I hear it no longer. But I heard it. It was the blowing of the wind, no doubt. It has passed away. But no, I hear it again. Do you not hear it? It is just like the beating of wings.


      I tell you there is nothing. You are ill. Let us go within.

      ·31· herod

      I am not ill. It is your daughter who is sick. She has the mien of a sick person. Never have I seen her so pale.


      I have told you not to look at her.


      Pour me forth wine [wine is brought]. Salomé, come drink a little wine with me. I have here a wine that is exquisite. Cæsar himself sent it me. Dip into it thy little red lips, that I may drain the cup.


      I am not thirsty, Tetrarch.


      You hear how she answers me, this daughter of yours?


      She does right. Why are you always gazing at her?


      Bring me ripe fruits [fruits are brought], Salomé, come and eat fruit with me. I love to see in a fruit the mark of thy little teeth. Bite but a little of this fruit and then I will eat what is left.

      ·32· salomé

      I am not hungry, Tetrarch.


      [To Herodias.] You see how you have brought up this daughter of yours.


      My daughter and I come of a royal race. As for thee, thy father was a camel driver! He was also a robber!


      Thou liest!


      Thou knowest well that it is true.


      Salomé, come and sit next to me. I will give thee the throne of thy mother.


      I am not tired, Tetrarch.


      You see what she thinks of you.


      Bring me what is it that I desire? I forget. Ah! ah! I remember.

      ·33· the voice of jokanaan

      Lo! the time is come! That which I foretold has come to pass, saith the Lord God. Lo! the day of which I spoke.


      Bid him be silent. I will not listen to his voice. This man is for ever vomiting insults against me.


      He has said nothing against you. Besides, he is a very great prophet.


      I do not believe in prophets. Can a man tell what will come to pass? No man knows it. Moreover, he is for ever insulting me. But I think you are afraid of him…. I know well that you are afraid of him.


      I am not afraid of him. I am afraid of no man.


      I tell you, you are afraid of him. If you are not afraid of him why do you not deliver him to the Jews, who for these six months past have been clamouring for him?

      a jew

      Truly, my lord, it were better to deliver him into our hands.

      ·34· herod

      Enough on this subject. I have already given you my answer. I will not deliver him into your hands. He is a holy man. He is a man who has seen God.

      a jew

      That cannot be. There is no man who hath seen God since the prophet Elias. He is the last man who saw God. In these days God doth not show Himself. He hideth Himself. Therefore great evils have come upon the land.

      another jew

      Verily, no man knoweth if Elias the prophet did indeed see God. Peradventure it was but the shadow of God that he saw.

      a third jew

      God is at no time hidden. He

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