Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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and faces were like salt. One of them wore a mask of linen. He was a king’s son.


      What is the voice that speaks to him at night time in his cave?

      first man

      We do not know whose voice it is. We think it is the voice of his God. For we have seen no man enter his cavern nor any come forth from it.





      (from within). Who calls Honorius?


      Come forth, Honorius.


      My chamber is ceiled with cedar and ·121· odorous with myrrh. The pillars of my bed are of cedar and the hangings are of purple. My bed is strewn with purple and the steps are of silver. The hangings are sewn with silver pomegranates and the steps that are of silver are strewn with saffron and with myrrh. My lovers hang garlands round the pillars of my house. At night time they come with the flute players and the players of the harp. They woo me with apples and on the pavement of my courtyard they write my name in wine.

      From the uttermost parts of the world my lovers come to me. The kings of the earth come to me and bring me presents.

      When the Emperor of Byzantium heard of me he left his porphyry chamber and set sail in his galleys. His slaves bare no torches that none might know of his coming. When the King of Cyprus heard of me he sent me ambassadors. The two Kings of Libya who are brothers brought me gifts of amber.

      ·122· I took the minion of Cæsar from Cæsar and made him my playfellow. He came to me at night in a litter. He was pale as a narcissus, and his body was like honey.

      The son of the Præfect slew himself in my honour, and the Tetrarch of Cilicia scourged himself for my pleasure before my slaves.

      The King of Hierapolis who is a priest and a robber set carpets for me to walk on.

      Sometimes I sit in the circus and the gladiators fight beneath me. Once a Thracian who was my lover was caught in the net. I gave the signal for him to die and the whole theatre applauded. Sometimes I pass through the gymnasium and watch the young men wrestling or in the race. Their bodies are bright with oil and their brows are wreathed with willow sprays and with myrtle. They stamp their feet on the sand when they wrestle and when they run the sand follows them like a little cloud. He at whom I smile leaves his companions and follows me to my home. At other times ·123· I go down to the harbour and watch the merchants unloading their vessels. Those that come from Tyre have cloaks of silk and earrings of emerald. Those that come from Massilia have cloaks of fine wool and earrings of brass. When they see me coming they stand on the prows of their ships and call to me, but I do not answer them. I go to the little taverns where the sailors lie all day long drinking black wine and playing with dice and I sit down with them.

      I made the Prince my slave, and his slave who was a Tyrian I made my lord for the space of a moon.

      I put a figured ring on his finger and brought him to my house. I have wonderful things in my house.

      The dust of the desert lies on your hair and your feet are scratched with thorns and your body is scorched by the sun. Come with me, Honorius, and I will clothe you in a tunic of silk. I will smear your body with myrrh and pour spikenard on your hair. I ·124· will clothe you in hyacinth and put honey in your mouth. Love——


      There is no love but the love of God.


      Who is He whose love is greater than that of mortal men?


      It is He whom thou seest on the cross, Myrrhina. He is the Son of God and was born of a virgin. Three wise men who were kings brought Him offerings, and the shepherds who were lying on the hills were wakened by a great light.

      The Sibyls knew of His coming. The groves and the oracles spake of Him. David and the prophets announced Him. There is no love like the love of God nor any love that can be compared to it.

      The body is vile, Myrrhina. God will raise thee up with a new body which will not know corruption, and thou shalt dwell in the Courts of the Lord and see Him whose hair is like fine wool and whose feet are of brass.


      The beauty …

      ·125· honorius

      The beauty of the soul increases until it can see God. Therefore, Myrrhina, repent of thy sins. The robber who was crucified beside Him He brought into Paradise. [Exit.


      How strangely he spake to me. And with what scorn did he regard me. I wonder why he spake to me so strangely.



      Myrrhina, the scales have fallen from my eyes and I see now clearly what I did not see before. Take me to Alexandria and let me taste of the seven sins.


      Do not mock me, Honorius, nor speak to me with such bitter words. For I have repented of my sins and I am seeking a cavern in this desert where I too may dwell so that my soul may become worthy to see God.


      The sun is setting, Myrrhina. Come with me to Alexandria.


      I will not go to Alexandria.


      Farewell, Myrrhina.

      ·126· myrrhina

      Honorius, farewell. No, no, do not go.


      I have cursed my beauty for what it has done, and cursed the wonder of my body for the evil that it has brought upon you.

      Lord, this man brought me to Thy feet. He told me of Thy coming upon earth, and of the wonder of Thy birth, and the great wonder of Thy death also. By him, O Lord, Thou wast revealed to me.


      You talk as a child, Myrrhina, and without knowledge. Loosen your hands. Why didst thou come to this valley in thy beauty?


      The God whom thou worshippest led me here that I might repent of my iniquities and know Him as the Lord.


      Why didst thou tempt me with words?


      That thou shouldst see Sin in its painted mask and look on Death in its robe of Shame.


      A Florentine Tragedy

      With Opening Scene by

       T. Sturge Moore

      [The text follows the

       1921 Methuen & Co. edition.]


      ·129· characters.

      guido bardi, a Florentine prince.

      simone, a merchant.

      bianca, his wife.

      maria, a tire-woman.

      The action takes place at Florence in the sixteenth century

      ·131· [The scene represents a tapestried upper room giving on to a balcony or loggia in an old house at Florence. A table laid for a frugal meal, a spinning-wheel, distaff, etc., chests, chairs and stools.]

       As the Curtain rises enter Bianca, with her Servant, Maria.



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