The Anthropocene. Christian Schwägerl

The Anthropocene - Christian Schwägerl

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oceans. There are one million large fishing ships worldwide and three million smaller boats.50 These vessels track down schools of fish with the same sonar technology that American and Soviet nuclear submarines used during the Cold War. The hauling capacity of these ships has increased sixfold since 1970. Many of them use rollers that flatten the ocean floor, crushing every structure in which sea life can hide. Corals are the victim of trawlers with heavy harnesses. Deep-sea fishing damages the unique natural wonder of underwater mountains. This behavior is equivalent to hunters clearing entire forests just to catch a few deer. Yet, since 1970, yield per ship has fallen by two thirds. More and more ships compete for fewer and fewer fish. In the words of one ocean expert: “It’s a race to our own destruction.”51

      Let yourself drift across the digital globe offered by Google Earth and similar services. Don’t zoom in on your own apartment but go instead to areas in the world you do not know. Enjoy the unusual colors, shapes and mysterious structures. This used to be a perspective reserved only for gods. Then, such sights began appearing in expensively produced James Bond movies! Now, you only have to whip a small personal device out of your pocket to zoom down and see for yourself what it means to live on a planet shaped by humans. That green, dense forest—can you see the paths?

      That wide, deserted plateau—can you see the open cast mine?

      That sparkling blue coral reef—can you see the American military base?

      That gray-brown gravel plain … Oops, it’s a city!

      Those white dots in the sea off the coast—are they fishing boats?

      The signature of humans is becoming visible on land in the form of shale fracking, in the oceans in the number of deep-sea drilling rigs and in the sky with a wide range of new chemicals in the atmosphere. From regional phenomena, like the huge Asian “Brown Cloud” that hangs over megacities in China to the carbon dioxide emissions accumulating in the atmosphere from millions of individual sources, humans are creating a new physical reality.

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