How Obama Embraces Islam's Sharia Agenda. Andrew C McCarthy
The bedrock proposition that the governed have a right to make law for themselves irrespective of any theocratic code. In Islam, sharia is non-negotiable and people are not at liberty to enact law that contradicts its terms.
• The republican democracy governed by the Constitution. In Islam, the Muslim ruler is obliged to govern in accordance with Allah’s will, manifested by sharia.
• Freedom of conscience. In Islam, apostasy – either the renunciation of Islam or sowing treasonous discord within the ummah – is the gravest offense, punishable by death.
• Individual liberty, including in matters of personal privacy and sexual preference. In Islam, homosexuality and adultery are capital offenses, and other transgressions of sharia’s prescriptions for social intercourse are brutally punished.
• Freedom of speech, including the liberty to analyze and criticize theocratic codes and practices. In Islam, blasphemy is deemed to include any form of expression that casts Islam or its prophet in an unfavorable light, and it results in savage retaliation.
• Economic liberty, including private property. While Islam vouchsafes private ownership, all property is deemed to belong to Allah and to be held in trust for the ummah by the nominal owner, who is thus beholden to the Islamic state regarding its use.
• Equality. In Islam, law is dramatically skewed to favor men over women, who are treated as chattel; it similarly advantages Muslims over non-Muslims, who are regarded as dhimmis, decidedly second-class citizens whose choice is to convert, pay a tax for the privilege of living in the Islamic state, or die.
• Freedom from cruel and unusual punishments. Islam’s archaic huddud penalties include stoning, decapitation, the severing of limbs, etc.
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