The Book of Destinies. Chetan Parkyn

The Book of Destinies - Chetan Parkyn

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responsible for my life. Even if the “No Purpose” and “Judgment Day God” schools of thought have it all wrong, it is still up to us to honor this life experience by living it to the fullest.


      What if life is not a problem to be solved but is actually a mystery to be lived? And within this mystery, we are afforded some very particular clues as to our individual path through life. It is evident that there are no duplications in this Universe. No two grains of sand are the same, just as no two people are the same, nor do they live the same life. We have the imperative to live in accordance with our own nature. If, as recent discoveries in modern physics have shown, everything that appears to happen in our world is a pure reflection of our inner state of being, then it follows that if we are not being true to ourselves, it is like viewing life through a distorted lens or trying to play music on an instrument that is out of tune.

      The purpose of this book is to help you discover your own unique path so you can attune to your destiny and learn to live creatively through all the challenges life brings, finding fulfillment in knowing you are living in accordance with your truth. This book presents an essential aspect of the Human Design system, describing each of the 192 Life Themes, and it is a companion to Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be. The specific time and place of your birth establishes certain attributes about you, one of which is your Life Theme, which is like the intended storyline of your life. We each have one of these themes guiding us from our first breath to our last, and understanding and embracing your Life Theme will give you some powerful clues for how to align yourself in your journey. However, because you are born into very particular surroundings — involving parents, community, and environment — it is almost guaranteed that you will take on the beliefs, attitudes, and conditions playing out around you in your formative years. You will naturally be exposed to and absorb the influences and patterns of the culture you were born into. You might be encouraged to follow exactly in the footsteps or dictates of parents, grandparents, teachers, siblings, and society, disregarding altogether the natural inclinations you have within you. In this way, you end up living a discordant version of someone else’s life.

      Hospice volunteer Bronnie Ware wrote a blog and then a book, entitled The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing, on her experiences of people on their death beds who knew that their time was up. What Bronnie found to be the leading regret can be summed up in a single statement she heard over and over again:

      “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

      The Book of Destinies has been created to help you discover the life you were born to live.

      What if, as the mystic Osho says, “With man, the natural automatic process of evolution ends. Man is the last product of unconscious evolution. With man, conscious evolution begins....”

      Perhaps that awareness would shed new light on the statement by Jesus, referring to miracles he performed: “These works that I do, you will do also, and greater still” (John 14:12).

      If everything in the Universe operates according to Universal Principles, and you are given conscious access to interact directly with those principles, would it not follow that you came with the potential and purpose to direct your own conscious evolution?

      If that is true, then how important is it for you to be aware of the soul agreement you made before embarking on this life? Are you living that agreement, or have you been distracted by what everyone else has told you about life and forgotten your own unique purpose?

      In fact, have you ever stopped to consider how unique you are and what special qualities you have to offer the world? What is it that comes naturally to you and through you?

      Just like the storyline of a book, or the theme music to a movie, there is a unique, consistent, and recognizable undercurrent to your whole lifetime. It is your Life Theme, which is your melody, your part in the symphony of life, and only you can play it.

      Knowing and accepting your particular Life Theme is truly transformative. Embodying this awareness gives you reassurance and clarification about your life purpose. It is like when the penny drops, or the lightbulb goes on, and you just “get it.” You will no longer have to deal with the misplaced expectations of others — nor will you have to wonder why others are moved to live in completely different ways than yourself — because you will understand the secret essence that quietly moves each of us through life and how to reach directly into the source of your own fulfillment.

      Like the coding in your genetics, your Life Theme is something that resonates within your whole being, on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you attune your awareness to your Life Theme, you will find it completely natural to embrace. You will finally understand your life’s purpose and journey, and once you know your own Life Theme, you will be fascinated to learn the themes of everyone in your life. This knowledge expands your appreciation to include the extraordinary tapestry of themes that guide the lives of people around you. There are no “good” themes and no “bad” themes. There are just different parts to play within the main Symphony of Life itself.


      To locate your Life Theme, a calculation is made to find the exact placement of the Sun relative to the Earth at the moment of your birth (for more on this, see “How Life Themes Come to Be” below). In other words, you just need to know your birth date, birth place, and ideally your birth time.

      To make this calculation simple and easy, we’ve done the math for you. With your birth information in hand, go to our website The home page contains a link for a free report, which will be sent to you by email. Alternatively, you can access our smartphone or tablet app or our Life Theme Calculator. (For details, visit

      Your report will include a copy of your entire Human Design Life Chart, which identifies the various “keys” that are your personal codes for living a successful life. These include your “Type,” “Authority,” “Profile,” and “Life Theme.” All four provide essential information and need to be considered together. The Book of Destinies is devoted to describing fully all 192 Life Themes, while Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be discusses the other three. These other three keys are also explained briefly below (and on our website).

      Because your Life Theme threads throughout your entire being informing the essential meaning and purpose of your life, it is a vital “key.”

      Note that if you do not know your birth time, you can still get an accurate Life Theme. On the website, just enter noon for the day of your birth. In most cases, this will result in the correct Life Theme, which will resonate deeply with you. Then, if you later discover your actual birth time, you can order a second, free Human Design Life Chart and double-check the results.

      One way to find out your exact birth time is to order a copy of your “long form” birth certificate. You can get this from the county clerk’s office in the place where you were born. The more common “short form” birth certificate is used for identification purposes and does not include your birth time. Alternatively, hospitals keep records of birth times, and if you know the hospital where you were born, it may be able to provide this.

      Parents and close relatives may also remember your birth time, or may have recorded it in a baby book, but don’t rely on mental recollections alone. We have found that mothers do not always recall their child’s birth time accurately.


      Your free Human Design Life Chart will have a lot of information and look like this example :

      Underneath the Life Chart, four sections list your Type, Authority, Profile, and Life Theme. As I say above, the book Human

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