Ghosted and Breadcrumbed. Dr. Marni Feuerman

Ghosted and Breadcrumbed - Dr. Marni Feuerman

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       The Nonmonogamous

      This man is incapable of monogamy or will pretend to value faithfulness but be unable to sustain it. He may lie to keep you as a sexual partner for as long as possible. He may have a sex addiction, only view women as objects, or think monogamy is boring. This guy may be a player already involved with others, or he might not tell you he’s married. You may find out on your own, or he may drop a bombshell after you are heavily involved. He is good at compartmentalizing and keeping secrets. He is also good at hiding his other dates while keeping you in the running. There is a coldness or an aloofness about him. He can keep you off balance, making you feel desired one moment and ignored the next.

       The Addict

      A man of this type has some chemical involvement (a drug or alcohol problem) that causes him to be inconsistent in his behavior. The behavior may run the gamut from being “out of it” to being aloof to being hyper when you are around. You may not know he has an addiction at all, because many addicts are creative at hiding it. Your gut may tell you that something is wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it. If, and when, you find out, everything seems to click. Unless you want to get high with him or be his enabler, you need to run.

      A trickier addiction is addiction to work. Workaholism is still a socially acceptable addiction. You may certainly admire him for his fantastic work ethic at first. Before long, though, you will feel the frustration of lonely nights and events missed because of his work schedule or constant meetings. Your guy should be working hard but not working constantly with zero work/life balance. An addict will not be there for you in your times of need, leaving you hurt and disappointed. The only thing you can rely on is his unreliability.

       The Hot Mess

      This man is emotionally unavailable (perhaps temporarily) owing to some tragedy or misfortune occurring in his life. A hot mess may have just lost his job or someone close to him. He may very well be a great guy, but the timing is unfortunate. Getting involved now is not a good idea. Keep in touch from a distance, and wait for him to get back on his feet before you consider anything more serious.

      Another man may be more seriously impaired for the long run. He might be a “mama’s boy,” or maybe he’s too close to his sister or his buddies. He has a weak sense of self and is too needy and dependent on his current attachments to properly engage in a healthy adult relationship. His emotions are tied up in others, leaving little or no room for you. Alternatively, he may have trouble saying no to others. His boundary blurring will suck up all his energy and the time that he could be spending with you. He has to work out these dysfunctional dynamics before he is ready for a mature relationship with you.

       The Straight-Up Avoider

      A man such as this experiences much ambivalence about relationships and commitment. He is the type who has feelings for you but, because of past bad experiences or a bad childhood, isn’t able to commit or show consistency. This is the guy you can never seem to get close to. He holds his cards close to the vest. He doesn’t share his feelings and is evasive when asked. He may stonewall you when you fight, shutting down and refusing to talk. It is incredibly frustrating for you to have his physical presence but no emotional presence. The more you push, however gently, the more you are pushed back.

      With this type of man, you will never develop the closeness and connection required for a successful long-term relationship. He may epitomize the fearful-avoidant attachment style: he might desire intimacy and closeness but get freaked out by it at the same time. He may be holding resentment because of his last broken heart. He may seem like a “victim” of circumstance. Or he may just be cynical and depressive, unable to get out of his own head. He might also be the one you had a great first date with, but then — poof — he disappears. Life is incredibly complicated for this person. This one may be the most innocent of the bunch, and you might be tempted to continue with him to be helpful or because you feel so sorry for him. It is, however, a terrible idea to do so.

      I have tried to make this list of profiles as exhaustive as possible so you can get a sense of the characteristics commonly seen in people who are emotionally unavailable. As you can see, there is a variety of men who are emotionally unavailable for many different reasons. We have some idea of the reasons these men are the way they are and act the way they do. Much of it is likely explained through the lens of attachment theory. A lot is also explained by the man’s personal life experiences and situations, both past and present, that influence him. We can’t leave out the genetic or biological influences, either. The good news is that you do not necessarily have to know the exact reason why a man is acting as he is to make the changes you desire in yourself and find a healthy and loving relationship.

      Emotional Unavailability Checklists

      Here are two checklists of some signs indicating that the man you are with is emotionally unavailable. Take a pencil and put a checkmark next to the ones that apply to your current situation. (If you are not currently dating or in a relationship, think about your last relationship.) If you have checked off several items on this list, it is very likely you are with an emotionally unavailable man.

      image He has a wife or a girlfriend.

      image He ruminates about a past relationship or frequently talks about how much an ex hurt him.

      image He seems detached or cold.

      image He seems unresponsive to my feelings or needs.

      image He keeps himself listed on a dating app or website while dating me.

      image He does not introduce me to friends or family.

      image He excludes me from important parts of his life.

      image He keeps exes around and calls them all friends.

      image He can go for days without contacting me and is difficult to get in touch with.

      image He won’t spend any money on me (but spends it on himself without a problem).

      image He stresses that he needs a lot of “space” or time to himself.

      image He seems to constantly get angry at the little things.

      image He has a lot of difficulty articulating his feelings.

      image He avoids conflict or quickly shuts down during an argument.

      image He dismisses me easily.

      image He rarely asks how I’m doing (or about my day / my thoughts / my feelings).

      image He lacks self-confidence or gets down on himself easily.

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