Global Governance of Oil and Gas Resources in the International Legal Perspective. Joanna Osiejewicz
Poznań 2016, p. 148–167.
285 Latin American perspective: F. Orrego Vicuna (ed.), The Exclusive Economic Zone. A Latin American Perspective, Colorado 1984.
286 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Done at Bonn on 23 June 1979 (2018-06-25).
287 Art. 19, ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources…, op. cit.
288 Art. 11, UN Convention to Combat Desertification…, op. cit.
289 M. Valencia, Joint Development of Petroleum Resources in Overlapping Claim Areas, in J. D. Lambert & F. Fesharaki (eds.) Economic and political incentives to Petroleum Exploration: Developments in the Asia-Pacific Region, Washington 1990, p. 73–113.
290 ILA, Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers (1966), (2018-06-25).
291 Compare: N. Shrijver, Sovereignty…, op. cit., p. 337.
292 Art. 3, UNGA resolution of 12 December 1974, 3281 (XXIX), op. cit.
293 UNEP, Environmental Law Guidelines and Principles on Shared Natural Resources (1978), (2018-06-25).
294 Compare: Arbitral Tribunal, Lac Lanoux arbitration case, Reports of International Arbitral Awards vol. XII, p. 281–317, Recueil Des Sentences. Arbitral. Affaire du lac Lanoux (Espagne, France), 16 November 1957, (2018-06-25).
295 N. Shrijver, Sovereignty…, op. cit., p. 279.
296 UNGA resolution of 14 December 1962, 1803 (XVII)…, op. cit.
297 UNGA resolution of 25 November 1966 r., Nr 2158 (XXI)…, op. cit.
298 UNGA resolution of 12 December 1974, 3281 (XXIX)…, op. cit.
299 No. 4, UNGA resolution of 25 November 1966, 2158 (XXI)…, op. cit.
300 Art. 2, UNGA resolution of 12 December 1974, 3281 (XXIX)…, op. cit.
301 No. 4 letter (g), UNGA resolution of 1 May 1974, 3201 (S-VI)…, op. cit..
302 Art. 12, International Investment for Economic Development and Reconstruction’ Havana Charter for an International Trade Organization, 24 March 1948, UN Doc. E/CONF.2/78.
303 The Lome IV Convention, Art. 2.3.
304 Art. III.l, ASEAN Investment Agreement signed in Makati City, Philippines on 7 October 1998, 27 ILM (1988), s. 615, (2017-06-25).
305 Art. 10 i 18, Energy Charter Treaty…, op. cit.
306 More: N. Shrijver, Sovereignty…, op. cit., p. 280-281.
307 OECD, Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises (2011), Annex 1, The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, (2018-06-25).
308 Seoul Declaration…, op. cit.
309 World Bank, Legal framework for the treatment of foreign investment (vol. 2): Guidelines, (2018-06-25).
310 N. Shrijver, Sovereignty…, op. cit., p. 281.
311 UNGA resolution of 14 December 1962, 1803 (XVII)…, op. cit.
312 Art. 12.1 (c)(ii), Havana Charter…, op. cit.
313 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade…, op. cit.
314 General Agreement on Trade in Services, Apr. 15, 1994, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex 1B, 1869 U.N.T.S. 183, 33 I.L.M. 1167 (1994), (2018-06-25).
315 Ibidem, art. VI.1.
316 Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital in the Arab States (Arab Investment Agreement), signed on 26 November 1980 in Amman, Jordan, (2018-06-25).
317 Art. 49 TFEU…, op. cit.
318 Art. 1101.2 and Annex III, NAFTA, North American