Dream Dad. Holly Haggarty

Dream Dad - Holly Haggarty

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haven’t cleaned the bathrooms yet!” Marina reminded her sister. “Mom said you can’t watch television until they’re done.”

      Pamela rolled her eyes as she walked by.

      Soon Marina’s father, Mr. Borzikowski, arrived, wearing coveralls streaked with mud. He worked as a gardener for the city. The babies waved and babbled excitedly when he entered the kitchen. He lay down to play with them on the kitchen floor and soon all three were clambering over him, reaching for his long, bushy beard.

      “Take those filthy coveralls off,” Aunt Nadya called out from the dining room, where she was sewing. “Don’t muck up the babies!”

      For supper, Mr. Borzikowski made spaghetti. There were eight people around the table, including the triplets in high chairs, who were fed mashed spaghetti. Willa couldn’t believe the noise. The babies cried and laughed and banged their spoons. Several conversations went on at the same time, and everyone interrupted each other, shouting to be heard over the clamour.

      After supper it was discovered that Pamela still hadn’t cleaned the bathrooms. This set off a shouting match between Pamela and her mother.

      “I want those bathrooms done right now!”

      “Why should I have to clean them? Why can’t Marina?”

      “Marina has been taking care of the triplets when she comes home from school—something you never do!”

      “That’s not work. That’s play!”

      “And you will play in the bathrooms, right now, or you will be grounded!”

      Pamela stomped upstairs. When Marina reminded her mother that it was also Pamela’s turn to load the dishwasher, Aunt Nadya told Marina and Willa to do it.

      “That’s not fair,” Marina protested loudly. “Pamela gets out of everything just by not doing anything!”

      “Just do it!” Aunt Nadya ordered.

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