Tree Fever. Karen Hood-Caddy

Tree Fever - Karen Hood-Caddy

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out to me. He nodded as if responding to some question he saw in my face.

      As we talked, a police car pulled up over by the road. “I wish I had something to tie myself in with,” I said. “Something strong like a leash or –”

      “Will this do?” Harley handed me his bike chain.

      “Yes!” Quickly, I wrapped the heavy chain around the girth of the tree and locked myself in. Beside us, Madge groaned. When I looked up, Curt was trudging towards me, a police officer in tow.

      “That’s the one,” Curt pointed at me.


      “Officer Tamlin.” The officer and I looked at each other warmly.

      Leaning towards me, he whispered, “Left you a message. Did you get it?”

      I nodded and smiled. Being a therapist in a small town was very interesting sometimes.

      Satisfied, he stood back. “Geez, Jessie, they told me it was some lunatic.” He surveyed the crowd, nodding at some of the people he knew. Adjusting to the official circumstances, he cleared his throat and said more formally, “Now, look, Mrs James, I know you and some folks here have different ideas about these trees being cut down, but they are on private property. And that means the owner has the right to do whatever he wants with them, whether we like it or not.” He took off his cap and scratched his head. “I’m going to have to ask you to move.”

      My face flushed. People in the crowd stared, waiting to see what I was going to do. Some moved back a little as if expecting me to rush away. But my body stayed where it was.

      The crowd, which was even bigger now, became agitated.

      “It’s criminal to kill these trees,” someone shouted.

      “It’s not right. We want a hearing.”

      “A public inquiry.”

      “Nobody’s got the right to kill trees.”

      One gravelly voice called out over the others. “It’s an election year, Jack. Don’t forget that. The mayor won’t like it if you blow this election for him.” My eyes jumped from Tamlin’s grimacing face to the person who had spoken. Elfreda’s chuckles skipped through the crowd.

      Madge elbowed me. In a strong voice, she said, “The mayor won’t want bad publicity just before an election.”

      I followed along, right on cue, and said loudly, “I think we should get in touch with the press. They might be very interested in this story.”

      Madge arched her finely pencilled eyebrows. “Yes. Absolutely.”

      “For Chrissakes,” Curt groaned. “Let’s get the buggers down before these crackpots blow this into World War Three.”

      Officer Tamlin gripped his night stick. “Hold on, everybody. Just hold on. I’m going to talk to the mayor.” Pulling himself tall, he walked out of the park towards the government offices.

      “Christ!” Curt turned away.

      “I’m going to call my lawyer,” Madge said. “Find out your rights.”

      “My rights? Don’t you mean our rights?”

      Madge waved away my concern. “Whatever …”

      “My phone’s closest,” I told her. “And while you’re there, could you call Dr. Andrews and cancel?” Since I had a tricky dental procedure planned for that afternoon, I hadn’t booked any clients. “And, you’d better take Charlie back.”

      Madge nodded. “Some people will do anything to get out of going to the dentist.” She pecked my cheek lightly and gave a sidelong glance towards Harley. “I know you’re in good hands.” Grinning, she made her way through the crowd.

      Embarrassed that Harley might have heard her, I leaned back against the tree and closed my eyes.

      As I waited, people gathered around me to talk and give their advice about what should be done. I saw someone push through the crowd.

      “Mother! What are you doing?”

      Robyn’s thin, bird-like body stood rigidly beside me. Dressed in black jeans and tee-shirt, she shoved her thin hands into her pockets. Her delicate skin looked very white. I sighed. Why did she have to show up now?

      “What does it look like I’m doing?”

      She looked at me sullenly. “Making a fool of yourself?”

      I made myself breathe. Time to call on my therapeutic skills.

      “I’m embarrassing you, am I?” Seeing Robyn’s eyes widen, I took the challenging tone out of my voice and tried to explain. “They’re trying to cut these trees down, Robyn. I’ve known these trees since I was little. I –”

      “Can’t you write a letter or something?” She stared at the chain around my waist. “Do something less ridiculous?”

      My spirits deflated, but something in me rallied. “Maybe it’s time for someone to look ridiculous. Maybe if more people were willing to look ridiculous, the world would be a better place. With more trees!”

      “Mother, you’re ranting. People will think you’re c–” She stopped herself.


      “People will think you’re courageous,” Harley cut in. “They’ll see you as a woman with enough guts to do what’s right.” His voice was soft, but firm.

      Robyn narrowed her eyes. Realizing that people were listening, she turned abruptly, so abruptly that her hair spun out behind her almost hitting me in the face. Stiffly, she strode away.

      Overwhelmed, I slumped against the tree. When I opened my eyes a moment later, I saw Tamlin at the edge of the park, heading resolutely towards me.

      “The pace doesn’t let up, does it?” Harley said, an amused smile lifting the corner of his wide mouth.

      I straightened my body to armour myself for what was to come.

      “At least he didn’t bring reinforcements,” Harley said, standing close. “I had twenty after me once.”

      “Clear the area,” Tamlin called, making big sweeping motions with his hands towards the crowd. “I want everyone out of here. And I mean everyone.” As people in the crowd grumbled, he put his hands on his hips, revealing his billy club. “The mayor’s decided to look into the matter, so you can all go home and relax.” He began herding people away.

      Reluctantly, the crowd dispersed. Some waved as they left. Elfreda stood unwaveringly in the midst of the milling crowd. Smiling crookedly, she shot her arm out and lifted her thumb in victory. Tamlin hurried over to escort her off the grounds.

      Harley scowled. “Sure the mayor will look into it. Right after the trees are down. These guys must think we’re slow learners.” He passed me a piece of paper. “It’s the combination to the lock. Just in case.”

      “And you, Mrs. James,” Tamlin said, striding towards me. “Leave this to the mayor. Let him take care of it. That’s what he’s elected to do.” When I didn’t respond, he added, “I’ll give you some time to think it over.” Then, quietly, he added, “Don’t make me arrest you, because if I have to, I will. It’s my job.” He turned to Harley. “You better move on there, mister.”

      Harley gave a small, almost imperceptible nod to Tamlin, who moved off to attend to the last few stragglers. Raising one long, curved thigh, he moved astride his bicycle. For a moment, he surveyed me. “You’re some woman,” he said and rode off.

Chapter 3 image
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