Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle. Don Easton

Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle - Don Easton

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they’re dead, it would explain why Carlos won’t let Damien talk,” said Laura. “So he can’t verify if they’re still alive.”

      “I considered that, but I think they’re alive. He’ll want Vicki and Katie alive so he can use them to make Damien come crawling to him — literally.”

      “For a guy like that, I would be willing to do the digging. What’s your theory?”

      “The Colombians wanted the money in Canadian funds. I think they’re already established here. Likely in the coffee industry.”

      Laura reflected on it briefly and then said, “Would look legit. Good for laundering. Who is going to count cups of coffee, let alone figure out how many sacks of coffee are sold versus the money collected. Even sending the money back to Colombia would look legit!”

      “Natasha said Vicki’s finger smelled of coffee. I’m thinking she could be stashed in a warehouse where the coffee is stored.”

      “We should check Customs and see who is picking up the shipments.”

      “Exactly. I also want you to check out a company registered to the plate I scooped off the van at the motel. It smelled of coffee too. We might get lucky and find a match.”

      “Today is a holiday so...”

      “I know. I don’t think you’ll find much out before tomorrow, but get on it as soon as you can.”

      Laura took a sip of Rickard’s Red and then a bite of calamari. “I bet you’re right about the coffee connection. It all ties in. Find the warehouse and we find his wife and daughter.”

      Jack nodded.

      “But then what? We can’t raid the place ourselves. We’ll need to call out the troops.”

      “I know. We’ll do it anonymously. It might even be in VPD’s jurisdiction. I’ll talk to Damien about it then. All he wants is his family back. Our Emergency Response Teams are better trained than anyone he has.” Jack took a bite of a chicken wing and then added, “They haven’t killed as many, but they’re better trained.”

      “Then we’re set.”

      “Sort of.”

      “Sort of?” Laura put her fork down. “What else? You’re holding something back!”

      Jack looked at her and said, “I know I’ve dumped a lot of crap on you in a hurry.”

      “No kidding! Officially I don’t even start until tomorrow.”

      “And I want to thank you for being the person you are. There are only a few people I trust in this world. I trust you.”

      Laura nodded and said, “Thanks. Now quit avoiding the subject. What else should I know?”

      Jack sighed and said, “Tomorrow things could go bad for me. Something unrelated to this.”

      “Bad? In what way?”

      “I’m under investigation. On Saturday, when I met Damien in the park and Natasha showed up ... I spotted ACU following Natasha when she left with the cooler.”

      “They’re working on you?”

      “I recognized the car ... didn’t see who was driving. When I left, others followed me. I’m sure I-HIT is involved as well.”

      Laura became silent as she thought about her marriage.

      “I don’t want you to panic,” said Jack. “Don’t worry about the shoot, shovel, and shut up incident. If worse comes to worse, I will always deny you were with me. If I get grabbed, I want to make sure that you follow through on this stuff. Do what you can to save Damien’s family.”

      “Why, Jack? Why would they be working on you?” Jack returned her stare for a moment, then said, “They think I had something to do with Bishop’s death. The day I was told about it, someone followed me out to my sister’s place to see if I would tell her.”

      “Wondering if she already knew?”


      Laura looked at Jack but didn’t speak. She didn’t want to make him lie to her, or worse yet, hear something that she could be asked to divulge.

      “Once Damien’s family is safe, I know he’ll identify the Brit,” said Jack.

      “Sounds to me,” said Laura quietly, “that you have bigger problems to worry about than the Brit.”

      “Other people have problems too. Charlie’s going through life in a wheelchair because his dad and I had the same name.”

      “Not your fault.”

      “Perhaps. Then there’s Danny and Susan. They’re so traumatized I don’t think they’ll ever get over it. I don’t blame them that they hate my guts.”

      “They need time.”

      “Something I may not have. This thing with Vicki and Katie ... I don’t have a bigger problem than them. Someone has to save them. I’m counting on you.”

      “I’ll do what I can.”

      “Don’t come in to the office tomorrow morning or answer any calls except from me. Go straight to the port and start looking at shipping invoices. If I get grabbed, I don’t want them grabbing you too. Vicki and Katie can’t afford any delays.”

      “Sure, fine,” said Laura harshly.

      “What’s wrong?”

      Laura leaned back in her chair and said, “Men! What is it with you guys? I was hoping you were different!”

      “How? What do you mean? We don’t have time to sit around the office. I’ll deal with it while you investigate.”

      “Not that. What you did in the last two days without me! Partners should work together. I want to catch the Brit, too. Hope he resists ... that would make it easy. But the point is, you went off and did all this stuff on your own while keeping me in the dark. If you don’t want me as a partner, then keep doing what you’re doing!”

      “It’s not that! It’s Elvis. I don’t want to jeopardize your marriage! How do you think he feels right now? Even if he wasn’t following me on Saturday, he —”

      “He wasn’t. He was home with me.”

      “Even so, ACU is a small office. He must know what’s going on.”

      “I’m sure he does.” Laura studied Jack’s face closely and added, “I’m not going to interfere with his job.”

      “Exactly. So now you know why I hesitate to put you in the middle.”

      “Asking me to do my job is not putting me in the middle. I do what I think is right — just like Elvis does.”

      “Would he think hiding The Toad’s body is right?”

      “Of course not, but that is not your concern. Let me deal with that. I’m still not sure if that was right either, but I did see your point. If you arrested anyone, you would have burned Lance and that much cash would never remain a secret.”

      “Please, never use his name.”

      “Sorry ... your friend. Speaking of which, I hope he’s not a good friend of yours.”

      Jack smiled and then replied, “He’s disposed of a few bodies, but I didn’t help.”

      “What’s his motive? Staying out of jail?”

      “He tried to murder me once ... thought I was a dope dealer ratting out to the cops.”

      “And you let him off the hook for that?”

      Jack nodded. “It was worth it. Now he’s president of the west-side chapter.”


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