Jack Taggart Mysteries 9-Book Bundle. Don Easton
brass won’t put up with —”
“Satans Wrath is the number one organized crime group in this country.”
“I know, but what does that have to do with the murders?”
“Our lab cross-matched speed found at the murder scene with speed seized in Quebec connected to Satans Wrath. Now they matched a gram of speed found in an alley off East Hastings as coming from the same chemist!”
“East Hastings? Even Satans Wrath wouldn’t hang out in that scuzzball part of town. Does Homicide know?”
“They’re who the lab did it for.”
“Jack, I understand that this is personal for you, but it’s still up to Homicide.”
“Come on, Louie! Identical speed connected to Satans Wrath in Quebec is turning up here! There are more members of that gang in this city than there are in any other province. And they’re big enough and cautious enough to find an abandoned farmhouse to conduct business.”
“They’re also one of the most dangerous! Damn it, Jack! This isn’t the way we’re supposed to do things! What am I going to have to do to educate you?”
“This isn’t coincidence! If they’re not involved with killing Liz’s kids you can bet they’ll know who did do it!”
“You’re not listening! This is a Homicide investigation. It’s up to them to —”
“GIS wouldn’t make any progress in that part of the city! They’d stand out like nuns in a brothel. Homicide told the lab that it’s not enough of a lead to do anything about it. They’re a reactive section, not proactive.”
“What makes you think you would succeed? Every operation mounted against them has soured. Years of wasted surveillance, dead informants, wiretaps that turned up nothing.”
“I’ve had a good teacher.”
Grazia sat back in his chair, drumming his fingers on the desk. “Some lowly speed dealer from East Hastings wouldn’t travel all the way out the Valley to do a deal.”
“I know, but someone higher up the ladder might.”
“But East Hastings?”
“I’ve got to start somewhere. I’ll come up with bigger connections sooner or later.”
Louie paused, then said, “Okay. Check it out. But be careful! The brass wouldn’t approve of you sticking your nose into the murder investigation. Wigmore is acting a little kinky these days. He would never authorize funding for us to do street-level drug buys. For now, keep it strictly to surveillance and see what you learn. Forget trying to claim any expenses.”
“I know. I haven’t claimed any expenses yet.”
Louie gave him a hard look. “I didn’t really think you took last week off. You’ve already been buying dope, haven’t you?”
Jack shrugged and said, “I wasted my time — and money. Three scores and no matches.”
“Jesus, Jack! I don’t want you taking risks like that! Policy says you need authorization and a proper cover team if you plan on buying dope. If Wigmore found out, you’d be toast.”
“Wigmore won’t find out.”
“He didn’t get to where he is by being stupid. I’ve got some news for you. Your new partner has arrived. He’s been here all week. Seems anxious to meet you.”
“His name is Danny O’Reilly. Came from back east. Was in Public Relations but —”
Jack groaned. “Just what I need, my own PR person. I bet he’s a pansy.”
“He has Drug experience and GIS. I’m told that PR was just temporary while he was waiting to sell his house and transfer out. It was his baby who puked on the prime minister.”
“That guy? What a hoot! The way I feel about politicians, I’d rather work with his baby.”
“He’s a few years younger than you. Acted a little nervous, but after what he went through with the PM, who wouldn’t be? Take him with you on surveillance. Nothing else until we get grounds to ask for authorization.”
“You got it.”
“Better come up with a project name.”
“How about Project 13?”
“Perfect. One more thing. I have no idea what your new partner is like, so be careful. I mean it when I say I don’t want you taking risks. Especially with Satans Wrath. If something doesn’t feel right, phone me and I’ll back you up. Day or night.”
“Thanks, Louie.”
“Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
Later that afternoon, Danny found a private moment to call Susan.
“What’s your new partner like?” she asked. “Or can’t you talk now?”
“I can talk. He looks like a hood, but actually seems quite nice.”
“You sound surprised.”
Danny paused, then said, “Sorry, I don’t have much time to talk. I wanted to let you know that I won’t be home for dinner. Sounds like I might be working late.”
“You’ve already worked all day! I thought we were going to unpack tonight. Speaking of which, the movers found the headboard and frame for our bed. It arrived today.”
“Sorry, honey, I have to work.”
“Is he making you work?”
“Jack? No. He told me to go home and work with him tomorrow night, but…”
“But what?”
“I need to stick close to him.”
“Because it’s the right thing to do. I’ll dig into those boxes tomorrow.”
“Okay. Maybe I’ll put the bed frame and headboard together myself.”
“Who needs a headboard? It’ll just bang on the wall and wake up Tiffany.”
Susan giggled. “You’re awful. Love ya.”
It was getting dark as Danny drove the two-door compact sports car, following Jack’s directions. He stopped for an early amber light and heard a slight grunt of disapproval.
“I heard about your niece and nephew. Just wanted to say I’m sorry. Susan and I have a baby girl. It would be hard to imagine anything more terrible.”
“Thanks,” Jack replied.
“I hope Homicide solves it soon. I wonder if they have any leads?”
“They don’t think they do.”
Neither spoke for several minutes. Danny then flipped on the windshield wipers and asked, “Where we going?”
“East Hastings.”
“Being as we’re partners, maybe you could tell me why?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Danny could see Jack sizing him up. He seemed to be weighing his response carefully.
“We’re starting what’s called an intelligence probe. Project 13. It’s —”
“About speed,” said Danny.
Jack looked surprised, so Danny continued. “The thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Letter M. Stands for methamphetamine. Bikers sometimes tattoo the number on —”
“So you know a little bit about drugs and bikers.”
“A little. Spent four years on Winnipeg Drugs. Also saw you at the office going through pictures