A Delicate Matter. Don Easton
to grab the report.”
“Arnold Hoster,” Jack stated, giving a polite nod to Laura as she arrived at work.
“Yes, the one and only,” Nicole confirmed. “What I was about to say is that they saw Hoster unload several stuffed duffle bags from his trunk and haul them into Fennel’s house.”
“Super! Sammy found the stash house where the press is,” Jack said for Laura’s benefit. “Did they also follow Neal to the stash house?”
“They broke off surveillance on him when they found the stash house, but he did show up at two in the morning. He was driving a pickup truck with a shell on the back. They saw him load two duffle bags into the back and confirmed that he turned off the main highway onto a gravel road leading to his and his brother’s place a short time later.”
“Only two duffle bags?” Jack questioned. “I was expecting there’d be at least four with about thirty to thirty-five keys in each.”
“Your math is good,” said Nicole. “Let me finish. He made a second trip to the stash house at 4:00 a.m. Guess he’s paranoid about getting caught with all the eggs in one basket. Surveillance saw him take two empty duffle bags into the house and lug them, filled, back out a few minutes later. He took them to the Delta acreage, as well. Banjo and Hoster left the stash house at about 5:00 a.m. and returned to their own places.”
“This is great,” Jack said. “I expect they’ll do the same thing again tonight.”
“I’ve a note that said Sammy worked until 6:00 a.m., but will be back in at noon. In the meantime a couple of other guys from his office are watching Fennel’s house.”
“Perfect. Maybe tonight we’ll get our hands on some of that weed.” Jack noticed Rose waiting to talk to him, so he said goodbye to Nicole.
“You look happier this morning,” Rose noted.
“I am. Last night Sammy found the stash house and confirmed Neal made two deliveries from the stash house back to where he lives with Bob and Roxie.”
“Nice to get good news,” Rose said. “I also have some news. I received a call from Isaac’s secretary. He wants to see the three of us in one hour.”
“No surprise,” Jack said. “I had a feeling that Connie didn’t take me at my word when I told her Dwayne’s murder was all hers.”
“Maybe because she has a memory,” Rose replied dryly.
An hour later Jack, Laura, and Rose were walking down the hall to meet Assistant Commissioner Isaac when they met Inspector Dyck and Connie heading for the same meeting.
Connie looked uncomfortable when she saw Jack. She motioned for him to walk with her as they followed the others down the hall. “It wasn’t my idea to get Isaac involved,” she whispered. “When I told you we needed to have a meeting with our bosses, I meant Rose and Inspector Dyck.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jack said. “Isaac and I have a bit of history together. I suspect he reviews all my cases under a magnifying glass.”
“Can you blame him?”
Jack shrugged. “Guess not. There has been the odd unfortunate coincidence in some of my past investigations.”
Connie frowned. “Unfortunate coincidences in that the perps ended up dead.”
“Sometimes,” Jack admitted. “Maybe ‘unfortunate’ is the wrong word. I should’ve said ‘fortunate.’”
“Speaking like that, maybe it’s a good thing Isaac’s involved.” Connie’s voice had a distinct edge. “I want to make it loud and clear that you’re not to —”
“Relax, Connie, before you burst an aneurysm,” Jack said. “Sure I’d love to be involved, but I’m not naive. I know it’d be ammo for a defence lawyer.”
“Guaranteed,” Connie stated.
“Know something? The lawyer’d be right. It is personal to me. I’d never lie in court or fabricate evidence as would be suggested, but it’d only take one person out of twelve to believe the defence lawyer and toss the case. You’re a good investigator. I’m happy to let you solve it.”
“Solve it and bring the perp before a judge.” Connie enunciated every word.
“Isn’t that what we all want?” Jack replied before turning his attention to Isaac’s secretary, who said that Isaac was ready to receive them.
Moments later Isaac referred to the reports he’d received and gave a brief synopsis of the chain of events leading to Dwayne’s disappearance and probable murder. Upon confirming that he was up-to-date, he looked at Jack. “You’re investigating the bikers for exporting marijuana to the United States — possibly in exchange for cocaine, which you think Satans Wrath may be using to open a new pipeline to Europe.”
“Yes, sir,” Jack replied. “As of last night, Drug Section located the stash house that the Gypsy Devils are using to package the marijuana. The investigation is currently in its infancy, but with the assistance of the DEA, we hope to get a lead on the money trail to lead us back to Satans Wrath.”
“Why should it be different this time?” Isaac asked skeptically.
“I know from my informant that the money isn’t being returned in the semi and that there is a one- or two-week delay in getting the money. That’s new information for us. I hope that in time, perhaps through surveillance, we’ll identify who hands out the money on this end and work our way back from there. If we’re to hurt Satans Wrath, we’ll do far more damage by finding out how they launder their money or where it goes, rather than busting some low-level drug dealers.”
“You’re also hoping that the DEA in Dallas may uncover some connection to who the West 12th Street gang is involved with in Mexico — which I take it would be an integral part of the suspected pipeline of cocaine bound for Europe.”
“Yes, sir. Satans Wrath recently opened a chapter in Bogotá, Colombia, but for years they’ve dealt with the Mexicans for their cocaine. If money is not being paid immediately upon delivery for the marijuana, then I feel the Mexicans must still be involved, as they’re connected to the gang in Dallas.”
“It would appear there are still a lot of unanswered questions,” Isaac noted, “but I concur with you, Corporal. Finding their money would certainly put a damper on them.” He turned to Inspector Dyck. “Am I to understand that your homicide investigation has revealed that the bikers are not involved with the disappearance of the victim — Dwayne Beggs?”
“Yes, sir,” Inspector Dyck confirmed. “It was clearly established through a Drug Section wiretap that someone other than the bikers were responsible. A wiretap, I might add, that Drug Section obtained through the efforts of Corporal Taggart and Constable Secord.”
“Then that being the case,” Isaac said, looking at Jack, “I see no reason why you shouldn’t continue with your investigation while I-HIT pursues their investigation.”
“Thank you, sir,” Jack replied. “I expect to be turning the bulk of the work over to our drug section and the DEA, but will have some involvement due to my informants.”
“That’s fine, but under no circumstances are you to take any action in regard to the homicide investigation unless it’s at the specific request of I-HIT.”
“Yes, sir.”
Isaac eyed Jack carefully. “I’m not criticizing your ability and I am sure you have a particularly strong desire to see the homicide solved, but in this instance, I’m ordering you to sit back and watch from the sidelines.”
“I understand completely,” Jack replied. “I spoke with Connie earlier and am happy to leave it in her capable hands. I understand the reason to stay out of it.”
Minutes after the meeting with Isaac ended, Rose spoke to Jack as