The State of the World Atlas [ff]. Dan Smith
Praise for previous editions:
“The State of the World Atlas is something else – an occasion
of wit and an act of subversion…These are the bad dreams
of the modern world, given color and shape and submitted
to a grid that can be grasped instantaneously.”
New York Times
“Unique and uniquely beautiful...a discerning eye for
data and a flair for the most sophisticated techniques of
stylized graphic design; the atlas succeeds in displaying the
geopolitical subtleties of global affairs in a series of dazzling
color plates…tells us more about the world today than a
dozen statistical abstracts or scholarly tomes.”
Los Angeles Times
“Coupled with an unusual non-distorting map projection and
a series of brilliant cartographic devices, this gives a positively
dazzling set of maps. It deserves to be widely used.”
New Society
“A super book that will not only sit on your shelf begging
to be used, but will also be a good read. To call this book an
atlas is like calling Calvados, applejack – it may be roughly
accurate but it conveys nothing of the richness and flavour of
the thing. Its inventive brilliance deserves enormous rewards.”
New Scientist
“A striking new approach to wishing
to keep a grip on the reality of the world should be without
these books.”
International Herald Tribune
“Outspoken cataloguing of global oppressions and inequities,
painstakingly sourced.”
Independent on Sunday
“Packed with fascinating facts and figures on everything from
the international drugs industry to climate change.”
Evening Standard
“A political reference book which manages to translate hard,
boring statistics into often shocking visual statements...
required reading.”
Completely revised & updated
New Internationalist
This State of the World ninth edition first published in 2013
by New Internationalist
New Internationalist
55 Rectory Road, Oxford, OX4 1BW
Copyright © Myriad Editions
Myriad Editions
59 Lansdowne Place, Brighton BN3 1FL
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The moral right of the author has been asserted.
Edited and co-ordinated for Myriad Editions by
Jannet King and Candida Lacey
Designed by Isabelle Lewis and Corinne Pearlman
Maps and graphics by Isabelle Lewis
Cover by New Internationalist/Myriad Editions
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the written permission of the publisher, nor be
otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than
that in which it is published and without a similar condition being
imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the
British Library.
ISBN: 978-1-78026-121-8
Printed and bound in Hong Kong on paper produced from sustainable sources
by Lion Production under the supervision of Bob Cassels, The Hanway Press, London
About the author INTRODUCTION The problem with maps Acknowledgements
Who We Are
Wealth & Poverty
THE STATES OF THE WORLD Most states are relatively recent creations.
POPULATION Global population continues to grow but the rate of increase is slowing.
LIFE EXPECTANCY Average life expectancy is higher than ever before and rising.