The Great Empire. Joaquim Augusto Barbosa de Melo
Zhu was a eunuch with long years of theatrical experience. He had taught several generations of students who played almost perfectly difficult roles. This connection to the theatre people was not easy for Xi, as she had some psychological resistance in communicating with them - she considered them second class people. From an early age, Zhu maintained an old practice acquired at his parents’ home. With an uncle he had learned to extract reptile poisons and then sell them at the local periodical market. That habit was not abandoned when he entered the palace. Maybe that was the motive Zhu was looked down on by some and admired by others. His uncle had lived in India for several years and there he had learned to extract poisons with a snake tamer. From that time several stories were told through the corridors of the palace, among eunuchs and others, about poisonings that had occurred in India where the main suspect had been his uncle. These suspicions were never proven, but remained as “karma” chasing after his past. Maybe that’s why Zhu was also the subject of some rumors. Whenever strange cases of poisoning occurred in the palace, the voices of runners were unanimous in attributing to him suspicions of responsibility. Xi learned much later about Zhu’s past and the rumors about him and his uncle relapsing, but was not at all disturbed by it. Xi had to make an initial personal effort not to create hostile environments. However, the winds were blowing in Xi’s face. In Zhu she found not only a precious help in achieving her immediate ends, but above all, an important ally for the future.
When Xi began the training, learning was slow and difficult, but over time it began to bear fruit. Those closest to Xi began to realize that she was changing, both in her way of behaving and in her way of interacting with others. For Empress Zizi herself it began to be clear that, after all, the decisions she had made in the past had not been in vain - her strategy was therefore showing signs of success “it was time to move on to a second phase”, she thought. So she appointed Xi Li’s maid of honor, hoping that the two would neutralize each other. And sooner than expected, disagreements arose, to the great satisfaction of the other concubines - all this had not been unrelated to the knowledge of the Empress that Xi frequented the theater facilities, having obtained from the Emperor permission for the ladies-in-waiting to do the same. Xi could now take the classes with Zhu without hiding, which gave her a reinforcement of self-confidence. The one who was not at all pleased with the Emperor’s decision was Li. For her the perimeter of fire was beginning to tighten her horizon, either because of the gratuitous hostilities of the other concubines, that could be said orchestrated by the Empress, or by her lady-in-waiting. For Li the lady-in-waiting appointed by the Empress was more than dispensable, since by all means she tried to turn every day into hell, thanks to her intrigues and poisons. Xi took advantage of this positive wave, keeping in mind that it was thanks to Zhu that it all began. So, on her birthday, and influenced by the “aura of the day”, she was ready to talk to him about it.
- I don’t know how to thank you for what you’ve done for me! - said Xi, expressing a broad smile.
- I welcome the progress. Proving how easily you can smile! From what I can see, one of these days I’ll have to end my classes.
- Yes, but not without telling me how I’m going to repay you for all this effort!
Xi’s facial change allowed her to go from being a beautiful girl (full of physical attributes) tothe level of a charming girl to whom no one was indifferent, thanks to her beautiful smile. Even Zhu began to nurture strong desires for closeness.
- I have a surprise for you! - Said Zhu, cryptic.
- Hmm! The day’s going better than the order!
- It’s just a souvenir! I have to distinguish my best student, don’t you think?! Oh, I forgot, we don’t have class today! Last minute appointments aren’t allowed. It’s only fair that you have a day off on your birthday too, don’t you think?!
Zhu went to a closet next to him, took a small box and handed it to Xi.
- Is it a treasure? - said Xi, amused.
From the outside it looked like a “jewel case” but as she prepared to open, Zhu intervened, saying:
- You can’t open it until after dinner.
That recommendation from Zhu made Xi even more curious and, looking at both sides of the box, she added:
- How do you open this?!
- You’ll have to find out!
- Well, I can’t wait to see what is inside! Thank you again!
Soon after Xi said goodbye, putting the box in a bag she was carrying. Along the way she was conjuring up possible reasons for that strange request. When the end of the day arrived, intense and tiring (among many other tasks she had been called to the Emperor) she was not in the mood to fulfill Zhu’s requests. So she just put the box in the first drawer she found, determined not to open it, much less after dinner and alone. The next day she commented with a concubine, her friend, on the matter:
- Yesterday I was offered a “mystery box”; only I don’t know how to open it.
- Go get it and we’ll see!
Minutes later the two friends looked at the box, on either side, with the surprise of those who don’t see how to get out of that riddle - it was a box covered with figures embossed on all sides, executed in a handiwork but with no evidence of a lid.
-How do you open this? - I have no idea. - said Xi, impatient.
- A friend once told me about something like this! It was a few years ago! Let’s see if...
By manipulating from one side to another, the box fell on the floor.
- Oh, sorry! I hope I didn’t break it.
When Xi picked up the box, she noticed a side ledge and, to her surprise...
-Eureka! I remember now! Pull on that ledge!
And when they no longer knew how to find a way out of the problem, everything finally became clear to both of them - by pulling on the ledge, the box dislocated a part that was a lid, and the contents fell to the ground.
-Hey, what is all this?!
The friend, looking at the “figurines” that had just fallen, could not help but laugh.
- You’re embarrassing me! - commented Xi, apprehensive.
- I can already see what is happening, my friend. You got an admirer on the way!
In fact, the “figurines” picked up from the ground were nothing but representations from the Kama Sutra. With that episode, Xi was feeling vexed, so shortly after the two friends said goodbye without further comment. On the way to her quarters, Xi was still a little confused, and she was planning what she could do to take advantage of that souvenir she started to call the “box of secrets”. When two weeks later her classes with Zhu ended, she made it clear that the gift he had given her on her birthday had been an irreverence, but that it in no way altered their friendship. Xi, after much thought and evaluation of the “figurines”, decided to leave her “box of secrets” on the main room furniture, after one of her meetings with the Emperor. And if the Emperor asked her about it, she could always argue that they had been left there by accident. But to Xi’s surprise, the Emperor not only failed to tell her about it, but also began to show her that the “figurines” she had left there in the box were, for many years, of his personal knowledge. After that episode, Xi’s meetings with the Emperor became more interesting.
Months later...
For Li, the Emperor, who at other times had represented everything for her, was now a horizon of emptiness - he almost only had attention for Xi. As if all this were no longer difficult enough, Xi’s recent appointment as a concubine, who was given high-level benefits, made Li’s daily life unmanageable. Therefore, taking advantage of her father’s prolonged illness, decided to leave the palace for a while.
When a lady-in-waiting was appointed a concubine by the Emperor, festivities and wedding rituals were held, but in this case, it did not happen, to the surprise of many. Xi’s promotion was not only the beginning of a nightmare