How to Restore Your Chevy Truck: 1973-1987. Kevin Whipps
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© 2018 by Kevin Whipps
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission from the Publisher. All text, photographs, and artwork are the property of the Author unless otherwise noted or credited.
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Edit by Paul Johnson
Layout by Monica Seiberlich
ISBN 978-1-61325-486-8
Item No. SA454
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Whipps, Kevin, author.
Title: How to Restore Your Chevy Truck 1973-1987 / Kevin Whipps.
Description: Forest Lake, MN: CarTech Books, [2018]
Identifiers: LCCN 2017051160
Subjects: LCSH: Chevrolet trucks--Conservation and restoration--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Chevrolet trucks--Maintenance and repair--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | GMC trucks--Conservation and restoration--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | GMC trucks--Maintenance and repair--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Classification: LCC TL230.5.C45 W45 2018 | DDC 629.28/732--dc23
LC record available at
Written, edited, and designed in the U.S.A.
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Title Page: In order to determine if you have enough base color coverage, you can take a handheld daylight lamp such as this one and shine it over the panel. The light puts out a color temperature similar to the sun, so you will see any light spots in the finish. You can add any needed color so you have complete coverage.
Back Cover Photos
Top: Interior restoration is an important part of the entire restoration process. To remove the bench seat, remove the four bolts that hold the seat to the floor of the cab. Two are located just below the front of the seat toward the outside edges but parallel to the dash; the remaining two are behind the backrest.
Middle Left: The problem with the gauge cluster starts with the bottom left corner, just above the air vent. There’s a good inch or so of cluster that’s completely obscured by metal, and it won’t budge. And you’d think you could roll the cluster out from the top, but you can’t. Not yet, anyway.
Middle Right: You need to replace any piece or sheet metal part that’s corroded. The guide coat allowed us to identify the damaged area. A rotary grinding tool with a sanding disc was used to knock all of the black guide coat areas down to bare metal in preparation for metal repair. For most other bodywork, you need to need to use 80-grit sandpaper on a long block to sand down the guide coat to identify the low areas, and often you can finish up guide coat sanding with 200 grit.
Bottom: Three coats of black base paint were applied to this truck before he put down the clear coat. Each time he’d wait until the paint “flashed” off, then tack rag again, and spray.
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Chapter 1: Finding a Project Squarebody
Overview of the 1973–1987 Chevrolet Pickup