A Cinnamon Afternoon. Adrian Tanase

A Cinnamon Afternoon - Adrian Tanase

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      A Cinnamon Afternoon

      by Adrian Tanase

      ISBN: 978-3-96917-511-8

      © 2020 Adrian Tanase

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

      Author: Adrian Tanase

      Cover: Adrian Tanase

      For contact and inquiries


      A Cinnamon Afternoon

      by Adrian Tanase

      Table of Contents

      1. Chapter 1 - A Surreal Day (21 poems)

      2. Chapter 2 - Memories from Childhood (7 poems)

      3. Chapter 3 - 3 PM (10 poems)

      4. Chapter 4 - Her (35 poems)

      5. Chapter 5 - At Night (13 poems)

      6. Chapter 6 - Out of Time (31 poems)

      7. Chapter 7 - Perceptions (27 poems)


      A Cinnamon Afternoon is a collection of 144 poems that introduces the reader to a surreal world, that exists intertwined with our mundane, casual world, where everything is interconnected and exists simultaneously as reality and also as imagination.

      Visions, contemplative states, delightful incursions in the lands where everything exists as sweet baked goodies, created and induced with the help of contemporary free-form poetry, keep the reader wanting to read more, so he can dwell again and again in the dimension where everything is just a fantasy seen from the corner of the eye. Add romance, out of time perceptions, surrealism, and mystery and you’ll start to get an idea on how this book unfolds, page after page.

      The book manages to create that atmosphere where maturity and child-like play are blending together, projecting the reader in a timeless dimension, right in his living room, guiding him through a series of joyful adventures where the imaginative mind plays its strongest point. Envisioning real-life situations through playful and often surreal eyes brings that coziness and heart mending space, where the reader feels the warmth of his serene self coming back as if a thousand pieces of his soul are forming the big puzzle, again.

      In just a few words, the book can be described as a poetic journey into an imaginary cinnamon world that we all wish for, in our innermost cherished dreams.

      a surreal day


      seeing the surface geometry

       of my room

       is all I need

       to come back again

       to this irregularly

       shaped world.

       I am always trying to be

       a square,

       or a triangle,

       trying to fit,

       in the diversity

       of this world’s

       many planes and forms.

       I am sitting quietly,

       sipping on my coffee

       and hearing

       distant piano chords

       from an old jazz melody

       which remind me

       that today,

       I am just an irregular triangle

       resting on one

       of its sides.


      a surreal teapot

       pouring tea in my cup by itself

       has reminded me

       it’s Thursday.

       ginger cookies and jam

       laying next to cubes of sugar

       on my table

       are smiling friendly

       at each other.


       my dreams are out of this world

       as I envision myself

       jumping from planet to planet

       in a joyful dance

       through a universe

       where everything is made

       of cookies.


      introspection of December,

       where my soul is resting

       in perfect symmetry

       with everything around me.

       I am a cube,

       facing red triangles of love,

       listening to the music

       of a long-forgotten time,

       I am the clear blue ocean

       surrounding the pristine islands,

       where no one has ever

       set foot

       in centuries.


      an afternoon of poetry

       seen through the wooden fence,

       makes everything less visible

       but more insightful,

       as one barely sees

       but can feel inside

       and imagine in his mind,

       what it would be like

       to live a life of poetry,

       in a world of free verse

       and where

       the sun is always allowing

       a happy life in the shade,

       for everyone to take part

       in the bazaar

       of melancholy and

       little cheap things.


      I woke up this morning

       feeling light and fresh

       as if nothing would bother anymore

       my blue sky filled with pastel white clouds.

       you broke my soul into so many pieces,

       looking at me

       with your candid and undisturbed face,

       but today,

       all those pieces came back

       in the form of biscuits and gingerbread,

       reconstructing, like a puzzle,

       my life,

       in its absoluteness.

       I woke up this morning,

       being me, again,

       in a world

       where love

       has never left.


      my green cupboard

       has its own story to tell

       ever since I saw it,

       waiting for me to open it

       for the first time.

       since then,


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